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Manhattan Modification General Topic

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Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.


also what the f**k is wrong with you this mod doesn't have any stolen property in it if you think it dose than just don't even post here just stay away and keep your mouth shut this is an epic mod and if you don't think so than back off instead of being a d**k head you g*d d**n p***k just back off and shut your mouth :) good day:)

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i hate people that post things like that its probily there jelous that you can mod and they cant so i speek on behalf of the god knows how many people downloaded the 1st version on saying keep up the good work guys :) and stuff the people who think you stole from other mods :) x

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Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.

I usually try not to use language on this site, but sir you are a ignorant JACK ASS! Sorry moderators I had to say it. Why don't you do a little research before posting your crap and pissing people off? Yes...

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We had a choice of either


or turnout gear. Seens as 90% of EMS calls are on the street we deemed it over the top for EMS to respond bunker gear to a colapsed person. EMS will usually stage outside the fire in the mod and R1 will do primary search, rescue and stabilization.

Hope this answers the question.

Okay, gotcha, I forgot you guys were doing Rescue 1 as an ALS unit, my fault. Quick question though, will we be able to control what staffing each unit has by simply putting by putting those units in the rig, or will it be predetermined how each rig is staffed, like when you use the alarm script in the LA mod?

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Hey MackseDK....I know you...your smell is familiar, your one of the losers that stalks forums and posts for the attention cuz your mother doesnt hold you enough and your father cant stand the sight of you. Oh yes, I have seen/smelled your kind before and Gentlemen, DO NOT let this proof of abnormal DNA material bring you down to the pond from which "it" resides. Epic work as always Manhattan Mod Team and wait for the EPIC release.

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Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.

#1 sir you need a well placed swift kick in the ass

#2 before you post anything hateful how about you wait for the full mod to release you'll be shocked about all the amazing things we have in this mod

#3 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/15806-crashing-to-desktop-after-running-editor-as-adminstrator/page__p__218711#entry218711 this is obviously the reason your pissed off you just fail at modding in general

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Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.


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Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.

Just to clear things up with everyone, yes we use GTA IV buildings thats it. Besides Hoppahs scripts and GTA building models everything else the manhattan mod team had made. No we have not made a script on our own from bottom to top but we sure as hell can do anything better than you will ever be able to. Modding, the word MODding! Changing or altering things! Not making a whole new game and selling it as your own! We simply used the building models to save time! We moddeled and textured the firehouses ourselves. We moddelled and textured the fire trucks our selves (besides Nnico's models) we did more than you ever will. We simply converted buildings for everyones sake. Making every custom building from scratch would take months and months like the new york modification is doing. We simply want people to have something of high quality and detail to play. So "this is the most sucking mod" is not gonna cut it my friend, im pretty sure just the other day you were begging to be allowed on the beta and clan,go climb in your tree and stay there, you are not welcome back. I will be sure you will never have the download once released. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.

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Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.

You're totally right, I agree, I mean, look at your mod, it puts winterberg to shame, I mean I forgot I'm playing Em4 when I play yours... Oh wait, I forgot, you don't have a mod.. Right.

We can still warn people for being assholes right? Yes, we can. I love my job. Oh look, you're in violation of the signature rules. gone. And try me, put it back, and you'll lose your signature rights. Forever. I've done it once, and you don't get a second chance, since you're an asshole.

Also, josh, watch your language. I don't care if it's censored or not, you're being a bit of an asshole there too. Consider this a final warning

and to all others. Continue this, and I'll ban you. I'm not kidding. 48 hours ban, plus 25% warning for fighting

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I saw the Battalion/Radio Commands video and it looks pretty cool. Out of curiousity what kind of units are link to each radio command, or will it just match the LA mod's original commands? Like for the Mass Cal will a MERV unit be called or will it be an additional ambulance? In any case the comms are still a pretty cool addition. Good luck with the remainder of the mod.

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I saw the Battalion/Radio Commands video and it looks pretty cool. Out of curiousity what kind of units are link to each radio command, or will it just match the LA mod's original commands? Like for the Mass Cal will a MERV unit be called or will it be an additional ambulance? In any case the comms are still a pretty cool addition. Good luck with the remainder of the mod.

I believe they're doing the standard FDNY alarms up through a fifth alarm.

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Correct me if im wrong here guys i dont know much about this subject

but dont the FDNY have grey SCBA? :)

either way the mod looks brilliant anyways :)

yea the fdnys bottles are a silver/metalic color, and as for the fdny ems using the tan gear the use it when responding to any fires or usually at night auto accidents but as per the ops guide for ems the turnout gear is to be worn at any incident in which the crew can come into contact with blood which could pretty much be any call they go on but most dont wear it

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Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.

why the hell do you care no one else does so :1046276160_schildbacktotopic:

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I'd like to see you do better, Get Out, for your own benefit.

You haven't seen the mod first hand, you don't know what's come from where, for all you know a lot of the things now might be there own stuff, so until you can prove your "accusations", Shut Up.

hi im new ive been watching this mod for a while best mod i have ever seen

And makes a change from what you said yesterday

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Honestly, I personally don't care where the textures, buildings come from. The previews and vids I've seen on their website look great, and obviously this forum @ 249 pages long is a testament to how much the community is excited for this.

Look at how many other people (and no offense to them) start mods or submods, maybe show a new skin or new unit and then never hear from them again. I played LA mod for about 2 years before I got a little bored. I think this project is going to keep me busy for another 2 years with new units, a new map, new commands and functions and an all-around new style of gameplay since it's taking place in NYC.

Anyways, good stuff Dyson and Rafael. Have a great weekend.

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