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Manhattan Modification General Topic

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The funny thing is this guy wont acknowledge my posts...he knows I am right and my posts come from my criminal law classes I took in college...The mod will come out as is....they wont change anything...If Rockstar does sue they wont be able to get any money because of the fact that they can only sue the Company aka Manhattan Mod Team...since the company has no money and is making no money so if they did happen to win they would win $0....No comercial revenue is being made from this mod so the use of the buildings and the credit the mod team is giving Rock Star is well within the copyright laws and they have the ability to use those buildings. Rockstar wont even care...lol...

Rockstar would lose money by pursuing a lawsuit because of them hiring a lawyer would cost thousands of dollars and they wouldn't get any money because the Manhattan mod team hasn't made any income off of this mod. They gave credit to rockstar in the read me and they even gave credit to Rockstar on earlier posts on the forums.

Just stop!!

Can everyone just stop with the nonsense! It's getting annoying, and its ruining the first look someone could have about this mod.

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I'm not making any statement on that, I get asked everyday, not shooting you down, just saying we cant release a date, because if we don't meet it we get shot down.

We wouldn't shoot you! If we shot you we wouldn't ever get the mod! :P Good work so far

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Guest MackseDK

The funny thing is this guy wont acknowledge my posts...he knows I am right and my posts come from my criminal law classes I took in college...The mod will come out as is....they wont change anything...If Rockstar does sue they wont be able to get any money because of the fact that they can only sue the Company aka Manhattan Mod Team...since the company has no money and is making no money so if they did happen to win they would win $0....No comercial revenue is being made from this mod so the use of the buildings and the credit the mod team is giving Rock Star is well within the copyright laws and they have the ability to use those buildings. Rockstar wont even care...lol...

It doesn't matter if Rockstar get 1$ or 100,000$ they will still get sued, at the background they already know the rights Rockstar wrote in 2006. Well, i wrote a cute mail message to Rockstar Games in San Diego, and lets see what they say..

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It doesn't matter if Rockstar get 1$ or 100,000$ they will still get sued, at the background they already know the rights Rockstar wrote in 2006. Well, i wrote a cute mail message to Rockstar Games in San Diego, and lets see what they say..

Dude, hears an idea, shut up, no one to be quiet frank, gives a crap what you have to say.

You can right as many "cute letters" as you like to rockstar games, how many letters do you think they get a day.

Yours probably wont even get read even then they WILL NOT CARE. Get a life.

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Leave him alone,he is probably 12 year old kid who doesn't know what to do and goes and troll and he thinks he is smartest and super cool,and i am wondering what did you wrote? About mod that didn't come yet,and maybe,as they are concern,even wont come out? Mod that will has,and will credit them for a couple of (3-4) buildings ? A mod that doesn't make money,but yet still takes donation for their work, which is measured in hundreds of work hours,if not thousandths? Are their going to hire lawyers for 1000 $ dolars pay or more per session just to take a few buildings down a get moral satisfaction? You should work for apple then,where people just like you blocked Samsung galaxy 10.1 in Germany just because it looked like iPad,but didn't really had anything to do with iPad.

I now i"m off topic now,wont happen again.

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met police, Look in each individual post, There's the Report, MultiQuote and a Quote button, The one you want is the Quote ^^^ Look up, Click that, and it will automatically put you into a reply with the Quoted Text.

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There was a hell of a lot of posts to cover, so instead of a reply to each and every post, I'm doing a full reply.

Mackdse, or whatever you are, you're banned, and not welcome on this site again. You're an idiot, there's really no easy way of saying that. Go read a few things before opening your mouth again.

Shadylasse, you've received a warning for not obeying ANY of the orders given, such as STOPPING! If you've got a problem with it, PM me, and we'll work on it.

Anyone else: I will close this topic until Rafael or Dyson personally PM's me letting me know they are ready to release, and it will not be reopened until then. Oh and anyone that starts more of these little fights, or continues with any will be banned. I'm serious. This is going WAY too far.

And for the record, rafael isn't in america, therefore pursuing him would require much more red tape than it is worth, I also believe dyson is from outside of america too. So all of your accusations are wrong, and trust me on this, I have worked in this kind of law before, and I know for a fact that what they are doing would not be pursued by rockstar. The fight is over now. If I come back, ANYONE participating in trouble causing activities will be banned, and this topic is gone. For good.

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Thanks Newfoundking, not trying to get people banned, but people refused to let it slide.

Anyway if you do decide to lock the topic it is understandable.

But on topic the cannon Iforgot to add on, details :P Sat 1 gets very few calls so is rarely checked :)

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