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  3. The game keeps crashing when i let the units go back to the HQ.........
  4. We are pleased to announce that a new modification is in the talks based on the capital city of Argentina, Buenos Aires. If you would like to be part or it or just follow the progress feel free to join us at our Discord server Cheers!
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  6. Does someone know if the swedish mod has been continued by someone else than TheVolume ? It is so sad to follow for years the good work done (fantastic work) and really not be able to enjoy the game with a swedish mod.   Please would appreciate feedback or some kind of information who to contact.

  7. @n00bingtarget ill have to look harder for it, thanks!!
  8. Not sure in this mod, but in most mods an alarm panel needs to be reset by a chief
  9. Hello everyone, I currently have the Harbor City mod installed and one of the missions is the AFD alarms. I sent some units to the building and enter it but I cant figure out how to complete and clear the call. Im probs missing something small but I cant find it! Thanks yall
  10. If the tunnels are oxygen controlled, then why did a car catch fire inside the tunnel 2 years ago? Curious as to why.
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  12. One more small little thing to showcase, some civ spec stuff that may appear in the mod. This GMC Yukon was edited from my Tahoe with the help of Itchyboy. Also, today we remember the nearly 3,000 souls that perished on this horrific day 23 years ago. I hope that in today's world of uncertainty, turmoil, and worry, we can come together as a community and mourn those we have lost and continue to lose. More than 7,000 American troops gave their lives in the resulting wars, perishing in the defense of freedom and safety for all around the world. Tens of thousands more would be injured, and we continue to lose many to suicide and illness. The 9/11 attacks may have now been 23 years ago, but it's effects are felt every single day. Many of us here may have been around on that day, and many of us not, regardless we owe it to those who have sacrificed so that we can be here today. Have a blessed day everyone, take some time out of your day to call your family or a friend, you never know what will happen tomorrow. We will Never Forget.
  13. TLDR make part that you dont want trnsparent, and attach nee body as a child, and id advice not to modify the bridge moddel, your units might stuck.
  14. This may end up being the best course of action, thank you EmC!
  15. You could try to modify the stock unit without damaging the animations.
  16. As soon as I replied to you I saw a video about it on YouTube, but you're right, it would be complicated and also does not fit in the US setting. We will have to see what happens with it.
  17. Germany has a machine called the M3 Amphibious Rig that is kind of similar, but would require a lot of new animation rigging to a point where it would probably be too much effort compared to its' value.
  18. Great question, and I do! The bulldozer carrier has some great potential for replacement. On the other hand, I have identified the pontoon bridge vehicle as a challenge. To my knowledge, there is not a real life counterpart to the vehicle, at least in the form that it is portrayed in game as being a self sufficient system that carries a boat and all of the of bridge pieces. I have not put much thought into it since it is way down the line, but as of now I could either "remaster" the vanilla vehicle by remodeling it, or I could just make up another type of imaginary vehicle. Both would be very challenging as I have no animating skills, which I could certainly learn, but ill have to cross that bridge when I come to it (pun intended). Thanks for the compliments. Possible replacement for bulldozer carrier:
  19. These look great! Do you have any plans to mess with some of the more obscure TEC vehicles, like the bridgelaying vehicle?
  20. Since the vanilla game does not feature coroners, its not planned. However updating the crane is absolutely planned. Thank you for the compliments!
  21. Looks amazing. And I like that the engineers van and tow truck are being updated. Now if the coroner's van gets updated. We will not have any more of those models that a ton of the community are probably sick of seeing. Seriously modders. When you make a mod. Can you please add in a custom tow truck, engineers van, and coroner's van? We are getting tired of seeing the same ones in a good chunk of mods. Now will the crane be updated? I would like to see that.
  22. Is that an International Cargostar, Itch? Either way. Looks good.
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