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  1. You know something, dude? I used to really look up to you. Out of the thousands of hours I've invested into this game, I'd reckon at least 15% of that was in your submod. It's been among my favorites since before I could even fathom the idea of making my own mods. As a matter of fact, the very first version of Hill Street Blues was made as just a little edit of your submod to kill some time during quarantine. I often return to your submod when I just wanna play the game without thinking about development or anything. So, it really hurts me that you have such little faith in our project. I can only home that we can prove you wrong when the mod is done.
    8 points
  2. Sadly the forum has an attachment limit. It wont let me, you or anyone else have more than 100mb I believe. I can easily cross 10mb per post, just by the amount of images I upload. Regardless, I bring good news. The spermCopter is complete, and I have both body variations made.
    8 points
  3. Ever since playing GTA3, I always interested in this kind of helicopter. I didn't think I'd be able to make one but it did get done. More variations to come in the future. This asset will also see action in LA.
    7 points
  4. This is where I step in and say, if ya'll wanna beef, do it in DM's. I'll keep these posts for another week or so then hide them to keep shit on topic. I won't lock the thread if everyone can play nice.
    3 points
  5. Itch and his teams got both Montana and Project Nostalgia to full releases, and are now working on additional versions to add more content such as civil cars and helicopters for Nostalgia. Personally I can live with the minor bugs that exist like the vehicles in Project Nostalgia disappearing in campaign missions when you use a water cannon, when the fix will eventually come with even more content. As for this project, CanadianFrog is working on Edgewater, Hill Street Blues, and NYStalgia at the same time. They'll get released when they get released and this is a community that can wait. Hell it took almost ten years to release the full version of Miami didn't it, nobody complained when it came out a fully polished product with an original map, functioning surfboards, etc.
    3 points
  6. I guess the strategy I had for posting photos is dead now. F to pay respects. There goes all the mod threads content. I'll have to go back to imgur, moving forward.
    1 point
  7. How to download Montana Mod? Idk how, pls help. Edit: Whoever downvoted me needs to touch grass, because I am a new player to Em4, and I have no clue how to do this crap. I am pretty sure you were in the same place as I was a million years ago. So instead of downvoting help or distress messages like this one, stop and help.
    1 point
  8. Good news, I have begun constructing the helicopters/air assets for this mod. This will sit unfinished for a while. I don't have the motivation to continue beyond what I have at the moment. This was quite a challenge to make in the first place. I have this unfinished model, that I will now nickname as the "Spermcopter"
    1 point
  9. I have a video for a Thunder Siren, which is the same kind of siren used on at least some of the MPPD vehicles. There's Wail, Yelp, Thunder, and Hi Lo.
    1 point
  10. Alright, it's been a few days, and it looks to be functionally fixed. So I've stopped monitoring the sheet. All is back to normal.
    1 point
  11. I've been looking too and so far didn't find much. I did see some youtube videos that showed their POV's as having only front/rear lighting and very basic setups. I also found another response video where no siren was audible however it is not conclusive proof of sirens not being allowed. If I were to interpret the law literally, POV's are only allowed red lights. The statute lists nothing on siren amps and it could be interpreted as "beyond the scope of the law" or it's a legal loophole. Maybe somoene from the state can confirm.
    1 point
  12. It's available on a lot of website
    1 point
  13. No FBI? Is this a sanctuary city mod?
    1 point
  14. I have watched these before! I though you jumped straight into them too quickly and was abit brief as I am not the best at modding!
    1 point
  15. FRS Langenselbold - A town virtual! Our Vision is to realise the little Town Langenselbold in Germany into Emergency4. Planed Features: - 10 new Missioncards in a MapChange System - 13 full usable Fire Brigade Cars - Autimated Police and Ambulance - many new Units - new exciting Missions with Special Effects - many new Scripts Be Fan of us on Facebook! FRS Langenselbold - Eine Stadt ganz virtuell! Unser Ziel ist es, Langenselbold und seine Umgebung so real wie möglich in Emergency 4 zu bauen! Folgende Features sind hierfür geplant: - 10 neue Einsatzkarten (entspricht ca. 50 Einsätzen) in einem MapChange System - 13 voll steuerbare Feuerwehrfahrzeuge der Feuerwehr Langenselbold - Vollautomatisierte Polizei und teilautomatisierter Rettungsdienst - viele überörtliche und kreisweite Einheiten - neue spannende Einsätze mit Special Effects - viele teils neue, teils alte bekannte Scripts wie Wasserversorgung, Innenangriff, erweiterte Alarmierung, etc. Werdet Fan unserer Feuer- und Rettungssimulation auf Facebook! Screenshots Here you find few Screenshots of our Project. Hier findet ihr einige wenige Screenshots zu unseren Arbeiten! ELW der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Langenselbold Autoren (EM4 Forum): ERS, mibblitz, Flo. Sauerland, Stingray, FireHunter, MaltaBerlin, Florian B., Patrick LF 20/16 der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Langenselbold Autoren (EM4 Forum): Florian Hagen, ERS, Waegi, Pioneer, Florian B., Mibblitz, Chidea, Lukas911, Heros Leer GW-Licht der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Langenselbold Autoren (EM4 Forum): David, Lars112, Pioneer, Patrick, Mibblitz Rettungswagen/Mehrzweckfahrzeug des DRK Langenselbold - Regelrettungsdienst Autoren (EM4 Forum): Florian Hagen, mibblitz, Chidea, Kassi89, Engine Co. 7, FireHunter, ERS, NNico, MaltaBerlin Rettungswagen/Mehrzweckfahrzeug des DRK Langenselbold -Sanitätsdienste/Rettungsdiensthintergrund Autoren (EM4 Forum): ERS, Kai Hahn, Chidea, mibblitz, MaltaBerlin, Fabi S. und Feuerfreak TLF 20/25 der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Erlensee Autoren (EM4 Forum): FlorianMark93, kasseläner, Heros Leer, Pioneer, AlusFire3, Lukas911, Patrick LF-KatS der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Maintal Hochstadt Autoren (EM4 Forum): Waegi, Leistelle Nord Ost, Flo. Heinsberg, mibblitz, TimmeyX, skaihof, Lukas911, Patrick, MaltaBerlin, Flo. Wesermarsch, xaviberlin
    1 point
  16. Version v1.3


    This is the latest version of the London Modification which includes a new edited freeplay map with various UK buildings and civil traffic along with updated units & personnel from the capital’s main emergency response services: The Metropolitan Police, London Ambulance Service & London Fire Brigade. Version 1.3 also includes new units from the City of London Police, British Transport Police & London’s Air Ambulance. Updates, information and any news about future versions of the mod can be found on the London Mod forum page: http://www.emergency-planet.com/topic/7861-london-mod-in-progress/#comment-98073
    1 point
  17. Well....I spent all day putting some videos together. So I hope you guys enjoy! Essential Modding Skills - Adding Vehicles Part 1 This video teaches you how to add a vehicle into a mod from scratch using an Empty Modification and some model files. This video a a full length tutorial. Unfortunately since there are so many steps this tutorial has been split into two parts. The second part I will work on tomorrow or Tuesday. EDIT: A link to Part 2 is posted in the first post. Quick Tip #1 - Make your editor Run As Administrator You can either give feedback or ideas for future videos here or on youtube.
    1 point
  18. Version 0.6


    The United States Army Mod is a modification for Emergency 4 and based on the presence of the US military in a Middle-Eastern region. The mod features an entirely new map, several army and local (middle-eastern) emergency units, new events, unique units, a development tree and much much more. You can expect a total overhaul of the original game and fun and addictive gameplay! Important installation/play notes: 1. Remove any older US Army Mod installations (such as versions 0.4b and 0.5) 2. Download and extract the .zip package 3. Install the .e4mod file 4. Launch the game and load the US Army mod 5. Use the mission-menu and select 'Play United States Army Mod' to launch a new game The US Army mod is not freeplay nor multiplayer compatible! Don't forget to check out the US Army Mod Subforum for the latest news and discussions about this modification.
    1 point
  19. My dudes, its a rural area mod. Scarcity of resources is THE thing that most separates urban areas (play the LA mod) from rural areas (Montana mod). There's only so many ways to simulate scarcity of resources in a mod.
    0 points
  20. 1,448 downloads

    emergency 4 updated units V1.2 coming soon!
    -1 points
  21. It’s just how Itchboy wants it. The original V1.2 is around somewhere
    -1 points
  22. that and the creator has their rights and the creator of this mod is also a moderator of the forms so it wouldnt be the best idea any way
    -1 points
  23. V2.0.1 had a lot of bugs and crashes hence the removal. You also have to remember not everyone is motivated the same way to work on the same project. Look at the Miami Mod for instance it was about 8 years till the version we see now was out. Just need to be patient and wait.
    -1 points
  24. Yeah yeah, and my town has like 770 people. We are 30 mins away from a small city, and 2 and a half hours away from the Provincial capitol. My town's VFD has like a dozen people in its roster, 4 fire trucks, and 2 EMR-rated ambulances. Edit: Em4 Monida Pass is set to have 1,020 people, which makes Monida Pass a 3rd class city. 3rd class cities need a minimum of 1000 people, and a max of 5,000, and Monida Pass is barely scraping between the max population of a town and the minimum population of a 3rd class city. My town has more vehicles and people than Monida Pass does, despite the population and resource differences.
    -1 points
  25. UPDATE (12/29/2022): v2.5 RELEASED (forum account required for download link) Download is a text file with Mega link, copy and paste that link into your browser to download mod files! Make sure to read the included User Guide, as the mod has many new script based features you will not be familiar with using if you haven't played v2.5 yet. !!Regular Freeplay will NOT work, due to all the new scripts and features!! It will give you a blank map. Instead, go to Campaign/Missions -> Freeplay script to play freeplay. Mod Summary: The Montana Mod includes many new vehicles, personnel, structures, and equipment. It is set in an alternate history/re-visualization of the real-life ghost town of Monida Pass, in Beaverhead County, Montana. The mod provides the player with control over the first responders of an American small town and changes the look and feel of the gameplay environment to match. Itchboy has graciously lended his expertise and added multiple scripts for in-depth player control of Fire, EMS, and PD functions! Media can be found on the Download page above!
    -1 points
  26. Version 2.5


    The Montana Mod includes many new vehicles, personnel, structures, and equipment. It is set in an alternate history/re-visualization of the real-life ghost town of Monida Pass, in Beaverhead County, Montana. The mod provides the player with control over the first responders of an American small town and changes the look and feel of the gameplay environment to match. All content in this mod may NOT be used in other mods! Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from this mod. Conversion of any assets to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited. Reuploading this mod to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
    -3 points
  27. "Full releases" that IMO should have had just a touch more stability to them. I will take quality over quantity. "a community that can wait" it really can't though! It's pretty much dead compared to 2009-2010. Sorry to disappoint you, and thank you for the kind words that you still enjoy my projects. As newer, far more complex mods came out, I lost complete interest in my own. Perhaps a better way to put it would be that I disagree with the development cycle. It's been close to 2 years sine Montana 2.5 came out. I'm not saying the mod was a bug ridden mess, far from it. Almost 2 years later and not a single patch. I'd be happy to have just 1 maybe 2 patches by now. It's not like I didn't post like 5-10 bug reports when it came out. That's not even counting unique bug reports by others. Not 1 single patch! Not a single script fix or XML fix. Nothing in 2 years. New Civilian vehicles are cool but in ~2 years nothing has been (publicly) fixed. New civilian cars aren't whats needed at this time. Fix up SOME of the more basic script errors/minor bugs that can quickly and easily be fixed. Then give us an update ~3/6 months later with SOME new Civ vehicles. Then in another ~3/6 months, give us a few more civ vehicles and maybe a new feature or useful emergency vehicle/apparatus. Not an exact scenario, but you get the idea. My first submod had like 10 patches released. My second submod went through some private alpha and beta stages between myself and/or other modders. It saw 2 or 3 public betas if memory serves me right. I was 10 years younger with a lot more free time on my hands. I don't have the time to contribute near as much as I did. I have reached out to certain modders to offer to pitch in here and there in hopes of being able to at least slightly accelerate the development pace, but here I am making this post. Models are one thing, but I feel like if the modding community would simply setup git repos for their mods curial files, it would help everyone collaborate better.
    -3 points
  28. Sounds like another project that will see half ass completion by the team. Montana 2.5, Nostalgia, and this or that project gets released as a beta or full release when even basic functions don't properly function and a year or so later we don't even have a patch to fix the smallest of bugs. There is great talent in this community to date, but to many half @$$ projects these days.
    -10 points
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