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Everything posted by Voodoo_Operator

  1. 1- Check previous post's date. 2- If previous post's date > 1 month, do not post here, this topic is dead. Besides, I think this was to be a MW3 topic, but it quickly turned into a pathetic fanboy battle between MW3 and BF3. Had I seen this earlier, it would have been closed much sooner. And now, it is. Feel free to start another post when both games are released and you can make an actual comparison in terms of gameplay instead of just commenting on E3 demo footage and rumors.
  2. The next person who posts something about Facebook becoming a pay site will be banned, courtesy of yours truly. If you're the kind of tool who believes such BS, you're way too dumb to hang out around here.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Newfoundking


      Chuck Norris fears the super ban

    3. RedHawk504


      lol hmm who is left o yeah lady gaga muahahahhaha

    4. Voodoo_Operator


      If it's the Lady Gaga from 3-4 years ago, the one whose act consisted in wearing as few clothes as possible on stage, you've got me there.

      If it's the current Lady Gaga with the eff'd up costumes, I'll pass.

  3. Montreal still operates a couple of '90 Macks and '92 Freightliners as main engines in some stations. But to be fair, most of them are being phased out since a couple of years and are turned into reserve units. For the last 5 years, they've all been replaced with E-One engines like this one: Unlike a lot of fire engine buffs, I'm not a big fan of the Q siren they've got on the new rigs. I miss those old deep-sounding Code 3s. Ok, so I realize the early '90s doesn't seem that old. Here's something else, though. This "thing" was in service until the early 2000s. Retro rotating beacon FTW.
  4. That's funny. I ran a search on this page, and the word "family" (or "families", for that matter), can't be found anywhere on this page. However, I'm pretty sure that first responders were not invited because the event is for the families of the victims to remember the ones they lost on that day, and that the area cannot physically accommodate more people. Period. If you think the "lack of room" excuse is lame, do the math: 2500+ victims... All of these people probably had husbands, wives, daughters, sons, boyfriends, girlfriends, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers... How many people is that? Is the site really big enough to accommodate thousands more people? And then why not invite the survivors as well? And the victims' friends, who sometimes almost count as family? Choices have to be made sometimes, and I believe it's selfish to not respect that. As far as I know, there are other ceremonies planned to honor emergency workers. It's not like they're completely forgotten. Does it hurt that much to let the families mourn their lost ones in peace, on the anniversary of their death, on the site where they disappeared? /my two cents
  5. Oh, right. I thought you were talking to me since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in this topic who used French so far. Never mind then. Oh and...
  6. Sorry, that was me trying to get a message accross to our friend over there. For the record, I'm a French Canadian, and even we think the French can come accross as pompous and arrogant. So I figured I'd let him know in a language to which he is familiar. BTW... Google Translator is your friend if you really want to know what I said, although some of this stuff may turn out to be completely nonsensical.
  7. Et voilà pourquoi au Québec, on dit "Maudits Français!" Si t'as envie de faire chier les gens, va faire un tour dehors et fais chier un de tes concitoyens au hasard sur la rue. Pour autant que de se faire chier, ça se passe strictement entre Français, nous on a la paix et donc on s'en fout. Mais si tu continues à venir déverser tes conneries ici, je vais m'occuper de toi personnellement. Parce que je sais que tu peux me comprendre si je dis quelque chose d'horrible et terrifiant alors que tous les autres ici ne pigent que dalle. Mon cher ami, continue à faire le guignol et je peux te garantir que toi et moi, on va en virer une tabarnak.
  8. The forum is not for advertisements. This is the last warning you'll ever get about this.
  9. Actually, I believe those statements, no matter which game is cited, aren't valid. Otherwise, you then have to also believe the statements according to which other shooting sprees have been caused by GTA, Call of Duty, Doom and the likes. My point was that I don't believe that games such as GTA or Call of Duty, which are played casually, cause any change in a person's behavior. However, games like WoW, which incite players to become dependant in order to level up their characters, really cause harm to a people's behavior by isolating them from the world that surrounds them. The results are not going on a shooting spree, but rather failing to fulfill your needs and obligations in the real work, such as seeing your loved ones, going to/looking for work, and eventually cleaning up your house, managing your personal hygiene and eating. We've all heard of the horrible stories of people who died or caused the death of their infant childs by lack of attention, after playing WoW or Farmville for 50 hours straight. It's interesting that you would bring up the case of the Norway shooter, though. From what I've heard, he wasn't actually playing WoW, but rather PRETENDED to be an intensive WoW player, in order to give him an excuse to be distant from his friends while he was working on his horrible plan. It goes to show the reputation of WoW players as being social outcasts.
  10. I've never tried the game - not interested at all by the subject matter, or by having to pay a monthly subscription to a game that I already paid full price. To me, that amounts to idiocy. However, I do know some people who play the game and... wow (no pun intended). Strangely enough, what sets them aside is that they all seem to have strong social deficiencies. And I'm not saying that to be mean or anything, I say it because it's true. They all have a questionnable social behavior while interacting with others. However, when they interact between fellow WOW players, they suddenly become very sociable, as long as you can get over the fact that their only topic of discussion is WOW. I think this is one of the only games that really screw up with people's minds and behaviors. Forget GTA or CoD, if there's a game that actually harms people, I think it's WOW.
  11. Ok, I think the debate has lasted long enough here. Time to get back on topic. Any post below this line concerning this argument will result in a warning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. ironcitycats, you bring up a very valid point and I, for one, agree with you. I believe I've pointed out before that while there are dozens of "WIP" mods that generate hundreds of pages of comments out a few small updates every now and then, there are still only about 10 mods that ever got completed and released. I don't think anyone should take offense in this. It's just an ascertainement.
  13. Where in the world did you get those vehicles for Arma? Or did you convert them yourself?
  14. Wow... I'm just speechless. You do know that chrisblaalid lost friends in the massacre, right? And yet you're selfish enough to ask when the mod will be released. Wow. It blows my mind. Well you get the usual warning for asking for release dates, but your posting privileges are suspended for 4 days instead of the usual 2 because, let's face it, that was just disgusting of you.
  15. *sigh* Whatever, man... The other topic wasn't an offense to anything in the first place, so, heh, why bother... Topic closed.
  16. Correct. Well, actually, what sunk them was the MMO part which was a terrible, terrible idea. By the time they converted it to the single player experience that it should have been all along, it was too late. The game is stunningly beautiful (and can provide pretty sweet wallpaper-worthy screenshots), but the gameplay is... meh. It lacks the depth of SimCity.
  17. What's with all the unrelated Facebook status updates?

    1. Stan


      It only kept the facebook ones on update i guess

  18. Uh... okay? No, you won't get warned or banned or anything. It's not like you really stole anything, you just attempted to start something that pretty much already existed. No big deal. But please... "I was sleeping while this topic was written"? But then you're "sorry for causing anything wrong"? C'mon. If this was anything more important than a duplicate topic, I'd actually want to ban you for blatantly lying like that. But since this is absolutely nothing to be sorry about in the first place, I'll let it slide...
  19. Cities in Motion is relatively modable, although I haven't seen any new models for it yet. It has an editor to create new cities, and there are a couple of gameplay mods out there since most assets of the game (outside of 3D models) are controlled by text files. I also saw some repaints. Cities XL 2011 also has a couple of mods, but then again, no new models (Although I have seen one being done, but information on how to do this has apparently not been spread anywhere last time I checked). Most mods are code-based tweaks that add in-game elements (unlocking hidden buildings, modifying the behavior of roads, etc). Apparently there's a version coming this fall called Cities XL 2012, which will supposedly handle modding.
  20. I bet you didn't the TOS when you signed up, did you? Asking for release dates on your first post... good job. The good news is, you'll now have 2 full days to read the TOS.
  21. Good luck finding a copy of those. The company went bankrupt.
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