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Everything posted by Voodoo_Operator

  1. I had been itching to do something radical, and you just gave me an excellent reason to free the beast within. Thanks. See ya when I say so.
  2. Please, for the love of god and the sake of the server, post a link to your animated flashing thingies and not an image. Also, everyone else, please do not quote whole posts containing the flashing animated thingies. Aight? Thank you.
  3. You've got 24 hours to prove you're not a spambot, then banned.
  4. Sadly, you're right. We've come to a point in our society where people become offended at the slightest criticism, as founded as it may be. A society that discourages criticism in favor of the "everybody's a winner, everybody's great" doctrine is a society that is condemned to live in mediocrity. Personally, I'll fight to the bitter end for my right to call dumb people dumb, lazy people lazy, noob people noobs, bad ideas bad, and so on. That is, until they throw me in jail for it - which shouldn't be too far off now. I would recommend viewing the movie "Idiocracy", by Mike Judge, starring Luke Wilson. It's a good preview of what our world might look like in a few years if we keep submitting to the will of dumb people.
  5. Burger King is all microwave and no love. McDonald's is... well, it's McDonald's. And I never heard about that Burger Ranch (I guess they don't have them in Canada) My personal favorites are A&W and Harvey's (I'm pretty sure the latter is only for us Canucks, though - actually, same thing for the former, the Canadian branch of A&W is completely unrelated to the American one since the early 1970s.)
  6. Attention RCMP submod fans, please read this message: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/15679-important-message-for-all-rcmp-submod-fans/ Thank you.
  7. Starting now, I am removing all animated GIF signature pics for the RCMP submod. Please keep in mind the site rules for signature pictures: The current RCMP submod fan images do not comply to these rules. I noticed some of those files are over 7 MB big. That is WAY too huge and thus unacceptable. You're eating away forum users' bandwidth, turning whole topic pages into unreadable light shows, and putting a strain on this site (you may have noticed many outages lately) when you use images this big. You're free to use signature pictures as long as they comply to the image and file size criteria listed in the quote above. I will indiscriminately remove all images that don't. Thank you. EDIT: By the way, in theory, the non-animated "Official supporter of the RCMP" banner is too wide by site rules (600px width instead of 500px) but I'll let it slide as long as you don't use the bigger animated gifs. Also, the rules mean that you can only have ONE signature picture - the numbers given in the rule are for the whole signature and not for every individual picture (in theory you could have 2 or more small ones, but seeing as most pictures are already on par with the limits or slightly exceed them, double/triple deckers will not be tolerated)
  8. Who died and made you moderator? If a thread is buried, no need to close it. And certainly no need to unbury it just to say it's closed. Next time you do that, you get a warning. And now, since you've left me no choice, thread closed fo'real.
  9. Nah, it's the other way around. Sometimes comments have to be deleted - and nothing says "Don't ever make that kind of comment again" like a friendly message.
  10. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I realize I forgot a lot of important stuff - including the dog. Red Dead Redemption had a lot of animals roaming the map. I'm hoping the GTA V dog wasn't just eyecandy for a trailer, but that instead it introduces a lot of possibilities to the game world (missions involving guard dogs or police dogs, wild animals outside of the city, etc)
  11. Sadly, I don't think there's an important enough market for any major publisher (especially Rockstar) to get involved in making PD/FD simulators. This is the market for budget developers, who make cheap games that they can in turn sell for cheap and not really care about profit.
  12. You know what I'd like? A firefighting game, except that your firefighter can go buy guns, shoot people in the face, steal cars and get it on with prostitutes. That would be, IMO, the perfect firefighting game. See what I did there?
  13. All games that come out, no matter good or bad, epic or not, actually go for 60$ on consoles, and 50$ on PC. Then they go down gradually depending on a series of factors (time, publisher, quality, availability on Steam, etc). If past releases are any indication, the PC version of GTA5 is unlikely to come out at the same time as console versions. It usually takes between 8 months and a year for Rockstar to convert its titles to PC (and I think it actually took more than that for GTA4). My advice to you: get the console version to experience the game, then wait a few months after the PC version has been released to get it on PC as well - in a bundled version including all GTA titles ever made for 10 bucks (No kidding, I found exactly that last week... GTA I thru Episodes from Liberty City, 10 bucks total).
  14. I thought I had put it in the thread description? Hmmm... something went wrong here. Fixin' it...
  15. Here's an in-depth analysis of the GTA V trailer, with pictures and timestamps: First, the trailer, in case you missed it: -0:18: Don't know if this is just a cutscene, or if it may indicate a potential mini-game... Remember, TBoGT had a mini-game set at a driving range (also, a lot of people complained that the mini-golf in Broker couldn't be used)... maybe this time they included a whole 18-hole golf mini-game? -0:18 (2): There's a blimp hovering over the city. Perhaps a parody of the Goodyear blimp? Drivable? http://i40.tinypic.com/iz6gj9.jpg -0:19: Jetskis, obviously. He's going under a bridge in a port area... San Pedro? -0:20: Obviously, a huuuuuge mountain... Mount Chiliad? (Although it was located closer to San Fierro than Los Santos in San Andreas) It's impossible to tell how far it actually is from the city itself. Exploration, hiking? -0:24: Car animations; Automated convertible roof... activated by the push of a button? Maybe hinting at other functions on more interesting vehicles (forklift, tow truck, bulldozer, etc)? -0:29: Seems like the area outside the actual city is pretty huge. A lot of people are saying the setting is "San Andreas", although I refuse to use that term as it would also include SF and Vegas. Still, this game obviously won't be limited to the immediate city like GTA4 was (Fun fact: original plans for GTA4 included a good part of Liberty State... I would have liked to see that, maybe they'll do it in a future game). -0:32: Freeways, and a hint at what the different areas of the city may be. "Downtown", "Little Seoul", "Las Puerta/Fuerta Freeway" (and another freeway at the very left of the screen, but it's hard to see). http://i42.tinypic.com/oj15ig.jpg - 0:42: Crop duster. This is one of many hints that drivable planes are making a comeback. This could be used in a mission or a minigame, too... http://i42.tinypic.com/205xnco.jpg - 0:46: "Putting the FU in Fumigate"... Good one, Rockstar. http://i39.tinypic.com/o8arm8.jpg - 0:47: This area looks very much like Rodeo Drive. Also, silenced AKs? http://i40.tinypic.com/1zdaiz4.jpg - 0:47, 0:50, 1:06 : Seems like we're back to real random license plates instead of the generic "Liberty City" plates from GTA4. - 0:50 : A glimpse of the Capitol Records building. http://i43.tinypic.com/da8y.jpg - 0:51: Tractor trailer. Again, a good occasion for missions or minigames. The "Up N Atom Burgers" logo is an obvious parody of the In-N-Out Burger fast-food chain which I believe is pretty popular in California... competition for Burger Shot? (Some people may also remember this being the catchphrase for Radioactive Man in the Simpsons, as well as - more obscurely - the nickname of a B-29 which was to be used for nuclear bombings during WW2) Their "Once it pings, eat like kings" slogan sounds to me like a pretty clever jab at fast-food chains that cook their crappy food in microwaves... something that Burger King does ("eat like kings"?). Oh Rockstar... http://i43.tinypic.com/2uqdpp2.jpg - 0:55: House for sale? Maybe you'll be able to purchase real estate again? - 0:57: Good 'ole prostitutes. What would GTA be without them? - 1:01: Holy s**t! Fighter jet? Really? At this speed and distance, it's hard to tell, but I'd say F-22 or F-35 (GTA:SA had an Harrier) - Probably still going to be called the Hydra. http://i42.tinypic.com/ifvqqb.jpg - 1:04: Oil wells made by "Brute" - which was a notable manufacturer of trucks and other heavy vehicles in GTA4. http://i41.tinypic.com/9h3o7c.jpg - 1:06: A realistic parody of the LAPD, complete with a realistic blue and red Code 3 lightbar. http://i42.tinypic.com/2z6i0yv.jpg - 1:07: Probably doesn't make sense since Rockstar has said in GTA4 that all previous characters were "dead", but could this be an older CJ? If he his, I'd say he's a secondary character - the main one likely being the voiceover, who sounds like a middle-aged white male. http://i39.tinypic.com/npoyhf.jpg - 1:08: Individual numbering on police cars? Could it be? http://i44.tinypic.com/258rsl5.jpg - 1:10: Learjet kind of plane (In GTA:SA it was called the Shamal, I believe). Vinewood is back. - 1:11: Seems like a crapload of smog. Also gives an idea of the scale of the city... the plane flies over the Vinewood sign heading towards downtown, I'd estimate the distance between the two to be about the same as flying from Broker to midtown Algonquin in GTA4. Just a guesstimate, though... Although it could just be due to the editing, and the video is actually of 2 different planes... my LA geography is rusty, but in the second shot, the plane appears to be flying towards downtown from the ocean, with a building that looks like the LA city hall at the far end of the screen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if it flew in from behing the Hollywood sign, it would be coming from accross the buildings in the second shot. http://i44.tinypic.com/2aiggg1.jpg Some observations specifically about cars (new ones, variants of GTA4 models, and comebacks): - 0:24: Huntley (looking a bit different from the Huntley Sport in GTA4, with a higher suspension... this looks more like a standard Range Rover, and will likely be just called Huntley) http://i41.tinypic.com/ndkfma.jpg - 0:24: The red convertible sounds quite sporty, and shares some looks with the Comet from GTA4... perhaps GTA's version of a Boxster? It can also be seen in the police chase later in the trailer... I'd say it looks like an Audi TT with a Porsche's nose and an Aston Martin's rear. I'm guessing the front end being similar to the Comet's is a good clue that it will be built by the same in-game manufacturer (Pfister). http://i43.tinypic.com/2n1w8j7.jpg - 0:32: Landstalker and Premier, same models as in GTA4. http://i42.tinypic.com/oj15ig.jpg - 0:47: Kinda looks like a Speedo, but slightly different (without the black plastic trim on the tail lights, and with a shape resembling that of the Pony or Burrito from GTA4. Can anyone read the brands on the doors? http://i40.tinypic.com/1zdaiz4.jpg - 0:50: Another sporty convertible, which vaguely looks like a BMW. Although it's hard to tell, the logo on the hood seems to be the same as on the GTA4 Sentinel, which was made by Ubermacht, GTA's equivalent of BMW. http://i40.tinypic.com/11s2tue.jpg - 0:52: Jeep-like vehicle... Probably the Mesa Grande making a comeback... It's easier to see it at 0:54, it looks like a recent 4-door Jeep Wrangler. There's also what seems to be another type of offroad vehicle accross the street. At first I thought it was the same car, but upon closer examination, the other one looks like an old military-style vehicle, possibly a 1960s Land Rover Defender. http://i42.tinypic.com/154aezl.jpg - 0:55: Karin Futo, same as GTA4. http://i42.tinypic.com/359ab1g.jpg - 0:57: Old Trans-Am like car... it's hard to see. I'd say it's the Phoenix making a comeback. Could also be a Ruiner older than the 80s-ish model in GTA4. http://i44.tinypic.com/2qnpkjp.jpg - 0:58: This one looks like a mix between a Porsche Carrera GT and an Audi R8, although I'd go for the latter as it doesn't share the Porsche looks of the Comet and the aforementioned Pfister convertible. I don't think GTA4 had an Audi equivalent, so this may very well be a new brand. A Sultan and a Manana, same as in GTA4, can also be seen in that shot. http://i40.tinypic.com/bijwck.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/64f281.jpg - 0:58: A semi-truck looking considerably more modern than GTA4's Phantom. It appears to be based on the Biff. http://i40.tinypic.com/2n9gqvs.jpg - 1:01: Habanero, from GTA4 (I don't miss a single one, do I?) http://i42.tinypic.com/34fktb7.jpg - 1:06: Vapid Police Cruiser. I wonder if the Police Patrol will also be in the game, seeing as the LAPD doesn't use Impalas. Maybe the Police Buffalo? http://i42.tinypic.com/2z6i0yv.jpg - 1:09: Glimpse of an ambulance. Seems to be the same model as in GTA4, including the same old Vector lightbar. Also, it appears to be white, suggesting that they're not going for LAFD ambulances - maybe an AMR parody (or going for the old LAFD paint scheme). Mind you, this is still the first trailer, so it could very well the LC ambulance used as a placeholder until they come up with something better. http://i40.tinypic.com/2cf3728.jpg
  16. Haha! Nice! "Obey and survive"... I was a bit disappointed by the LCPD cruisers which just recycled the NYPD's "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect" without any puns. Let's hope they've also got something similar in stock for eventual CHP cruisers. Here's a more in-depth analysis, complete with pictures: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/15615-the-gta-v-trailer/
  17. Ditto. Compare with other concept art for Niko and Francis, it's definitely not them.
  18. You know, it's Grand Theft Auto. Not Fire Department Simulator. Just saying...
  19. The map probably won't be the size of LA Noire - it would be a mistake if they did. LA Noire's map was an exact, street-by-street recreation of 1940's LA (they did leave out many areas, but those that were in the game were based on actual 1940s era city maps and aerial photos). Which made for a huge map... with mostly boring areas with nothing to see. And looooooooong drives through street after street of war-era bungalows while getting from point A to point B. I'm surprised that they bothered adding hidden collectibles in that map - I doubt anyone would have the patience to look for them all. I'd expect a map more along the lines of that of Midnight Club Los Angeles in terms of size, with more emphasis on detail and exploration than racing. MCLA's map was pretty huge, but left out some areas that would obviously be part of a GTA map (LAX, for example).
  20. Well San Andreas was a huge map comprising three cities and a couple more villages and forest/desert areas. While Red Dead Redemption showed us that Rockstar can still make huge maps, I doubt they'll go for the whole three-city map once again. They'll concentrate on making one huge, accurate, detailed city instead. If the rumors about Los Santos/LA prove to be true, given the real-life scale of the Los Angeles metro area, I think we're due for a huge map, probably bigger than Liberty City. I wonder if/how they'll handle closed areas on the map though... New York, with its islands, was quite easy to block off - just barricading the bridges and tunnels. AFAIK, Los Angeles doesn't really have natural obstacles crossed by bridges or tunnels that could easily seperate significant chunks of the city. There's the LA river bridges, of course, but it doesn't seem as obvious to me to block them off than New York's Hudson and East river. Then again, TLAD and TBOGT featured a fully opened city right from the beginning... the argument was that their protagonists were natives of the city and that GTA4's impassable roadblocks were just Niko's "perception" of the city's paranoia towards foreigners.
  21. Well, obviously, it's going to be on par, if not a step up, from GTA 4. Why on earth would they revert to using the GTA 3 engine? That thing is over 10 years old and was already showing its age when it was used for San Andreas and Bully back in 2005-2006 I expect they'll be using a slightly improved version of the Rage engine. Some rumors say they might use the facial animation technology from LA Noire, but I doubt it...
  22. http://games.ign.com.../1210615p1.html About time if you ask me... The official trailer comes out on Nov. 2. Next location? Next character? New era? New features? Tie-ins to GTA4's storyline? Speculate away. My 2 cents: the "V" logo, upon closer examination, seems to be styled like US currency (same font for the "Five", and the green pattern on the "V". At this point I'm not sure if that points to the theme or the location (or both). For the former, it could pretty much mean anything... Money and crime pretty much go together, I guess. For the latter, that more or less narrows it down... Las Venturas/Las Vegas could be represented by money, I guess. On the other hand, I doesn't have quite a special relation with Vice City, San Fierro or Los Santoss. It could have one with Liberty City, considering all the latest Wall Street issues, but I doubt they'll return to LC right away. What I'd like to think? Those greens are a reference to the Federal Government, and GTA is headed to a new location: Capital City a.k.a. Washington DC. I could see a lot of interesting tie-ins with current affairs, politics, the military and espionage. The GTA series has seen its fair share of politicians and shady government characters (Vice City's congressman Alex Shrub, San Andreas' Mike Toreno, GTA4's United Liberty Paper guy, TLAD's creepy Tom Stubbs, and I'm probably forgetting a lot of other secondary and radio characters.) It could make for a pretty interesting experience if those characters all met in the same city. On the other hand, the evidence from the past few years all pointed to Los Santos. The greens could be a reference to the theme rather than the location - money imagery is often closely related to the hip-hop culture, and LS seems to be a fitting location for that. I'm not expecting a different era this time around - pretty sure it's going to be a recreation of modern-day Los Angeles.
  23. Here's a random anecdote about me: I once shot at someone with a spear gun. And missed.
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