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Everything posted by Voodoo_Operator

  1. That sounds like an unlikely fanboy rumor if I've ever heard one.
  2. Microsoft should have bought the rights to that font (originally the MS Flight Simulator) and refused to license it to anyone else. (originally the MS Flight Simulator & Train Simulator font). It's been overused by way too many rubbish games that try to pass as quality products.
  3. Definitely Xbox. Since the PS3 is a japanese console, its exclusives are often japanese games. And I can't stand those. They always make very strange and non-intuitive design choices that seem to appeal to japanese audiences, but just annoy the hell out of anyone else.
  4. I believe "follow the topic" just means you'll get your email inbox or pm box flooded every time someone posts here. (Which means, ironically, that I just flooded 101 innocent inboxes). Ok, maybe it doesn't work like that, but I'm just saying it's probably doing something similar.
  5. Ok, that's enough. Bigal, you've annoyed me once again and thus we'll see you in two days. Everyone else, I contacted Lovheim this morning, and I was hoping this debate was over, but for the record: The rules of this site are clear: You DO NOT ask for release dates. What happens if you do ask for them anyway is you get banned for two days. What happens if you ask for them again is you get banned for 5 days. If you don't like it, feel free to go to any other modding community out there and see how they well react to obnoxious little shits constantly asking "Is it done yet?". End of debate.
  6. Nice Fury. However, those license plates don't work. Not only are they way too recent for a 1970s car (this one was issued between 2001 and 2010), but NYPD cars have always had their own license plates that have nothing to do with the civilian ones issued by the state. For that particular timeframe, you'd want a plain blue license plate (same color as the car) with a white border, the unit number written in white, and "NYC POLICE" written in small white letters under the unit number. See this page for a few examples: http://policecarwebsite.net/fc/ny/nypd/nypd1970.html
  7. Calm down and don't double post. If someone can help, they'll post here in time.
  8. Voodoo_Operator


    What exactly is your problem?
  9. Another entry from the mod-that-will-never-be: Ford E-Series ambulance from Urgences Santé, Montreal's government-run ambulance service.
  10. You went fishing for release dates, but instead you caught a warning and a 5 day posting ban. Doesn't that suck?
  11. That's my point. They've got to come up with a way to hear sounds in space. Surely they can figure that one out. Also, you may know that Chewbacca's voice was made of bear recordings, but here's something else:
  12. If scientists could come up with away to add the screeching, it would be that much more awesome.
  13. Riiiiight. Alright, you'll get to post again when I say so. (Damn, I had the perfect YouTube video for this, but it won't let me embed)
  14. It sounds a little too high-pitched to be a V-CON (but it could still be another Code 3 siren). Montreal has been using the V-CON for years, it sounds deeper. Here's one:
  15. Hmmm. How could I put this? What that guy said. Enjoy your well-deserved 2 day ban, buddy. You've already been warned about this in the past, so 5 days.
  16. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa... When people start calling each other "prick" and "walking abortion", it becomes hard to call it civilized. I promised myself I'd close this thing if it ever got out of hand, and it just has. Also, this chocolate-pancake-and-sausage-on-a-stick thing just made me puke in the back of my mouth. Not cool. Look at the bright side: This topic managed to stay alive for a whole two weeks, which is two weeks more than I expected it to be running before I'd have to close it. And now, ladies and gentlemen, topic closed.
  17. Are you talking about modding the casing or changing the UI?
  18. Don't be sorry, use the "Edit" button instead. Next time = warning.
  19. I'm banning you because I can actually do it for real. And because the comment above was among the dumbest I've ever seen. And because I should already have done it long ago. But somehow you managed to have me forget you over time.
  20. You're right, I actually meant Starcraft. And I was 2 hours short of the actual number of hours, apparently.
  21. Funny, when I think about that, I usually think about Korea. Also, spending 48 straight hours playing World of Warcraft until you die.
  22. From now on, all Portuguese posts that do not contain an English translation will be removed. The official languages of this forum are English and Dutch. A partir de agora, todas as mensagens Português que não contenham uma tradução em Inglês serão removidos. As línguas oficiais deste fórum são Inglês e Holandês.
  23. It's a fact that the last Crown Vic has rolled off the assembly line in September, and that the St. Thomas assembly plant, which produced the Panther platform, is now closed. (Source) (Other source) So, no, they're not making them anymore. As for selling them, well... it's possible that they're liquidating the remaining 2011 stock produced before the plant closed down, although I find that strange since demand has apparently been very high for the last produced CVs, so they'd likely already be assigned to existing orders. Numerous sources do indeed mention that Ford stopped taking orders for the CVPI in April 2011, although I can't find any official confirmation of this from Ford. As for the web site, it could very well just be a matter of needing an update - that seems like the kind of corporate clients web site that doesn't get updated as thoroughly as the main consumer-oriented site. So, in short, it's not completely impossible that Ford would still have a few 2011 CVPIs in their stock that they're trying to get rid of... But otherwise, seeing as they're trying to move forward in 2012 with the Taurus Interceptor, I'd say that's the product they'd be pushing to their customers.
  24. Wrong. As I said, the last Crown Vic ever rolled off the assembly line in September 2011. The Panther platform (Crown Vic, Grand Marquis and Town Car) was discontinued by Ford and is no longer being produced - as a matter of fact, the factory where it was produced is now closed. Ford has stopped accepting orders for CVPIs since April 2011 and has been redirecting their customers to the TPI since then. So, no, there aren't any more Crown Vics being made, period.
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