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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. Corsair, I have to disagree with you completely on that "It'd be useful to make a map like..." comment. That's ridiculous to state. "Make a new map, so you can reskin a vehicle already in game and have a purpose for it, while there's already a crash tender in the game" Please keep your suggestions useful
  2. I have to agree with Mikey on that one. The vehicles shown in the screenshots, I'm seeing a striking resemblance to other models I've seen in games. If the Crown Victoria was being made after they had twenty or so models, that'd be one thing. 8 Years, and just starting one vehicle? Even our team is not THAT slow. And these people are supposedly a legitimate company with salaries.
  3. Doubtful, you can waste half a mod map including just one decent sized runway, or you can make a tiny one for intents and purposes, which works.
  4. Stations operate using a script, or depending on the level of your station, multiple scripts, with virtual objects marking the vehicle points. If you take a look at the LA mod, there's several virtual objects, defined in the script, and then commands that allow you to send vehicles back. What happens is that when you click return to station, using that script, it checks to see if you've defined the vehicle that you just gave the command to, as well as the virtual object match, and if so, it'll send it in there to park.
  5. No. The hybrid comes from AFTER the cutoff date for this mod, likewise with the Prius.
  6. I'd say it will. We're not quite at that point yet, but it's a lot smaller to use that, so we'll probably see that this time around again It's gonna be outstanding. Look at the team, we're amazing, of course anything we make will be amazing. You can thank me now. And then, and actually, you didn't thank me in the last post, I'm disappointed
  7. Yes, it'll be mission scripted similar to the US Army mood, but not in the same way exactly. This will be more like the original game, not a sandbox type mod you're used to
  8. There are cones and barriers present in this mod.
  9. That's no worries, I don't think any hard feelings exist, it was just something we wanted to make sure was understood throughout. Good luck with your mod and continue onwards
  10. Eserys30, in regards to the gated wye, I'm pretty sure that this is the same wye in the LA mod, and if that's the case, no there is no way to fix that issue. Just blow up your truck, remove it from the map, and try to ignore the mess
  11. Actually, this version I think has been on the go for a year or more? Pretty much dabbling since the last release
  12. Hello everyone! So here's a bitta bad news, and by a bit, I mean there's a grey area that the mod team played in that isn't totally okay. RLAST was the original creator of this mod as I'm sure you're all aware, but he stepped away when he got busy in real life, leaving his mod dormant. Now while it's totally cool to take up where others left off with their permission, you still need that, and it's been brought to my attention that wasn't quite the case here. I've been speaking with the original author, who says it's fine to continue developing the mod, using his content, but he doesn't want his banners being used anymore. If you're already using it, that's fine, but it's to come off the topic page now, and new ones will have to be made. I also want to make it clear that Rlast is only the creator of content, and in no other way associated with this mod. He'll be a contributor, and should be cited as such, but he is not on the mod team anymore, and this is not his mod. Also, one final note on rights to content, not just specific to this situation, but Rlast maintains rights to all his content and can re-release it in his own version of this mod, should he so choose to. This should clear up any confusion from now on.
  13. There are only a few newly added police vehicles, and I was only counting the ones I imagine would be patrolling. As Mikey and Hoppah have said before, we're all working on this mod at our own pace. If I'm given a vehicle, it's not urgent rush, it's get it when I'm bored. Likewise with Mikey's models, or Hoppah's scripts. So no, while we don't expect to be hundreds of years, we're not ready to say it'll be soon. We do have a playable version that we're testing, but it's far from a finished product. We won't be a bad team that disappears with no release, but we also won't be ready this week
  14. So my question there is, if you advertise that you're providing early releases for donors, and say someone donates $5, how do you share iT up? Does everyone person get a percent share based on the percentage of their contribution, or is it more like a split even for every author credited? It seems like the problem with this is that you're advertising looking for donors (that's not up for debate, you are) and you're not really being transparent with how to share. Seems a little sketchy. I know if I let you use my Model that you made money off of, I'd be livid unless I saw a sensible Share of it. Also, theres the issue to of reobtaining permission from each contributor, as they contributed for a free MOD, but if you're advertising early access for donations, then it's not the same, and people may pull their permission
  15. Plus, if we can just see credits listed on the download page, it saves us from having to download and read the readme ourselves to see if you can keep your mod or not
  16. This game was released years before that. no matter how good your computer is though you'll be waiting for at least one minute or more on a black screen to load mods. Like I said before, try again, go get a coffee, maybe even take a shower, when your shower and coffee are finished, then try again. This game isn't great for quick loads.
  17. If you have your own content that is totally yours (not edits of someone else's) you can create addons to other mods without permission of the mod's author. The permissions come in when you are editting their work, but say for instance you totally made your own fire truck fleet, and wanted to offer it for download, people could download and include it in their copy of the mod. If you're reskinned their models though, or editted their things, that requires their permission.
  18. I beg to differ on that. So far all we've seen is half finished models, some screenshots of what has been told is engine basic stuff, and a lot of huff and puff. It'll look promising when there's actual progress. Right now, given the past of games like these, I'll remain skeptical until given reason to believe otherwise. It's easy to fake pictures to look a lot better than the actual gameplay. I want gameplay video. That's when you can believe in progress. Otherwise, it's all smoke and mirrors in this writer's humble opinion. I just checked out their site, and I have zero faith in it now. They're hiring all positions, the site looks like it's done by someone with no real idea of building a commercial game. And investment opportunities, under the contact us page, are only for investments of over $50,000. Yeah right. It also refers to people as coders and modelers, neither of which are really the industry names for the jobs, instead more of a hobbyist name that communities have adopted. Honestly, I have zero faith we'll see anything worthwhile from this EDIT: Just looked up the WHOIS, the site has been theirs for 8 years now, and nothing?
  19. That would make sense, EXCEPT, the above comment was totally sarcastic, like for instance, we don't have a sky crane either...
  20. The map has one large path that goes east to west, straight across the map, we've actually carved out one building that gets in the way. When they reach the end of that path, they charter in a helicopter to transport them back. That's what the fuel truck is for, the skycrane uses a lot of fuel, so we needed something to refuel it. And that's done Now I don't understand what you're asking, as I've never played that mod, but there's a special route for each car? This mod will feature patrols, but they'll be done in a way that provides accurate coverage of the map. I could be wrong, but I don't believe the intention is there to have unique paths for each car, because there's something like 47 police cars models in this mod, and that's a lot of pathing, but my understanding is there will be numerous paths that units can choose from, similar to the LA Concept, so that it's not jumbling units
  21. Probably something to do with drug raids, or whatever. Could just be that the US has grants to overequip and overarm police officers if you ask. Several police departments actually have tanks due to grants like this, so I would imagine that their SWAT team is sorta along those lines: Big and unnecessary, but they use it for things that are sort of justifiable
  22. This topic hasn't had a post for nearly 5 years, it's safe to say that this thread is dead.
  23. Terms of Service Section 5, final two points, regarding Release Dates and status updates: Following past practice rules, asking for status updates or similar counts as asking for a release date. A warning has been issued as normal for this.
  24. Lemme take a looksee at the logfile, see if there isn't anything outta whack that's obvious. Does it happen with both mods? And when you say CTD, do you mean it freezes, comes up that Em4.exe is not responding, or it just ceases to run all together and forces back to desktop? If it's the former, click wait for program to respond, go get a coffee, or whatever, do something to kill five minutes.
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