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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. Wow. This is a lot of double posting. I'm gonna leave them for now, but additional double posts will see BOTH deleted, and warnings issued. For this topic, a minimum of 15 hours will have passed to allow a double post
  2. Our original policy was all released material in the form of downloadable materials must be credited, but an amendment is clearly needed now. Effective immediately, when displaying mods in progress, all content displayed must be credited appropriately. If there's a slew of vehicles in one picture, just a simple author's note of who contributed is enough. Detailed descriptions of content authors are for readmes. For individual unit showcases however, you are required to list all contributing authors. This means if you show off a couple units, whether it's the light work, a reskin, or maybe a brand new model you made, using someone else's accessories to make it shine, you gotta give credit. Think about how you'd feel if someone was showcasing your work as theirs. This has been becoming an issue for quite some time, and it's not fair to authors who work long and hard to have someone reskin their content and show it off as their own. Failure to comply will be dealt with on a case to case basis, and will result in a warning if necessary. FAQs Does this apply to my private mod? Any showcases, including unreleased mods are required to have the credits I have a gameplay video with twenty units, do I have to list them all? If it's not a showcase of an individual unit, save it for a readme. If it's a gameplay video, focusing mostly on a certain unit, it'd be cool to credit the contributors to that unit. Be creative about it. Am I really going to be punished for forgetting a tag line? First time, no. Just a reminder. But if you continue to post showcases without credits, or you have a history of content violations, then you'll be more likely to get a warning. Why do this all of the sudden? Since the LA Mod went as a resource, the community has seen a series of reskin mods, no longer going under the "submods" category. This means that many of these mods will have little to no association with their original content contributors. As many people have began showcasing progress on a piece by piece basis, we as a community of content creators decided it was only fair to acknowledge those who contributed when you show it off. Why is Emergency-Planet being anti-modder? I'm just trying to learn! We're not. In fact, we're here for something completely different. We want you to learn! Tell us who made what, and we'll get along great. This isn't a way for us to ban people easier, it's just a way for us to ensure our content creators get the recognition they deserve.
  3. If it hasn't happened again, that means that it's a localized problem, temporary at most. If it continues to persist, we can look at it, but this doesn't appear to be an actual issue at this time
  4. And yes, you unlock a file by changing the extension to v3o and using unpack file from the modifications menu
  5. When you look at the model in Zmod 3D view, you see the texture as it should ?
  6. What program did you use for the model? Did you assign the texture to the model?
  7. Right now, the little details may not be as important, unit numbers and small things will become much more obvious once the mod has a version out. The LA Mod was very inaccurate until the first few version were out, and suddenly people playing it in LA wanted to provide all sorts of information to improve it. So while it's nice, it's not #1 priority
  8. Here's more from MikeyPI's comment: [img[http://policecararchives.org/colorado/denver_images/cnpca20218.jpg It reads Lest We Forget on the top and on bottom, Denver Police Department. Appears to have a gold 60 with a Blue line crossing through at about a 70 degree angle, the top being on the right. Almost as if 60 is on a black circle background
  9. I feel that it is time that the issue regarding your mod be addressed, and that is as EMC Unit said, the models. Using sketchup is far from recommended, in fact, we even have a couple topics with various staff saying not to use it. If you don't know how to use Zmod or other real modelling software, use a tutorial and an already complete model, and practice making little changes. Maybe make an LED lightbar and UV it, and then work your way from there. There's LOTS of help out there if you're willing to learn. You need to be able to develop models with skins before it's even sensible to stick them in the editor. No one is going to play a mod with no real models, just white blobs, and it'll never be approved as an actual mod here. You can certainly learn and make some progress, but right now, this is only a baby step in the right direction. As EMC Unit said, take a look at some of the release modding packs for vehicles, and begin to make edits. No mod out there has 100% original work only they did in it, everyone in the community seeks help from other members at some point. It's not shameful, and you'll get a much better result
  10. The reason aircraft were not included is because of the size of the map and the function they could play in such a small map being limited by the game's mechanics. At best they could be used to attack a target and go scorched earth on it, which is not really realistic for this size of a map, and the type of occupation you're trying to simulate. If this was early 2000s Middle East, blowing things up all the time would be much more realistic, but at this point in the game, they're more there to deal with smaller incidents and return some sort of stability, not operate on scorched earth. Aircraft in this game that are not helicopters are good for dropping something on a target and then leaving, and that's about it. Base game uses water bombers, US Army Mod could adapt to bombs, but that would create more problems than it'd solve, so why bother bringing in those problems?
  11. The cars in reference are the rightmost Crown victoria with BCSO on the roof, and the fourth from the left with the MX7000 transparent coloured lens lightbar.
  12. At this time, no, it appears to be hard coded
  13. There will be interiors on some buildings, but I don't believe all buildings will have full interiors.
  14. I want to clarify on a few things here: First and foremost, the first version does not have to be perfect. No matter how much beta testing you do, there will always be bugs that will appear you may not see. We just won't call a mod a V1 unless those bugs are not obviously detrimental to the game in a way that makes it unplayable. If you've got a sosi script in it for instance, the sirens have to work. It's not a killer though if one unit has the wrong siren. Secondly any released mods that meet site standards for a V1 would have all units included completed. Don't release a V1 with models with missing wheels, missing lights, or that don't function as they should. If you're releasing a mod, it means it has to be playable out of the box, not require user intervention to finish what you didn't, that makes it a mod pack. Basically, we just want to start seeing mods that are finished and look nice. Maybe it doesn't have all the features you wanted, but it is still good. If you can't make a complicated script work in V1, drop it and work on that for a new release. It's better this way.
  15. Just out of curiousity, it appears one of the units is marked and has a single beacon on top, as if the driver placed it out the window. Is this fictional or something that actually exists in this department? I know from my jurisdiction, all the lights that we place up are interior, or permanently mounted, so I find it odd. If it is, it's definitely something different, I'm just wondering for my own personal curiousity. By no means if it is fictional should you remove it though!
  16. Then what marius is saying is to rotate the model along the Y axis, to change the orientation of it, not spin it around on the X axis.
  17. Windows file systems do not allow exact file names in the exact same location. Ensure that the defined constants point to the correct locations!
  18. If you have changed the vehicle name, or added a new one to the game, you must include the vehicle in the sosi script, whatever it's called, because each vehicle that uses the siren must be defined for a siren it can use.
  19. Assuming it is a 3D model, not a 2D one such as Hoppah's entry to the modelling contest, then it can be rotated in other axis aside from the X.
  20. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/toolsofthetrade/tp/free-registry-cleaner-programs.htm
  21. Thing with this is, he's just make prototypes and models. There's no install. You have to make it in the game, that means adding lines to the appropriate scripts like siren scripts, the units.xml folders, and of course, the fp garage. These are models with lights he's providing, you're required to do the work of putting it in game.
  22. First off, need help is not a useful title. I've edited it to reflect the actual issue. Next time I'll just remove the topic. Obviously you need help, the point of a title is what you need help about. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/1-emergency-4-adding-vehicles/ You've followed this tutorial verbatim? If so, there shouldn't be any troubles. Regardless, what is the trouble you're having. Screenshots are really ideal, I mean, they let us see. What have you done EXACTLY. Saying you did all the necessary steps doesn't help, because obviously you missed a step or screwed up, else there wouldn't be a problem, so I need your help in a better description for you to get any help.
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