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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. There is 3 prop cars at the front and the ones in the lot are all props, but actual patrol cars can park on the street the same and are functional, you'll see in the demo vid This will be initially released as a rar and also later as an e4mod, there's no plans for an exe as people have varied install locations etc so its tricky to set up an installer for everyone
  2. i think the main thing I'd love to see is garbage vehicles, they're definitely a big need
  3. We've got the USPS truck, school bus, GMC Public Bus, Heavily Graffiti trucks, thats about it for now, we're on the look out for service vehicles such as mail trucks, construction trucks etc, but thats if you or someone else delivers some before our release. But yeah thanks glad you're looking forward to it, by far the most balanced we've had a mod thus far and the civil vehicles add the final level of detail to our map to submerse yourself fully into NYC
  4. Yup just an adaptation of the barrier script in LA
  5. Thought you'd like to see your wrecks being used in game itchboy, once again can't thank you enough for the work you did on them, saved us months of work.
  6. Hi and Welcome! Yeah I've just got a few questions not sure if they've already been asked, but basically I just wondered what the official stance on mods for this game are from the developer/publisher's point of view. With mods like the LA mod surely doubling the interest in an older game such as Em4. Which leads to my follow up, are we looking to have more tools to work with, the same or are the team cracking down on how much we can edit? Thanks for reading. Dyson x
  7. That high chasid S&R looks great, good work!
  8. Haha thanks, wanted the city to feel alive and kicking, small details such as objects and vehicles (thanks to your pack) have made a huge difference) upon release everything in the game is free to use with credit as always Yep that's the FDNY MERV unit, operates as an MCU, has a nice installation animation which looks great in game, forgot I'd included that in the photos was supposed to be a secret still haha Thanks, the devil definitely is in the detail, whilst we're still far off the script capabilities of Hoppah's NYC mod we feel we can substitute this for a real NYC feel. With a real atmosphere and a city that feels right, instead of just being thrown together there's clear set out areas, with some rough areas and some nicer areas. You can drive across town and feel like you're actually going through the areas of Brooklyn we've tried our best to emulate.
  9. As much as I prefer to stay quiet and leave most things to be a surprise upon release, I feel most people feel this project has been abandoned due to Emergenyc being announced (check us out and help the cause if you can!). So I decided it was time to break our silence and show off a little work, while we wont be showing any of the number of new vehicles added, or the new scripts, I am happy to take a stroll round Brooklyn if you'd like to come on a trip, so lets have a look around your response area... https://www.emergency-planet.com/ManhattanModification/posts/648866921857269 (Sorry for external links, saves me reuploading 33 images) Dyson x
  10. We have traffic lights trash cans hydrants and all host of objects available to e donated from the manhattan mod to a combined objects pack
  11. There's two steps to adding a new vehicle into the FS commands. 1. Spawning on start up First you'll need to open up the FS start script, there'll be a section of code that dictates where a unit will spawn I'll explain what each bit means. You'll want to add a new section of this code between existing units spawning or at the end of the spawn list. ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VIRTUAL PARKING SPACE HERE); for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumActors(); i++) { Vector Pos = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(VEHICLE PROTO, UNNAMED); m.PushActionRotateTarget(ACTION_NEWLIST, &m, 0, DIRECTION (0,45,90,180 etc), 0, 0.1f); m.EnableBlueLights(false); m.SetPosition(Pos); m.UpdatePlacement(); m.SetMaxPassengers(2); m.SetMaxTransports(0); m.SetSpeed(12.0f); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 1.f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VcmdStartStaffing", &m, TYPE OF STAFFING, false); //0 = bat chiefs staffing, 1 = engines staffing, 2 = usar staffing upon start (NOT SURE IF THESE STAFFING IDS ARE THE SAME AS LA)This will now spawn the vehicle on start up on your VO in the direction you wish and with the load out you require. 2. Return to station For this you need to edit these lines of the Return to station command (which is just as simple) else if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), VEHICLE PROTO) == 0) { Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VIRTUAL PARKING OBJECT, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0) //IF THERE'S ALREADY A UNIT PARKED { Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NOSPACE); v.PushActionReturnToBase(ACTION_NEWLIST); return; } else { l1 = Game::GetActors(VO UNIT WILL TURN TO); l2 = Game::GetActors(VO UNIT WILL PARK ON); } }Now this doesn't include setting up gates etc as I've taken these codes from my personal edits of the FS script which has removed the LA gate system, but hopefully it gives you an idea of what each line means and what to edit. Also don't forget to add and new VOs or vehicles to the constant characters list at the top. Hope it helps and sorry if I've missed anything x
  12. You've never played an RTS where you drop into the action and there's a sky box? I know it was one of my favourite features in Company of Heroes, Dawn of War and other Relic games. I'd love to see the game made truly 3D rather than looking weird at a low level like it does currently, dropping down to street level like in the game I mentioned would allow the player to get into the city rather than just operate above it. But that's just my opinion, I wouldn't say a skybox/street view cam is a bad thing for sure. Gives a fresh perspective on the RTS genre -
  13. Every version is a gradual improvement from the last, v3 was stable and involved good gameplay so we decided to freshen up whilst we were ahead the optimisation is just another example of how we progress version by version. We will return to this mod rather than just refuse to look forward Also the cam hack is coded into the Brooklyn mod which is another element that will be transferred to future versions of this mod , which wil reduce the high rise issues for players who haven't downloaded it themselves. Anyway yeah of course this will be updated but after we've finished working on the latest version which happens to be Brooklyn
  14. A news update *NYCERU Represented by Dyson and SLUM by EMC-Unit But the mod is back in full progress, after the release of the BoF mod (my main project) this will be back to my main focus. Until then check out our new facebook page https://www.emergency-planet.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1453679154871652&id=1450418578531043&aymt_tip=1 Thanks for patience with this update, but I really think you'll enjoy what's been done to this mod since the released alpha. x
  15. Awesome thanks will be sending this as evidence on all my unmonitized vids
  16. Could you copy the contents of their reply in full onto this topic, as I and may others would like to cite it when backing up claims for commercial rights
  17. Sorry I wasn't able to lend a hand, been swamped with my own scripts, but glad you've managed to get some help. What Chris07 said about the tiller is what I'd suggest too, just add the Execute Command towards the bottom of the push actions after the tiller has turned to face the gate
  18. If you want a file off a mod don't ask the author to get it for you, wait until it comes out and then find it yourself
  19. Ahh, yeah that happens to one of my uploads usually once a week, pretty annoying
  20. More than likely gonna be an ambulance due to the rarity of trucks being involved, but yeah only if you have time fella, don't wanna get in the way of your awesome work
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