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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. My weigh in on this as it's been flagged to my attention from numerous people. For a start here's a list of who owns what (as far as I'm aware) from what you've used - Crown Vic - NNICO Impala (hard to see) - NNICO Hitron Heli - LA (Hoppah/Mikey) Blackhawk - LA (Hoppah/Mikey) Boats - LA (Hoppah/Mikey) Civil Vehicles - LA/Civil Coop (Various Owners) Dodge Charger/Tahoe/Rescue - LA (Hoppah/Mikey) GMC SUV - Manhattan (Rafaelmfernandez/myself) F150 - Miami (Rihis/EMC-unit) Person Skins/Models - LA (Hoppah) + more I was unable to pic out from phone shots. So for a start you have very little grounds to stand on. Don't get me wrong I saw this mod and thought it looked good. Even after you didn't post any credits or ask for permission. I think you're childish reaction to say everything you've used, from numerous others, is "sh*t", is well pretty ridiculous. Most mod teams are very open minded and try to encourage open source use and sharing of collective models etc, we for example as the Manhattan Mod allow free use of any models, however, I imagine I speak for both myself and Rafael and all the other owners when I say, call our stuff garbage and you can forget it. Please remove any photos of the files you have no ownership of and do not use them in any future releases. Now onto the attacks on 'other mods'. After declaring yourself that you are "new to modding" do you think it's wise to wind-up half the modding community? The Miami Mod, which you singled out, may not have been released overnight, but stuff like that takes a while and will have been refined over time, constantly updating and improving, rather than just taking most units from the LA mod and putting them by the sea and then insulting mods that have completely built from the ground up. I think you've shown yourself up big time and anything less than an apology for the insults and complying to all the authors demands would be a bad mistake. Anyway no doubt a mod will step in and reiterate all this. Dyson
  2. When it's actually done, the map takes a long long time and it was only started like a month ago
  3. There has to be a named VO just beyond the spawn that the tiller drives into, also makes sure you have the section in fp_freeplay.script which triggers the script too. x
  4. There was something about an nvidia control panel tweak that fixes it, try our main topic first page thats where most are posted, if not I'll flag this to someone who knows the fix. But yeah there's so many things it could be so it's hard to pinpoint in each individual case.
  5. Yeah I figured as much, ah well that sucks that's definitely something I'd like to see incorperated into the em5 editor, but for now SWAT will just have to crouch looks fools haha thanks for the reply. Nope
  6. I've written in one of my own already, but this was a landing deploy, now looking into rappel deploy or a building breach deploy, this will more than likely borrow aspects of hoppahs scripts yes
  7. There already are some new helicopters, but you'll have to wait and see them as for venom 1, unlikely but not ruled out, I'd never include a unit that didn't have practical use, so unless I can think of a way to modify the rabid dog call its a nog go for now.
  8. I was thinking this too, I had one of the engines selected whilst taking this pic, the lifeguard has the same commands but without limited water. In development news, we're onto S.W.A.T now, focusing heavily on them as I felt they weren't even in the mod properly before. I'm adding in a lot of new scripts, some old like M4 and Mp5 etc, some new like deployment from helicopters etc. We've also got a badass bearcat added in too, so stay tuned to this topic over the next few days for updates from Miami-Dade's special weapons teams. Be sure to follow the topic for constant updates and subscribe to my Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAshleydyson for the latest info and gameplay. Currently in progress - Map 40% complete SWAT 60% complete MDFR 30% complete EMS (currently unknown) PD 90% complete Lifeguard 80% complete Misc 50% complete Hope this and the previous work is enough to get this topic buzzing again, as ever questions/comments/suggestions welcome, they're all read x
  9. Lifeguard unit now finished. x
  10. Hi, I'm trying to edit the default animation set of em4, I'm hoping this isn't hardcoded. The animations don't seem to be relative to the individual models like with vehicles. Anyway I'm trying to edit the aim rifle animation, I want to add the leg animation from 'idle' to the aim animation, essentially just to make the rifle aim happen stood up rather than kneeling down. If anyone can point me to somewhere I can get at these animations I'll fiddle about until I either quit or get it working. If this makes no sense to you or you're just going to point me to hoppahs tutorials then please just ignore this topic, any advanced modders please get in touch, this is something I've wanted to do for a long while, I hope it's doable. Dyson x
  11. Usual troubleshooting - Lower all settings to lowest Run as admin Move entire mod out of mod folder then back in (then restart PC) Make sure you installed correctly.
  12. Well the only calls Em4 generates in water are the vehicle into water scenario, but this would be pretty unlikely from a beach, so there's not gonna be any drowning type calls, just various EMS duties on the beach. There might be like a sinking ship or something where the coastguard get involved but that will be too far out for beach patrol to assist.
  13. As suggested by Fred03 Me + EMC have been busy on a Lifeguard unit, it's now in game, it acts as a first response EMS ALS unit. It parks on map next to one of the few lifeguard towers, anyway here it is in action... I previously didn't like the idea of lifeguard units, I thought it was just unecessary, especially in mods such as LA. However on this map in this mod it becomes an essential first response vehicle. Most of the beach is hard to get to by ambulance, so a quick response unit already on the beach makes EMS far more efficient. Any other roles these personnel could perform? Comments/Suggestions always welcome.. x
  14. It's easy enough to implement I've just never been able to find and isolate the code in their scripts x
  15. Is this the same version I got the pre release of or should I download this one aswell?
  16. Feel speed ahead on the Miami project, come check it out! x

  17. Small update, the area around 5th Ave is starting to take shape, I've begun there and by the FS and branching out street by street from both of those... As always thoughts comments etc. @JrFF34 I'll let you know if I need help but for now I'm mainly just on the lookout for 3D assistance. Thanks for the offer though x
  18. Haha it's simple enough just needs time to figure out, I was actually going to contact you about some 3d assistance for this project , hit me up with a pm if you've got some free time
  19. You mean on the avenue? I drew it using the line tool in ps then filled it in with grass
  20. I'm thinking regards the lifeguard station, just a simple tower liek they usually have on the beach, but with space for a beach rescue vehicle to be parked and setup a script for it to park there. But nothing like a heli pad, that just seems excesive for a small stretch of beach haha! I've also got a sketchup model of Miami PD on Miami Beach, its pretty big so it'll just be the one PD station. As for Fire stations, I'm thinking perhaps 3 maybe 4 small houses, that way I can recycle the script from my Manhattan Mod which is setup for 4 FS. As for hospital, I'm not sure whether to have a hospital or the stryker stretcher, I don't think both scripts will work well together, as it uses a whole new stretcher system which would mess up the hospital script. But yeah plenty of food for thought thanks for getting a discussion going Anyway here's a mcdonalds I've just finished, part of the retail area next to the avenue I mentioned earlier. About to add a stripmall and a few other shops then I'm going to start the lifeguard station. x
  21. Yeah all the units are going to get tweaked more but for now I've got a working ladder which is what I wanted. Back I map edits, it's still coming nicely pace is slow because I'm trying to make the map feel dynamic in a sense that each area is different and realistic rather than just buildings copied and pasted all over the map. I'm currently working on an area near the main avenue of the map, this avenue is surrounded by retail areas various shopping outlets. Then as we move away from the main avenue the area will turn more into residential. Then the beach front is mainly tourist/leisure etc. That's the plan anyway but peoples opinions and suggestions will go a long way in making this map feel better. What kind of stuff do you want to seeap wise? For example I really liked the default LA map but it had a small feel to it so I've tried to cram as many streets into this as possible . x
  22. Work in progress ladder Cab - Bama Body - helijumper Skin - Me Still gotta do a lot of work on it yet, this project is my first plunge into 3D edits though so it's a learning experience (usually I work with a 3D modeler haha) Any thoughts/feedback welcome as ever. Based on Ladder 22 MDFR (skin needs to be adjusted to 22) x
  23. Yeah like hoppah said spawning a virtual vehicle would work, I'm pretty sure that's how the LA mod got TLF trucks to hook up so it should be the same principle, perhaps even the same script, try editing the script (I haven't looked at it so you'd have to check if this is even possible) to allow TLF and DLK as the unit type for the attach script and then create connectors as childs named 'pump1' etc, probably still missing something but hypothetically that sounds about right. x
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