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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. It's called unit occlusion (I think) it can either be turned off in the main menu or in the em4.cfg file manually, look under the settings tab I'm sure it's in there
  2. Hi I'm Dyson, I'm currently working on a Miami Project. This project is the follow on to the Miami Alpha released already. I've already made substantial progress with a completely new map, new scripts, units etc etc. I basically need someone who's going to be able to help me replace the basic em4 buildings currently on map with a couple of Miami esk buildings. Any and all help is appreciated, I will only need you to model and UV map, perhaps a few scaling tweaks but that would mainly be it. Texturing can be covered by myself too, but someone who is happy to create textures for these structures too would lower the load on me so I can continue to focus on map and script. Anyway I know this sounds like another dead end project asking for help so I'll just show some work in progress to help entice people.. anyone interested PM me. Thanks for reading Dyson x
  3. Updated fan banner for the full release coming soon! [url=http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/8613-miami-mod-second-breath-v-alpha-released/][img]http://imageshack.com/a/img811/2025/6yo.gif[/IMG][/URL]
  4. All the mega links work, try downloading using Chrome rather than something outdated like Internet Explorer
  5. True but some windows 7's including mine have the issue of imposed restrictions, even when you change the permissions it always finds a way to revert them back or just ignores it, I have mine set so the UAC for Em4 is always granted, but you make a fair point
  6. You realise that was the original map right? Therefore any bugs in that aren't down to the team?
  7. Make sure to run the editor as admin that sometimes causes your edits to not be saved
  8. Dyson


    1. Create a photoshop texture around 8000x8000 pixels, then import it as a ground texture in em4 2. Create paths place objects, create streets for emergency vehicles etc 3. Save as a freeplay map and create a minimap, Sounds simple but its months of hard work. x
  9. Same as the original game, bank robberies, hostages, shoplifting all that jazz.
  10. Fires/robbery/homicide etc are all random
  11. That'd be impossible em4 doesn't allow you to place events besides car crashes etc, there's a few hostages down there but there's more in the main banks on the avenues.
  12. Fire up in the low income areas of the map, here a residential property is on fire next to some wasteland where abandoned vehicles have also caught fire. This is one of many small areas on the map, this is the Ghetto style area where most crime and residential area is. The other areas are - Beach front Commercial area (shops and resteraunts) Hotel area (near beach front) High End Residential (mansions etc)
  13. Trying to create a script that works with the new stretchers is even more irritating trust me.
  14. I didn't want to continue this discussion, but that statement is fundamentally wrong, money has nothing to do with it, replicating the copyrighted content is when the infringement occurs. Copyright is as it sounds - the right to copy, therefore anyone who does so without owning copyright or being granted copyright is infringing. But the bottom line is major companies wouldn't ever try to enforce this on people like us, but when it comes to intellectual property of person v person that's when the community has an issue. But this seems irrelevant so long as you just treat modders with respect you'll be fine.
  15. Get fraps and upload some pics because I'm almost certain that CV is Nnicos, but whatever, moral of the story treat people's stuff with respect and they'll be supportive and cool, but even if the military gives you an excuse language is frowned upon on a community like this, just watch what you say.
  16. I have ATI Raedon and I made and run the mod fine, make sure to put on low settings and try running in realtime mode through task manager. Make sure you have plenty of Hard Disk space left too that can lag the game.Paging some extra memory to RAM also improves slightly.
  17. No every mod does, and no this wont have CPU intensity of Manhattan Mod
  18. Bottom line it's against the rules, we don't have to announce predicted dates because there's too many personal factors as to when I can work on the map. But anyway back to topic I want to keep this topic flowing with updates rather than off topic-ness. The map is coming along at a slower pace lately, PD station is up and just being scripted now, next up is the firestations I'm planning to get some modelled soon, although 3D is my weak point so I'm relying on outside help. But I want all the on map firehouses to be based around the MDFR's brand new designed firehouses which they're rolling out across the county at the moment.
  19. That feature was removed in v3.0.2 please update to the latest versions if you want bug support
  20. I think the operative word being friend, referring to people's work like that on the internet is entirely different, even if the intention was harmless it's extremely disrespectful.
  21. I don't really know why you're kicking up the fuss, but yeah we didn't get the individual permission, but should we slander against their product or use logos without consent the proper owners would be well within their rights to ask us to remove their logos even from photos especially from mods. But this seems rather trivial, but if you'd like to continue be sure to take it to PM, I'm sure the year I had to study international copyright law will make for an interesting debate x
  22. Asking to take down pictures is mainly on principle after such insulting words, but yes authors have the right to their intellectual property, just as reuploading images or their property is, if requested by the authors, a breach of their copyright on the intellectual property. So yes the authors who all seem pretty peeved off can ask for the pics to be removed. So yeah Dyson
  23. You'd need to change the mod info file aswell to avoid having two mods in the game named the same.
  24. Nice Goog, a modern E350 ambulance is definitely something a lot of mod teams could use
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