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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Now this is what I mean keep at it and put together a nice little civil package and I guarantee the community will be hugely greatful x
  2. Again great job, perhaps a US civil car pack could be on the cards? I know a huge amount of people would love to see that! x
  3. Nope we've removed the tiller script from freeplay script due to it not working for some unknown reason so all thats left is the start up script. How bizzare
  4. The only constant script would be Limited water but than ran smooth in MP with a less optimized mod... hmm
  5. I've only just found this bug, but if a different guy removes the hose than the one who connected it, the guy who disconnects changes proto to the same proto as the guy who connected (if that makes sense? haha). I don't know if this has since been fixed with a later update but just thought I'd flag it up see if it had. Cheers
  6. Looks very nice, a crisp and nicely detailed mod, hopefully see some in game shots soon then I will be really impressed. Nice work. x
  7. Haha why thank you, yeah I agree it looks better with a different texture, the Manhattan one took just over 3 months from start to finish whereas this one is almost done in less than a week, was worried it would seem rushed but I'm happy with the detail so far, still more to do yet though
  8. delete any verison in the mod your working on, then close the mod and reopen the editor and it should load the base campaign maps as it's no longer running the one you edited
  9. We just heavily credited Rockstar, there's no point in trying to get actual permission from the studios because they don't really get involved in the modding world at all. x
  10. Yes! This is the map you've needed, when I imagined this on a proper map I actually pictured a crossing like this, great work! x
  11. Or just wait for the brooklyn version which is more low spec friendly. You running intel graphics? That's the main culprit.
  12. The cam hack couldn't be suggested enough should fix that issue, take a look on the forums for it
  13. Yeah the wheels are probably gonna get replaced I wasn't 100% set on them yet, as for 515 it is a prop but we're working on the ability to call it into active service as a reserve unit, kinda like an emergency call up to duty. But thanks for the feedback NFK Off topic 2000th post x
  14. They'll still be in your original base game you can only edit as a mod not as the original game. Check data/maps.
  15. Loved this game, downloaded a load like this and Amnesia for Halloween last year, genuinely terrifying games, especially love the whole cam corder stuff although running low on battery is sketchy as hell haha.
  16. looks pretty decent in the NYPD paint job too, big thanks to itchboy for letting us use it x
  17. Excellent work, about time these new ford units were brought into stock for this game x
  18. That's his prerogative, but the traffic flow is no different to the base game, but there's plenty of tutorials about if you're struck on reducing it. x
  19. The pics look nice but I'd use different wheels, they look far too small especially on the Merc Vans, try getting hold of some from the German forums there's plenty on there. x
  20. Yep I second this, sorry for not being able to finish it off, it was more of an experiment, the first version ran smooth on intel but was buggy, once I addressed the bugs it stopped running on intel, weird. Anyway yeah I have so little time that I'm happy Raf is looking into this. x
  21. Small update, I've lent a very small hand with some scripting for the mod, it's still pretty much Raf's own stuff (although off our original work haha) but yeah as far as I'm aware this is a first but the new stretcher system is now compatible with the LA hospital script. I've also been working on a couple of minor things but nothing major besides script work. But yeah I've managed to get a good few hours of gameplay (first I've seen of this version) and I have to say it's loads of fun, wasn't too keen on the whole brooklyn idea (which isn't the reason I wasn't involved) but it's come off nicely and once these little tweaks are done and Raf manages to add the final details I know it'll be good fun to play. Anyway greetz not been able to post any NYC mod info for a while so this is a rarity haha. Dyson x
  22. The map textures are all available in the download section. However the map textures of mods such as LA are up to the developer to release in TGA form. EFT files (read by the game) cannot be reverted to TGA files. TGA files can be opened in Photoshop and then imported into the game (which converts them into an EFT file) Hope this explains map textures. x
  23. Haha glad it's not just me, looks promising though good work.
  24. Yeah this is something I looked into extensively and you're right, but if I remember correctly there's a few files such as this that the game seems to bypass looking for them in a mod and reverts to the base everytime. But I really hope I'm wrong and you get results, this game is in dire need of some new animation sets. x
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