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About helljumper51

  • Birthday 07/01/1991

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    Military, medicine, teaching, higher education, research, fire trucks!

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  1. Hey all!! Soooo, Im working on a proje t to possibly bring back more energy into this community! Nothings official or concrete YET, but I wanted to get YOUR input into what you'd like. The Concept: EM Planet Creates a Social Media and Video/Stream Platform that provides engaging content for community members. This content would be focused around this community and you guys! Think mod development streams, 3d modeling streams, Gameplay with community members, Highlights and commentary of new(and old!) mods. Plus Different gaming content like: em4, em5, into the flames, board games, role-playing ingame, even scripted mini series. There could be interveiws and features done on community members and mod teams, live q and a for admin and modders, and community events! The reality is that this whole community has become fairly dispersed since back when I started in 2007. Back then it was active, lively, and it was a hub for everyone to go to for news and gaming and mods and so much. Today, forums alone are not the preferred content platform, but various social media is. Ive been a modder and community member since 2007. I was an officer in squad 55, helped develop mods and assets like Harbor city, Mikeypis NYC, several submods, and stuff ive forgotten. This community gave me a place to go for so many years and encouraged me to develop and learn skills on my own that I still use. Im not retired from the US Army as a combat medic after 10 years. I teach emergency medicine in college and instruct wilderness medicine and fire/ems certifications. I meet SO MANY gamers who are looking for a place to go for this kind of stuff but have no direction. Yes, I could just do this on my own without em planets involvement. But EM Planet is a community, and the community should be the one engaging with their members and producing content for them. There are so many people who are capable to contribute great things to this endevor, and it only makes sense to do this as a community. If you read this far, thanks please consider voting in the poll or leaving a comment on your thoughts. It would really help direct this project! feel free to msg me of you have any thoughts!
  2. Congrats on starting your first mod and getting into the skillset of modding! Youre doing something that many people try to do but ultimately they dont get off the ground! Dont fret though! Were a community that is here to help! Unfortunately, that help is limited, so Im going to share my best advice after modding for many years and being in the community since 2007.... My first big piece of advice, there are hundreds of posts sharing a mod and asking for help from modders on the forums and only a handful of modders that are even around. Ive been here since 2007 and this has ALWAYS been the case. Making a post like this probably wont garner much help, especially because the mod design you have, MOST LIKELY, is kind of the same as many others except for the models. If you want to try to recruit people to help, try pitching an idea or concept that HASNT been done before or submit a mod idea that is different from whats out there. SO MANY mod posts are made for submods and mods that just change models and skins of vehicles and maybe add some sirens. THIS IS NOT WHAT MAKES A GOOD MOD. Montana, LA Mod, NY Mod, Beaverfeld.....why are they all successful and hyped? Because they did something different GAMEPLAY wise. LA mod put in alot of ease of life scripts and brought fire stations on the maps for us and really projected what we can do with the game; yes it was cool having US models, but people kept playing becuase of the GAMEPLAY. Montana added a dispatch system and made the game lower in scale and focused on a handful of units like a small town. NY MOD added BIG CITY energy and focused on navigating the difficultues of the big city plus added the tight quarters of firefighting. Beaverfeld added a more realistic dispatch system and is the first big US model mod out there. ALL OF THESE MODS CHANGED THE GAME. As in, they changed how we played the game and added new and exciting changes. Start your design process on this and if your mod is a reskin, thats also OKAY but be aware youll probably have to do most of the work. My Second piece of advice is keep practicing and trying and failing. So many nights I spent trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with my modding and eventually figuring it out. THATS how all of us learned back in the day. I literally have emails still from itchboy and mikeypi on different scripts and concepts we were working on and trying to figure out from years ago. Keep trying and dont give up. Ultimately, you are the only one who will really be invested in this mod and you can become a modder with the rest of us...just keep at it! Finally, ask for the RIGHT kind of help. WHat does this mean? Well...saying you need help becuase you dont know how to mod is not conducive at all. I cant sit down with every post and go over all the details of modding when theres so many good resources in the downloads section. Asking for a mod team is also NOT asking for help. I know, it sounds weird; but asking for help is making a statement hoping someone with a specific knowledge set will come and share their knowledge. Asking for work done is asking them to use their time and skill to make a product for you. So ask for help the right way by having a question that someone can answer and share their knowledge, not asking to share their physical skills and time. Youve got this! Now go do the things! Your community here has your back! I believe in you!
  3. Congrats on starting your first mod and getting into the skillset of modding! My first big peice of advice, there are hundreds of posts like this on the forums and only a handful of modders that are even around. Ive been here since 2007 and this has ALWAYS been the case. Making a post like this probably wont garner much help, especially because the mod design you have is kind of the same as many others except for the models. If you want to try to recruit people to help, try pitching an idea or concept that HASNT been done before or submit a mod idea that is different from whats out there. My Second peice of advice is keep practicing and trying and failing. So many nights I spent trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with my modding and eventually figuring it out. THATS how all of us learned back in the day. I literally have emails still from itchboy and mikeypi on different scripts and concepts we were working on. Keep trying and dont give up. Ultimately, you are the only one who will really be invested in this mod and you can become a modder with the rest of us...just keep at it. I believe in you!
  4. Found these today and figured id share! The projects have been dead since like 2012, I may start it up again now but idkkkk
  5. I see im not the only one on the forums on christmas ha ha ha

  6. *pours one out for the lost* Hopefully there is a way we can redirect over to here or boost interest again! I know NorthernAlex and Dom do youtube and stream, but has the forums considered an official channel or stream channel? Like, it can be run by the admins and it can post videos of mods or mod updates, do like, interviews with modders and players, do livestreams of different mods to showcase them, and otherwise promote the forums and community again? Its just an idea, but Ive done stuff like this before with other organizations and it seems to do well. Its hard for individual youtubers and steamers to get traction but more formal channels associated with a community already can do really well very quickly! Yes, it would require some planning, but its alot easier than it sounds I promise. The only thing needed is like 1-3 interested admin or personalities supported by admin that are willing to keep a consistent flow of content and engage the community. IDK, if this is interesting to any of the admins or old guard(mikeypi, newfoundking, stan, etc) let me know because I'm kinda down with this idea. Especially if it helps the community.
  7. This is literally random, but I just logged in after a several year hiatus and the new website(Love the look btw!) gave me a new rank...newbie....for being active for 1 year. I thought this was pretty funny! again this was literally my random adhd thought lol
  8. I get to make a trip to Sao Paulo this xmas with my wife(that is her home town) and I am hoping to visit one of their fire departments!
  9. That's great research you did man. Unfortunately the forums here is not really a place to request mods. I highly recommend you check out the tutorials page and see the easy to read tips on making a mod. Don't start out too big first, but just try. I have a regular old labtop and a 60 dollar peice of software. Everything else is free to use. Just like alot of us started, you can start too. Work small and you will pick it up quick.
  10. I know the emergency.de forums have some sort of generator model. You can take that and reskin it. Add it as a child to the fire truck and you should be good. Just make sure you give proper credit for the model.
  11. If you believe that then there is no point for any mods anymore right? Why should I build more models and buildings if all people want are reskins? So thank you for saving mine and mikey and hoppah time.
  12. Jake that is how is was working. And it was fine because we all respected each others work and gave credit. Your missing the point we are trying to make. We do not want to keep our work behind a vault and say no one can use it. Please use my models, use my buildings. But if you release your mod and say yup I made these and I put in the work, then that is stealing. That is our point. We want people to use our work but we also want to stop people from taking stuff and claiming it is theres. That is what permissions are meant to be for. So I don't come on here and release a mod with hoppah fire station and say that I built it. By not giving credit that is what these people are saying without qords. And that is wrong. That is what we want changed, because I started here several years ago with no skills and I worked hard to teach myself and learn. Then I took those skills and did my own work. I earned that. Now there are people coming in like I was, no skills but want to do something. But instead of working to learn why and how to do it, they take it and call it their own.
  13. Fair enough, but you nfk buy the first round of drinks.
  14. When I was 20 years old and in college I had all the time in the world. No worries and just mod. Then life hits like a ton of bricks and alot of the younger crowd here does not understand it, like how I did not when I was there age. When you are younger you don't realize how much responsibility and time wasted there is. I am married now. Active duty military and I am getting my masters degree. I still mod on the side but the nights of 6 hours in front of the computer making lights or a model are long gone. I am lucky to have an hour set aside for my wife. But I still mod. It's slow as shit but I do it. So to answer your question on why people like me stop a mod before it starts is not because we don't know how big of a process is or not, but we are sick of the community bugging us every hour about progress when we barely have time to our families. That is why. Mods can be worked on without you knowing about it and that is in my opinion better because you have no community member bashing you or sending you tons of messages asking for updates. And that reason in itself is a good reason to hang up the mouse and stop. Why would you want to create. Mod for people who just bash you?
  15. And itch you may find a download link in your pm soon Well then I apologize, the tone you took sounded like you were going against the modders
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