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Everything posted by pyrofreak

  1. The LA mod and NY mod will be totally different. NY doesn't characterize their ambulances as BLS or ALS, but you could consider all their ambulances to be ALS. The only exception is the personal on board, their knowledge will be the only thing that can hinder them. So regardless, minor fall, or heart attack, the same units will respond. Which I believe has a lot to do with traffic, it is a hassle to move around in NY so every second counts that's why all ambulances are ALS of the sort.
  2. I noticed you added some more updates, they look great. I was wondering, do you plan on addition any additional reskins?
  3. I thought the K9 dog did that already?
  4. I've always viewed Rescue companies as the cream of the crop. Those who you call to save a fire fighter when their down, or for special conditions. Oh just a side note Haz1mat is a ferrara also.
  5. Is Emergency 2012 coming out in an English Version?

  6. You caught me, but much better. I noticed in 2.0 fires spread more rapidly then they did from 1.9 which is good and bad. I like realism I just don't want to respond from half way across the map and find a single house fire is now a multiple house fire. In the same token I hate responding to a house fire only to arrive and it looks like I could use a garden hose to put it out. I just figured if something important was removed from FS1 you'd be in a bad pickle if something happened around FS2 station. But ... since you fixed the fire issue I'm good. I do like your realism aspect though, and understand a lot better. I kind of find myself leaning towards the shiny new American La France then again new and shiny tend to attract me. Anyway what ever YOU do decide I'll be pleased with your work usually turns out amazing anyway. Not to mention were never really going to get 100% realism, close though. and then I was like
  7. The La France Tiller with LED lights would be nice, but is it replacing the one at FS1? Also, if your going semi-realistic what about the quint, and usar 88 you made in previous polls where would they go? I think the DC should be parked at FS1 because that seems to be the HQ, they can have special commands though I REALLY can't think of any. And, as usual, FS2 is just the mini branch for anything random that occurs there. Although I am slightly confused, what do you plan on placing at FS2? Edit: http://mikesphotos.us/gallery2/v/Action/Fire-EMS/LA/LAFD/FireStations/FS9/T9/CanyonIC-ColonySPG-Bank-226.jpg.html That the American La France your talking about?
  8. He's been gone for quite a while. When he created this mod it was considered "private", and I know he's been busy with his own life. Maybe when he returns he'll release them since things have changed.
  9. Impressive. I do have one question, what's up with the SWR? It has like three dinghies on it, one on the unit, and two hanging off. Was that just part of the editor messing up when you took the picture?
  10. AUS was never compatible with 2.0 unfortunately Shane Green made it compatible with 1.9 and shortly afterward 2.0 came out. Anyway, I don't think he's fixing any bugs, he just uploaded a script to help the compatibility issue. From the looks of it any bug you encounter your gonna have to fix on your own, especially if he's using a library computer you know how libraries can be.
  11. I hate to beat a dead horse, and I'm sure 4x4 will beat me later for saying this but .... Have you guys not played the winterberg mod? When someone dies you have to send a medical examiner to the site. Yeah, an emt or paramedic can pronounce you dead by the examiner has to make sure this wasn't murder, etc. Once he clears the area THEN the coroners can come in and take the body. It's reversed from real life if I'm not mistaken. The coroners takes your body to be examined, but I like the idea of realism. I could be wrong on all of this, but I'm about 90% sure I'm not.
  12. You are correct, I actually talked to the wuterpal mod team right before the mod died. I think they had a few modelers quit, combined with the shear fact it takes a lot of time to create a mod. Though, theirs was quite impressive and looked like it was doing well. Nevertheless, I asked the question hoping to squeeze something out of them lol. I figured they probably had something similar like that in the game. They look like they have their p's and q's straight. Like I said can't wait .
  13. I'm more curious about the traffic than I am about the units, I mean their great units but I know how the NY traffic is having lived there a few years. I know in the LA mod if you park a fire truck in the street cars back up behind it unless your put the redirection lights on. Then when you do that both lines redirect, which is kind of annoying. I'm guessing this is something they've had to deal with because from the pictures it looks like some streets are two lines wide while others are wider. Just can't help wondering, god for bid you close a road in NY eh. Should be interesting when it's released.
  14. I have 1.9.3 (3rd patch). I'm curious though. When you do get all of those versions are you going to upload them so everyone can download any version they want? Also, when was the first version to start em4 1.6?
  15. Your mod is kinda reminding me of the winterberg mod. With all the small, but great details. Can't wait until your finished this should be GOOD.
  16. LOL Yeah ... Took the simple and made it confusing. Thanks for the clarification.
  17. Okay I am LOST. Your removing the ladder from fire station 2 (the one in your mod), and keeping the tiller at fire station 1. So, what's with this quint 9 we voted on? Is it replacing the old quint?
  18. Oh Thank You for removing that tiller lol. I hated how the tiller would swing around corners, the ladder looks much better.
  19. Can't wait until you release it. As with all things I imagine it will be great.
  20. Bitter Sweet. You've created such a magnificent mod. I love the LA Mod, not really into the European based emergency vehicles so Emergency 2012 doesn't really call to me. It sucks your retiring, but you DO deserve a break from all you've done. I know I suck at creating mods, but hopefully some of the other modders will step up.
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