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Status Updates posted by Reaper

  1. Not everyone can be the boy with the golden butthole....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reaper


      Come one guys noone watches South Park? LOL

  2. Must be asshole day...everyone is sure driving like one

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. topfuzz


      I live near orlando and i dont think its that bad here im tired of everyone hating on florida

    3. Fred03


      Well I can't speak for Orlando but in Miami the custom appears to be drive by the laws of your native country. If you all want a bad city to drive in try DC, it was NOT built for modern traffic and it shows.

    4. FIREfighterjr


      Going through Tampa will make you think again about owning a car..

  3. I uh........I uh don't feel right

  4. Can barely breath and losing my voice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hoppah
    3. Tango



      You don't say...

    4. Handsup!


      "No, smoking is good for you! 20 a day keeps the doctor away!"

      50s male

  5. There is a special place in hell for you asshole. May you burn in the fires of hell as only a weak coward as yourself deserves.

  6. So is xmas over yet? I sincerly hate this holiday

  7. Other than Facbook apps, Check ib's, words w/ friends, text messages why the F@*# do people have cell phones? It surly isn't to answer it!!!!!!!

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      I use mine to impress the ladies.

      Thing is, mine is a Boucheron Vertu. Ever heard of that thing? Look it up on the Google.

      I got it secondhand from Prince at his yard sale. Lots of crazy stuff being sold there. The charger didn't come with it, so I can't make it work, but having a phone with solid gold cobras and diamonds sure is a conversation starter - and a lady pleaser.

    2. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Honnestly, even if I had the charger, it'd still be the s**tyest phone a lot of money can buy. I mean, the damn thing has one of those old green-and-black liquid display screens from the 90s.

      200 grand for a goddamn phone and it's not even smart... good thing it just cost me 500 bucks.

    3. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Oh, and Prince?

      That Dave Chappelle impression is spot on.

  8. Feel like kicking a baby and stabbing a clown just saying

  9. Decided to attempt to learn 3 ds max ... should be fun if anyone wants to help me let me know

    1. RedHawk504


      Well im also learning 3DS max. I have done half of a model from a Porsche. Search some good youtube tutorials about how to create a car.

    2. Freelancer


      I'm an experienced 3D Modeller in 3Ds Max,and I'm always looking to help people learn how to model send me a PM if your interested...

  10. Feel like shit and tired as hell ..... Yep thats bout right

    1. Hoppah


      Drink beer, that will solve all problems.

    2. Fred03


      Not to get technical but according to science alcohol is a solution.

    3. goog


      I never miss the daily positive posts from happyland.

  11. Enjoying the day at Niagara Active "Touch a Truck"

    1. Handsup!


      Lol, 'Touch a Truck' isn't a great name

    2. Ghost Graphic Designs

      Ghost Graphic Designs

      I was about to say that... xD

    3. TacticalRooster22


      We had one of those in my town, too, haha.

  12. Just spent 3 hours building lego stuff for the boys and it gets destroyed before they can even enjoy it ..... I am beyond pissed right now

    1. sgtmatt325


      OHHH can i build too, i built the Twin Towers 3 times

    2. C.F.D


      are they grounded haha

    3. Ace


      I know that feeling!

  13. And the week of awesome begins

    1. RedHawk504


      For me a begin from a horrible week.

    2. aitor
  14. Allow me to take a moment to welcome everyone to "Nipvember"

    1. Voodoo_Operator


      Is that the female version of Movember involving nipples?

    2. 2Bells Gaming

      2Bells Gaming

      One can only hope...

  15. Take a moment and reflect on those both past and present that havre/or are doing what it takes to keep amaerica safe and secure. Happy Veterns Day .... Go Army

    1. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      Yes, happy armasistice day! (what it is called in little old England over here) ....Go British Legion

    2. admntrs


      "If I had Canadian soldiers, British officers and American technology I could rule the world" -Winston Churchill

      Remembrance Day here in Canada...thank you all soldiers

  16. "A pat on the back is nothing more than 6 inchs shy of a kick in the ass"

  17. So hang on ... We cant make a unt to stop people from texting and driving but the vatican has a "shield" that will prevent cell phone or computer use ............ .___.

    1. Fred03


      Its called a faraday cage

    2. Handsup!


      Aren't they steel mesh boxs that people safeguard electronics in?

  18. Duck Dynasty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. squamishfire


      yay a bunch of red necks who just happened to make something that was useful and then got all this money from it............ yea I think there is better stuff for me to watch

    2. Handsup!


      I saw the advert/commercial for it on Discovey, looked funny and disgusting.

  19. So everytime I am on facebook people are getting heavy with the quotes. So I figure I can get on this maybe even become infamous so here we go my first offical "poppa" quote ................................................. "Peanut butter is nothing without Jelly thus Jelly is nothing without peanut butter" - M. Long

    1. Newfoundking


      That logic is flawed. Terribly, terribly flawed. It assumes that the relationship is directly reciprocal. This is never stated. That's like saying, this flashlight is useless without a battery, therefore this battery must be useless without the flashlight. Perhaps if it was a purpose built flashlight battery, but that isn't stated. I won't even get into the peanut butter having much better uses than PB&J

    2. Newfoundking


      Maybe a better analogy would be the sperm cell is useless without a fertile egg, thus the egg is useless without a sperm cell

  20. Ok i am done..... Thos was insane hooe I handled everything the way I am supposed to ..... Props to the crew as well as the entire mrc staff as basicly we had everyone in helping out. This is nuts

  21. 20 years of fire photos gone ..... Yeah me

    1. sgtmatt325
    2. Hoppah


      You had no backups or anything?

  22. Another night of no sleep awesome

    1. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      The worst thing ever!

    2. Handsup!


      Depends, if it was on purpose!

  23. So my boys look at me ... Smile .. Wink and snap their fingers and say "What's up babe" ...... I need to chat with my daughter ...... lmfao

  24. Dear Santa, I can explain!!!

    1. Todd15


      Been there..haha.

  25. Ever been so pissed that your eyes twitch and your teeth chatter

    1. RedHawk504


      Actually Yes. Whenever Kids trow eggs at my windows.

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