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nick the greek

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Everything posted by nick the greek

  1. Same music taste with me lol
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sMWTqUuSh4
  3. At that time Queens mod was on progress and NY mod was on progress too but now Queens has been canceled.
  4. I watched the Hot Fuzz movie yesterday and it made me want this mod more! Can't wait to see the personnel made by mintcake69
  5. They look great(First time I like a personal mod work so much)
  6. Welcome to the forums! Are you greek?

  7. We all know that you respect copyrights so others respect yours too. Sorry for discussing things about another mod
  8. One of my newest favorite quotes(watch the whole scene Cuba Gooding Jr's accent and way of speaking is bad ass ) Show me the money!!!!!
  9. The mod is good and I will reinstall it thanks for the help
  10. And I was the second one who voted for excellent
  11. So that they can script some new incidents and add GUI changes if I'm not mistaken.
  12. It looks very good man! Keep it up
  13. Thanks I'll check it out :)

  14. she(and we) will probably be able to be firefighters in video games (sorry but it is a bit hard for me to understand your post's meaning because of the slang terms you use and because of the way you put words in a row )
  15. lol she shouldn't spend her life on the internet and video games but she could be a firefighter
  16. All the best wishes for a beautiful and healthy little lady
  17. Lol you will have to wait many more weeks but be patient What would you like it to be? A boy or a girl?
  18. Oh nice thanks. From what I have seen it looks very cool! :D Where can I find more screens and info?

  19. Hello! Is the Berlin mod still in progress? Are you working on that mod?

  20. Be perfect at guitar Work out a bit(thinking of going to a gym)
  21. There are many missing prototypes
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