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nick the greek

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Everything posted by nick the greek

  1. Well it could be better but still sounds a bit silly.
  2. Ok... How the hell can a topic mod sound like a good mod? No offense to mod makers who try to make this mod.
  3. Congratulations on the release of your mod Bamberg Team
  4. They call themselves Dr Funk and they are one of the most famous bands in my city. They do covers and at the moment they are making their own album. I know the guitarist(Marcos) and the front man(Steven) personally and they are two great guys. These songs are theirs And some covers Do you like them? Give feedback.
  5. You're welcome and sorry for being angry
  6. I see no point in having such a complicated lights system and in taking the space you could use to have some more useful commands.
  7. You should never say that
  8. He says that this is "bad ass" which means great
  9. nick the greek

    Ladder 49

    I don't want to write many things but this topic has become so strange and funny Now many people have signatures who say that they were online when something certain happened(you should give credits to Fuzzyface ).
  10. nick the greek

    Ladder 49

    Smoking marijuana harms your brain bro
  11. I was coming home after buying some fireworks and there were two old people down on the sidewalk. The one was a woman and the other a man. They crashed on each other and the man fell on the woman causing her a bone damage(almost got out). I with some other took care of the people and called for an ambulance. While we were waiting for the ambulance I was encouraging the old woman and protecting her cut and asking both of the patients if they were fine. I checked how the old man was and he was fine so I took care of the woman. Finally the ambulance came and I told the EMT's what happened. They put some Betadine on the cut used some bandage and then they put a splint. EMT's got the two patients and got to the nearest ER. Man: Small hurt on his nose and knee pain because of the fail Woman: Deep cut and break of her leg near the ankle.
  12. Haha no I was talking about the death of your family member Another lol because I like it so much
  13. @Ryan Oh man this is terrible @Tim got to agree on the ripping thing even though I don't have a dog yet
  14. None because I know that you won't do anything...
  15. nick the greek

    Ladder 49

    I was thinking of having a similar signature after I saw this. Mine would say "I was online too when LA2.0 was released!"
  16. Is he/she alright? Did you catch the one who has done it? btw I liked the simulator.
  17. Same here. Maybe you should use English or find someone who knows better German.
  18. Join the German forums and ask for help. You might find a freelance modeler there
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