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nick the greek

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Everything posted by nick the greek

  1. Even if I had my school exams results would destroy them :1046276372_bawling:
  2. Everybody should learn this poem when asking questions like this on a forum. *(try to sing it after listening to this )Uri Geller is an as*hole who thinks that he is a mentalist *© Nick Tsirabidis
  3. Uri Geller is my uncle Isn't this game a bit scaring for little children? Just a thought.
  4. I can't open it right now but I will accept your invitation later when I will open the messenger
  5. I have made it a topic( you can easily understand that I'm a huge Muse fan from this form )
  6. Joined under the name Nick. In the Metropolitan Police application what should I add? A British city and state or whatever I want?
  7. I tried but couldn't join plus I have been playing SA for 1+ hour and my brain is dead
  8. Congratulations but please give us info (ip and etc)
  9. OK I'm not so depressed but school really sucks, nationalism and Nazism are sh*t and I will love many girls until I die <- proof that Nick lies in his signature
  10. wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! these dumps are not hackers I think they call them crackers. A hacker does not destroy people's computers.
  11. OMG glad it wasn't me too This guy(the hacker) is an a*shole.
  12. It is a huge story and I'm not sure if you want to hear read it
  13. Stan haven't posted any pics yet.
  14. In the beginning of this video brass plays a part from a song that is on my mind for an hour and I can't find it anywhere. Does any of you guys know it?
  15. The problem is that I currently have no way to backup my files as my external disk is broken. Reinstalling Windows sucks. Nevermind problem solved(?) this topic can be closed or deleted. Once again thanks to everyone.
  16. Great. Maybe you guys should team up with London mod guys and Coastal units team to complete three awesome British mods. Have you ever thought of it?
  17. Sorry to say that but the Fire Van is not very good and the blue Patrol car and the technician car are awful. No offense I know that these had been made long time ago and that now you are a much better modeler. I love all the other vehicles.
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