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nick the greek

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Everything posted by nick the greek

  1. A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I never expected this mod to be so great. Actually in the beginning of it's making I thought that it was another "a few reskins mod" (no offense to people who make reskin mods but I like to have some new features and vehicles ingame) but you proved that it is something much better
  2. You have to buy it or ... [three words missing].
  3. Am I? Obviously. Don't know why am I talking about Geopolitical sh*t again. I thought it was boring. This goes to me
  4. I know man but I was replying to another guy
  5. They were not all fascists. Many of them were against Hitler and the German resistance people tried to kill this madman many times... I'm not an expert I just know some things but never said that they are correct. I'm open to new things(as I did when I turned from Nationalist to Left-wing politics supporter) and information. As for the indoctrination: Yes I am a bit familiar to this definition. Read the post.
  6. Do you want us to post pictures about what your forces have done to civilians ? We can't because most of this evidence are destroyed or hidden or not accessible for the public. You know Nazi soldiers died too but I'm not going to pray them for being good soldiers. They were Fascist assh*oles...
  7. I don't hate you but sometimes you politics make me say "fuc*ing Americans". Your people declared their independence against Britain who was on the of the strongest countries at that age. Your constitution is amazing. Many of your politicians and presidents were great but some weren't(for example Bush). You mustn't forget that power belongs to the people and if the Government doesn't do what it is meant to do people have the right to take the weapons and begin a revolution. If this was towards me let me explain you some things: I spent one year on reading and searching about Geopolitical topics. I read tons of things on how Intelligence Agencies and Armies usually work. I almost destroyed my life with that things but now I stopped doing anything like that because I am too young to worry about them. Everything that I write comes from my knowledge and from what I have heard from others(especially my father who is a socialist,not a communist). Sometimes I write bul*shit but I try to do it rarely(don't know if I do it successfully) . Plus this thing: Afghan civilians killed 7,589 Afghan civilians seriously injured 13,660 Iraqi civilians killed 697,523 Iraqi civilians seriously injured 1,255,541 9/11 2,976 victims 9/11 Injured 6,000+ Source: Wikipedia and unknownnews.net Care or not about the Americans? At least they chose who will kill them(their Government) and they could resist...
  8. @Hoppah It may be strange but in many things I agree with you (WTF? ). I'm not a communist. Yes unfortunately humans are egoists and this can't easily change. As for the wars: Vietnam was a total mess. People and animals were killed, forests were destroyed and all the money that went for this war could go for improving Americans lives. Korea War(which Greece took part in) should happen because North Koreans are a bit paranoid. In Somalia( my uncle went there as a navy doctor of UN) UN should stabilize the situation and then let some forces to keep peace*. The First Gulf War should happen too but NATO should completely destroy Saddam and bring freedom back to Iraqi people. The Second Gulf War should finish what the first didn't and free the people. Sorry but right now I can't think of anything else to write * I don't know what exactly happened there.
  9. Communism is great in theory but when is time for action it sucks. Socialism is different than communism and this is what Americans should realize. These people are afraid and they always feel insecure...
  10. Because I hate them. After the World War 2 they got troops in every part of the world with no reason. They had one attack on 9/11 and they made two wars for it. They kill millions but when somebody else kills some of them they begin to talk about union and patriotism and other bullsh*t. I don't have any problems with American people but I think that they should use their million guns against their politicians and companies CEO's instead of joining the USMC to kill some damn terrorists. They talk about union and their great country but still millions can't have proper healthcare. When Obama said that he was going to change that they accused him of being a socialist. This what a President has to be. A fuc*ing socialist. He must care about the people not the companies and the whole stupid capitalistic system. During the Cold War Americans have seen/read/heard tons of anti-Russian and anti-Communism propaganda and they are afraid of them now.
  11. Yes. Hahaha you think so? Don't you think that US caused this war(it is a war against everyone who doesn't like them) You should also have some troops to put pressure on Agencies and fu*king Massons instead of patrolling in Afghanistan with no reason at all.(Is Hitler's minister of propaganda alive?) Are you sure about that? They are damn payed killers Hunter. The situation in Africa has been completely "made" by the West people and their need for oil and money. We made these people kill each other with no reason and we made them live in poverty while big oil companies are stealing THEIR oil. It is a huge story and it begins from when Europeans and Americans started exploring the world and treating Black people like animals. Peace will never arise as long as man's will for money and power will be this strong(sorry for bad grammar and spelling)
  12. Yes but everybody should care about dead people(both Americans and Muslims). I believe that the US aren't the victims in this situation but the ones who do bad things to others
  13. Last off topic message. The so called "war against terror" is a war being made in the name of money and stupidity.
  14. Let me guess. Response to US marines or Blackwater's killers?
  15. Yes but here we only got Russians and Romanians and I don't like them Dutch chicks FTW!
  16. I want to go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Sometimes I drive myself onto madness...
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