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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. The only way I could see it working, and this is a long shot requiring a LOAD of work, would be to create a secondary program, similar to GTA:SAMP which runs using the game, but creates a server where the game information is run from. Making it in the game itself, that's impossible unless they give us the source code for the game and rewrite it all, but that's as likely as me winning the lottery tomorrow. If I do, I'll buy the rights to the game, I promise. As for the secondary program, I think it would be theoretically possible. You just need a large amount of knowledge and a team that is dedicated and has the time to do it. Unfortunately, as it sits right now, our members who are in the ballpark of doing this are too busy with real life to consider it a realistic option, and those with the time do not have the resources.
  2. Autoscrolling of what you're describing comes, in my experience from touching a key or mouse during loading and that's the only time I experience it. As a drastic last measure, unplug your keyboard (assuming you're on a PC) and launch the mod directly from the desktop, using the shortcut type, not load game and then mod. Once you get up to the main screen, plug in your keyboard and attempt to play the game. If it still creates the scroll, let us know. If you remove the keyboard, it means there will be definitely no input whatsoever coming from it. If it does work, please try to load freeplay in the regular base game, plus each mod you have that you haven't tested (or if you've tested them all) with the same. If it's in every mod and base game, then we know it's an input issue not a mod issue. It's weird, so let's see if we can figure itout
  3. The paramedic bike looks really good, I'm gonna be a pain now, how heavy is it? Is this going to be a light vehicle or a heavy vehicle? I know a lot of the nice looking vehicles are very very bad for this game. Hopefully it's not
  4. The things that contribute to lag would be the size of the model (poly wise) the size and amount of textures and the lights on it. FPS is usually weird for this game. I'd recommend cutting all the doors out except for one front door and one rear door. To use the rear door, you need to set it as special and use a script to activate that door. Take a look at MikeyPI's NYC Mod, there's the backdoor script in there. Cut out all but the basics for the interior will help too. I usually do a half vehicle for each door that opens. Like one boxy looking seat, texture it black leather, and repeat for the rear. For the game's purposes, that's all you really need. As for the transparent lightbar, save the vehicle texture as a png or a dds with alpha and create a semi transparent area for the outside texture of the bar. You'll need to have a more advanced program for editing than paint I haven't seen your wireframe, but I bet there could be some fat trimmed off of the interior and the doors. Two doors on a CV is more than enough imo Let me know how it goes!
  5. You press Middle Mouse button and hold, and then move your mouse. I can't recall if there's an alternative
  6. What's the total poly count and the skin dimensions?
  7. That's really up to you. You'll notice a lot of mods will have scaled vehicles added, but continue using regular game vehicles as well. It's one of those things that it's up to you if you really want to put in the work for it. If you replace all the civilian vehicles with scaled ones, the problem is solved. If you don't really care that much, again, problem is not a problem. Personally, I don't care if the civie cars are smaller, as I barely notice them in game anyways. It's all on personal preference and time
  8. Correct me someone if I'm wrong, but it appears that blender uses squares and v3o files don't like those, making them into triangles. I don't know if there's a way with converting it to solve this, other than either making it with triangles originally, or post conversing editting. Usually when you convert something you have to spend time editing it to rectify issues with it. In as far as the scaling, it may be worthwhile to just scale it all in Zmod, instead of blender if it keeps resetting to normal. It looks like there's an error while saving if it won't save the scaled dimensions.
  9. Okay, so here's how things are going to work. Since this mod in question is not available for download on this site, we're not enforcing the readme requirements and all that related to it as strictly HOWEVER there is a lot of things that still are in place. 1. If a clan starts drama here, or any drama begins because of a clan, that clan is held liable. That means if you make an unpopular decision and people get pissed over it here, we're going to deal with you here. 2. If you're advertising yourself here and providing links to downloaded material, that material better be within the terms of service of this site. If there's going to be squabbles over the original content authors versus the arrangement there is now, I'll shutter the thread and remove the links to the clan. Figure it out. If you need permissions, go get them. 3. Members only modifications are still considered released public modifications, therefore are required to follow those rules. Because of this problem, you're going to have to take one of three courses of action: 1. Obtain permissions for the mod you're using to be in compliance with Emergency Planet Terms of Service in relation to the usage of other people's work. This means you have to have permission from everyone that you are using their work. We will want proof of this 2. Remove the offending content from your mod, and continue advertising on Emergency Planet. We will want proof of this. or 3. Request a close of this topic and cease advertising here. Continuing advertising will result in penalties and discipline as necessary We've increased our expectations for clans over the past two years because the majority of infighting and problems on this board are in relation to clans. We hold them to a higher standard if they want to operate here. I'll be checking back in a day or two to see the progress of this and which option you've chose. If you don't have a decision made by then, it'll default as option 3.
  10. Here's a wild idea I'm sure, but why not use our download centre? We have ONE download button, not one download button and fifteen pretend ones. Could save a lot of trouble with these 3rd party sites
  11. If your version of chrome takes up so much space that you cannot run Emergency 4 at the same time, you need to remove some of the extensions. The most I've ever gotten Em4 to was about a gig and a half. He's got 8. The issue isn't the RAM here, I think the problem is indeed the video card. It's not a great card and given the unoptimized specs of this mod, it's pretty taxing on your system if it's not up to par
  12. Create your own help topic. Do not attempt to hijack someone else's topic for your own questions.
  13. Well, it depends. What kind of system are you running, what are you doing when it closes? We need a LOT more information than it closes at some point during gameplay
  14. Tutorial's up, http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/55-lighting-methods-in-emergency-4/ Let me know thoughts, comments, concerns. This isn't quite a walkthrough so much as a discussion on the types and how to achieve them.
  15. Hello all, this tutorial will touch on the basics of lighting in Emergency 4, an essential part of a mod that can make the difference between a great mod and a mediocre mod. First off I'll touch on the different things you'll encounter in the editor. Coronas This is the most basic part of a light and can be placed wherever you want to see the glow. There's many options for colours, which can come stock, or designed through photo editing programs. http://i.imgur.com/Q29tT3p.png Here you can see the drop down menu letting you select the types of coronas. They're generally pretty basically named, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what one you'd like. If you're lighting a unit that has different colour/shades of lights than you see here, you can make a corona file and name it your own, as seen with my corona4_nfk_red.tga. Files are saved : Mod:Textures\Coronas and saved as targa files, 32x32 for best results. Generally speaking again, less is more however more coronas is not the most damaging thing you can do Radiation This is a very controversial part among modders. Too much will ruin your lights, your unit and possibly the game experience. The modders I spoke with on this had divided opinions on how much to use and why. No radiation, period: While this will certainly increase the overall performance of your units, and prevent any radiation related issues, it's the most extreme and not really necessary. Basic Radiation Only: This means only placing subtle radiation on brake and headlights. This means that you have at least the basics, but doesn't give you a glowing effect or the ground effects you associate with emergency vehicles in real life. Heavy Radiation: Putting a radiation box for every flash does provide a realistic lighting effect, which looks great in youtube videos and show cases but it is hard on the old engine that runs this game. Although a unit or two on a map may work well with heavy radiation, when combined with the high poly models that are commonplace now as well as the effects happening in the game, FPS will drop and the mod will become virtually unplayable. Strategic radiation: As you can tell, this is my preference, so I am biased on this, but where the game is older, even maximized systems will struggle without optimization of every part of the game, including lighting effects. Generally speaking, vehicles will have a main light system, maybe a full sized light bar, or interior lighting systems. The trick is to find the main system functioning and place radiation around it in a way that looks close. Placing a radiation block near the light will work. For Ambulances where they have perimeter lighting, flash patterns can be emulated following a similar method, just moving the radiation to the lighthead. A standard LED Lightbar is likely to have a 1-2 pattern, where sides flash opposite to each other. This is particularly common in ambulances and police vehicles. By placing radiation on one light for each flash on each side will help produce a realistic ground effect without being too heavy on resources. While it will not emulate ground effects for perimeter lights or other area lighting, it gives enough detail for bird eye view, like in this game. This type of radiation works best on patterns such as seen on this lightbar: https://youtu.be/IxwxcNC8SQQ?t=24 For vehicles such as fire trucks or vehicles with one rotating light can achieve ground effects that are not taxing, but still can look aesthetically pleasing. Fire Trucks have a weird lighting layout many times, such as the Ladder in Hoppah's LA Mod. The trick lies in placing radiation on sides where lightbars would shine in real life, but by placing them in alternating time flashes as well as slight location differences. When activated, the ground effects will show a flashing effect. It differs from unit to unit, but can be achieve with some playing around and timing. I complied some images in an album here to show you what I'm talking about. How to make realistic lights LED Lights: As vehicles get newer, agencies have been shifting to LED for their superior performance in many areas including brightness, visibility, cost and maintenance. These are pretty easy in comparison to halogen lights, especially the way this game was designed. Start by placing the corona in the area you want, switch to polygon mode and begin drawing by clicking to place corners. You should try to create a box around the lighthead. What this does is puts a glowing area that is supposedly lit up by the light when it flashes. Back to light mode, you can set flash frequency and intensity. The former is of course how fast the light blinks and the latter is how quick it turns off. A higher intensity will mean a shorter, quicker blink. When you feel as if you're ready, you can copy and paste the light, changing the flash offset value, which will change timing. Depending on the speed at which your light flashes and the pattern you're trying to emulate, you will range anywhere between. A 1 is on when 0 is off. For reference, for a standard alternating strobe type pattern, I set speed of 4.00, two lights on either light head, 0.00 and 0.50 offset for the first light, and 1.00 and 1.5 for the other light, all with a 0.95 intensity. Play around with it, see what works for you. Rotating Lights: This is something that everyone has a totally different way of doing, and you'll probably change your method a dozen times before you find something you like. There's a bunch of methods, so I'll outline some that I've used and been told about. Single corona: This is the first one that was very popular seen in mods. It's featured in the LA mod and based off of the idea that you see a blink when the light flashes. It's the way the base game started. It's light, but it doesn't look all that great. Don't do it, you're better than that if you're taking the time to read this. 4 alternating coronas in a square pattern: So this is the first way I learned, and it's by placing them in a tight square, with a high intensity, speed and an offset of 0.25 each. This creates a spinning type effect when zoomed out a little bit. The problem is, this means 4 lights for every effect. Not only that but there is also the lack of a "blink" that you see when looking at a light in real life. 4 alternating coronas in a square pattern with flash: I've seen some mods with this lately, it's meant to address the blink you see in real life. You still get a rotating effect and the flash. This addresses one issue, but adds another when it puts in an additional light. The blink is usually timed with one of the other lights' offset 2 coronas with flash: So this is the one I personally use now, as well as many other people coming up. The method is placing two coronas, usually 0.50 offset apart. On models with clear lenses, it's easier to do this. I recommend trying it on this type first as it's easier to place them. Hoppah has a pack in his LA mod to practice on. I place the coronas on either side of the rotator beacon. In the middle then, I place a larger corona, at half way between the offsets (0.00, 0.50 = 0.25) at full intensity to create that blink. I personally also change the corona type to a different one. I may use 5_red for either side and _redlight for the flash. That works for me and my units, but you need to do what works for you and more importantly the units you're representing. Hopefully this provides a brief overview of the basics, some methods on how to get you started and explains some choices. If you have any questions, comments or your own thoughts to add, please let me know in the comments section
  16. Sounds good. I hate saying nix radiations because they really do make the difference between a good unit job and a great one, the trick is knowing what to do to make the most of the least.
  17. There is actually. On the bottom of the page, every single page, there is an option to mark community read, letting you mark who sections read. Alternatively, you can mark individual forums read that you don't care about. You do that by clicking the icon for it, it looks like talking bubbles, they mark every topic in that forum as read. Marking individual topics as read happens automatically when you open the last post for the topic.
  18. RangerDog, What I would like to do over the next little while as I find out what people need is optimize the TUTORIALS section in the site. We have a tab for it, it's jsut right now, things aren't laid out in an intuitive manner. I'm gonna take some time to organize what we've got better. Having one topic covering everything would just get confusing I think. This tutorials tab lets us lay things out so we can be detailed, but we can also cover off a lot of topics if they're reasonably titled and follow some standard. PottyScotty. I find there's usually a lot of different ways to achieve the same effect, often totally indistinguishable from afar, but will have much different levels of lag, as well as time taken to do it. Rotating lights is one I've seen people do a lot lately, and there's a different way for each lighter, and many are great, but you need to look at your vehicle and how heavy it is before you put in the work on it. I wouldn't but a radiation for every corona on a rig like FDNY HAZMAT 1 which has something like 60 LEDs with fast patterns, but I may put radiations for each corona on a small utility vehicle with one beacon. The heaviest part of any lighting is the radiation, but the number of coronas can be damaging to the vehicle as well. This is an old game, so we need to work with the restrictions of the engine. The old saying less is more really applies well here. I'm going to take a look through a few mods now see how they light their vehicles, and then compare it with my way and put up a little tutorial on lighting a vehicle from scratch with basic lights and a lighter tax. That being said Anyone who lights vehicles, if you want to share your method with me, please PM me on what you do and tell me where you have an example available for me to see. I want to know how and more importantly, why you do it that way
  19. You need to wait a few minutes, and maybe that means up to 8 minutes or more, for the game to load. Load the mod, and then go walk away from the computer, don't touch it. Give it ten minutes at least. If it's not loaded then, make it crash and upload your logfile, but many of these mods take a long time to load, no matter how good your computer is It's all based on how the game loads mods, which takes a fair bit of time. The original idea was never to have as much in these mods as there is now, so it looks like the game is dying, it's just taking its time to load
  20. We have red and orange ones here, there are many different light patterns, though I think for your purposes, using just a simple strobe pattern or something, as opposed to the rotating style would be easier. Now for the dreaded question, how heavy is it poly wise?
  21. Each type of event has a different name within the game. If you look at the base game freeplay map in the editor, you'll see certain names placed on objects. That'd be how you name the objects so the game knows it's an event. you can't add in new events to the game unless you run a mission script. What you can do is make an edit to an event type that already exists. Like instead of listing an MVA as that in the callout, you could call it a physical rescue, and then you could include construction collapse under that title. If you view an accident in the editor, you'll see things like ccard_1, ccarp_1, and so on. This is how the game knows it's all part of a car accident. ccard is debris, ccarp is person, so on and so forth. The _1 is what event is belongs to. It's all about being creative with the physically spawning events and how you want to set them up. If you make the callout generic, you can have it cover a lot of things. I think the Harbour City mod covers everything from two cars to a plane crash under the same callout. Instead of reposting info about the car accidents and how to make them, here's three topics from our archives that cover the basics. Post any questions you have here instead of in there and we'll see if we can help out in this particular case! http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/18545-creating-car-crash/?hl=ccard#entry263242 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/6978-adding-new-accidents-to-freeplay/?hl=ccard http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/18753-traffic-accident-troubles/?hl=ccard#entry266434 Let me know how it works out!
  22. There's a lot to editing a map. For instance, if you want to change what's on the ground, the physical appearance of it, you can't do that without the original, hundred+mb file. To replace the objects on the map is much easier, and just requires a bit of help to do it. If you know what you want done, EXACTLY what you want done, I'm sure someone will help you figure it out by giving you instructions, but I wouldn't hold my breath that someone is going to make it FOR you. Say you wanted to replace an incident with something else, and replace the police station, those are two relatively minor tasks and they're easy to walk you through what you'd need to know. Let us know what you need, and we'll be happy to help (note, hep does not equate to doing it for you)
  23. I see lots of topics popping up asking for help, sometimes it's people don't know how to do something and DON'T want to learn, but more often than not, it seems to be people who genuinely don't understand and if given proper instruction would be interested in learning and probably could. So what I want to hear from people is what is a modding skill, however small it may be, that you want to see a detailed tutorial on how to do? Do you want to learn how to add finishing touches like lights that look great but don't kill a system? Maybe you have no idea how to model or UV Map. Maybe you just can't figure out how to build your own mod, you've only ever done the basics of submodding, on what's already there. There's a lot of tutorials there, but without direction, it gets hard for people to figure out what to do next. If there's a detailed tutorial in existence, but maybe it's missing some steps on either end, or it's just a part of a bigger thing, I'll be sure to link that tutorial, instead of reexplaining the wheel. So Emergency-Planet, tell me what you want to know how to do to model. Maybe you've got your own tips you want to add. I'm by no means a modding god, and I'm always learning different ways to make a mod, so don't be afraid to speak up
  24. Well not exactly. There's a large majority of mods here that are alive, either in production or have some release. Sure you see a lot of dead "mods" but these mods are more often than not submods, and we don't police dead topics by removing them for inactivity like our german counterparts. We also have a community of people who are younger and therefore not as skilled as others, so they start on reskins. Many give up sure, but percentage wise, at least by my own count, we don't have that many failed mods lately, especially when compared with the other community. We're about on par. To my recollection, there's only one mod which has been a WIP for some time that's being called dead by people. The rest are either active WIPs, release or mods that started up with an announcement, followed almost immediately by a retraction because they can't mod and don't have the time to learn.
  25. Chances are you can run Emergency 4, it's literally 10 years old. http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=3406&game=Emergency%204 It's not an overly taxing game. If your laptop is slightly modern, you can run it.
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