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Everything posted by Pottyscotty

  1. Yes there are currently 4 ARV's and 2 TFU's that I am actively (The others need doing up a bit) using.
  2. This is a Graphic problem, if you have an Intel card that is most likely the cause and it's unfixable. I think it happens with a few other cards as well but I'm sure someone can explain in full.
  3. Hopefully a G36 will be instead of the MP5 too! Yes definitely lol, they have nowhere to go so I plonked them in a car park, same as RPU are in a field If I am not able to create my own map/use a map I am looking at the area the Ambulances are at will be the parking for the RNLI Station (Which would be at the beach Kiosk in front of it).
  4. I presume you mean in the pictures because I think all the units in the video had lights on. The VW Crafter is the only vehicle in those pictures that hasn't been lit yet and all the vehicles had their blues on so it is just a case of I took the screenshot and I could have missed the lighting by a frame etc. That's why I normally take multiple until I get as many lights visible as possible (I only did this with the second picture which as you can see I got a lot of them).
  5. Keep some but edit/make others. 1) No I just haven't finished editing the script yet 2) No I decided not to do that for this release as I realised in addition to vehicles (Which would take a while) I would also have to do all the persons so you can spawn them in the vehicles. None of the Kent Mod vehicles will be spawnable until Beta (After the one coming up).
  6. Don't think that one has been asked actually but yes there will be -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba4UavCZL0g Pictures of the protest after that popped up:
  7. I do believe that is a "Normals" problem, you will have to flip them but I don't know how in ZModeler because I only use it for import/export of .V30's, everything else I do in another program.
  8. I think you can only have one object in the model. Join body, undbody, glasse etc up together and call the final object the name you want to export as.
  9. Tasers have currently only been issued to trained beat officers in Kent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forgot to do this a little while back so here are the closeups of the Police Officers (Yes I am aware of the neck problem on the high-viz jackets but because of the model it is impossible to change it to the correct color without making their hats green - You don't really notice it in-game so it isn't something to worry about).
  10. Yes Peber is Danish for Pepper (However in the UK they use a Pava Spray now as it is much better). I think it was Port Of Dover Police getting the tasers not actual Kent Police Officers. But either way, SFO and AFO's will have Tasers and possibly some type of other officer but this will be in a later release as I am not adding any more to the current one. Correct!
  11. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/20027-lighting-not-showing/
  12. Haha I remember that, thanks! Thanks XTX, I am in contact with him but wanted to know if there was a place to download it first. Yup had the pepperspray script in the mod for a while now Believe me there are some much better mods out there
  13. You can create your own particle system to look more powdery but I would think you could only use this on a new fire extinguisher and not a hose because of the code, however I could be completely wrong.
  14. If you know where I can find it I'll go and ask the permission for it
  15. You should be able to simply copy and past the model and prototype files, this will keep all the traits and commands.
  16. That's a pretty neat and original idea actually, however I think you will have a hard time trying to find the model you are looking for. Perhaps someone has managed to scale the Persons but I think you would have to use the Child or Adult Models.
  17. Haha no problem I haven't yet looked into it, I shall have a crack at it after the summer probably. Thanks very much, it's actually a bit later then I planned, it was meant to be about 2 weeks ago but I was behind by a lot
  18. Thanks very much, I hate speeches to be honest, always sound so cheesy Well that's one way of doing it I guess lol. I I V
  19. Unit wise I am pretty much done for first release so they will be done for Beta. Something I may consider in a later release. Wasn't sure if you meant you wish we had proper riots in Kent or in-game Aww I would have loved to see that, biggest riot I have had was only about 50 dead/injured. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't believe I forgot this but 3 days ago marked one whole year since the start of this topic! I don't finish a lot of things I start which was why originally I was hesitating putting this mod up on the site and if you told me back then I would still be making good progress a year later I wouldn't have believed it at all. However what kept this project going was everyone's support on here, I didn't want to stop it to let people down and there is no way I would even consider it today. This topic currently has 69,023 views and 1,247 posts and I would have never thought it would reach anything near to those numbers. You have all provided the much needed constructive criticism, questions and suggestions that I hope makes you all feel like part of this project. When is Alpha release? I am now on the FINAL section before release, I will be making slight fixes and prepping everything to go but there is no telling how long this will take (However I stick to my word that it will be out this month or very early next). I want to make it clear that after release I am not stopping or taking a 5 year break - I will be continuing with the mod to get to Beta then full release while updating you as often as I can (Like I do now). What's going to be added after Alpha? The rest of the units (People, Vehicles) - Yes there are a LOT more left - A new map (Either created from scratch by me if I can work it all out or an edited version of a current map [Original Freeplay or one available for download]) and of course all the Scripts and various environment models to go with it,
  20. Cranes and tow trucks will be private company's (With exception to the AA van being able to tow vehicles). You will also have something like a Gas company for roleplay at gas explosions. Not really tech but coastguard units are normally put in this section so those include a smaller RNLI lifeboat, a larger RNLI lifeboat (Already done), Royal Navy SAR (Search and rescue) Seaking Helicopter and a HM Coastguard Unit. (All fire units so far, a lot more will be added)
  21. 1. SECAmb don't use Motorbikes but yes I will be adding Kent Police bikes. 2. I have said no in the past but I have been reconsidering this so it may happen but may not, 3. Yup
  22. I was thinking of a CID section in the Police Station so perhaps later down the line there will be people there that have their own vehicles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One Officer injured during a protest, the man who assaulted him is being taken away in the Station van.
  23. Yeah unfortunately some models are sometimes lower quality than others. This could be down to it is a modelers earlier work, sometimes the vehicles are more designed for civilian traffic as well so you don't need super quality. I try to get the best quality ones available but you do get some vehicles where there is only one model out there and it's not the best. I don't think you are being picky at all, it annoys me sometimes
  24. Yes, the SOCO (Scenes Of Crime Officers [CSI in America]) have the checkvictim command.
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