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Everything posted by Pottyscotty

  1. Possibly, it would be a case of if I can get it working rather then having the time Brilliant, I'll try to get some in at some point!
  2. As I said a little while ago, by V1 you will be able to play the normal EM4 missions and hopefully the LA mod missions so I will be going through each mission checking exactly what is needed and making sure each mission is completable. This is the same with each freeplay event, I will make sure you can complete all of them Personally apart from Police I am not sure which other organizations use divers so it would be much help if anyone could help me out there and I'll get on it as soon as I can for you.
  3. Welcome to the topic! Yes the Scania based CARP will be in the mod No the release coming up is v0.4, V1 will be a while.
  4. I do not have the Deluxe version so there is no way of me being able to do this, sorry :/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volkswagen Crafter Public Order Van
  5. Yes Only the Fire Station (Which is uncomplete), but of course later on there will be the Hospital, Police Station, Ambulance Depot and a smaller fire station.
  6. Just want to say - http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?app=tos - Rule #10 Yes at some point I will be doing the Police Marine units and there will be a Smaller RNLI lifeboat (Maybe) a Seaking Royal Navy S.A.R Helicopter and we already have the bigger lifeboat. The mod is currently in version 0.3 and I will be releasing when I hit 0.4. This will be Alpha stage with pretty much what you see now and a little bit extra, after that I will be doing the rest of the units and the map for Beta and Full release versions.
  7. Hope you enjoyed your time in Scotland. Very nice lighting on the *cough* Insignia *cough*
  8. Thank you all for your kind comments, really appreciate it Traffic but there is an Unmarked TFU which I actually need to edit a bit to make it look better.
  9. I have made a Private Ambulance that will act as the coroner, SOCO May have a role later down the line but at the moment they are simply for roleplay.
  10. Some of the new Police units and personnel, still much more to show!
  11. What TACRfan says is correct, I would like to release to everyone together. Not saying you are not one but I have no guarantee that you are a firefighter so I could just be giving it out to anyone unfortunately. ---------------------------------------------- I will be back later this evening so I may be posting pictures then, if not it will be tommorow
  12. St. Johns may make an apearence layer down the line -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank goodness for random free WiFi locations. Yes I have had time to work on the mod and since I concentrate more without internet I have done a lot of stuff including vehicles, personel, fixes and updates to vehicles for extra detail. I can't wait to show it all off when I get back. I shall be back at the end of the week, thank you all for your patience
  13. For them to work individually you should be able to create a new folder in your mod with the superviser and change the "Superviser" file in mod/specs so each event is linked to the new files - away from PC so I think these are the locations and names.
  14. It's not - This was a normal gameplay screenshot (And there were more with it so it was not meant to be focused on one vehicle). That is why it is labeled who the MOD is by, not the vehicle. I already added credits in previous pictures of it - http://i.cubeupload.com/zhIwV2.png
  15. Yes I will hopefully add the Spineboard and Stretcher mod in the update after this one ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be my last update for two weeks (Maybe - I may get Wifi or I may not but either way it won't be enough to upload anything for you guys unfortunately). I have a lot planned to do so will be kept busy. Just sit tight and release will be here before you know it Feel free to continue to ask questions and discuss the mod!
  16. Yes they will, same with the tiller. There was no way Hoppah was able to get it working with physics.
  17. Ladders are completely finished, now I will do some more scripts and specs stuff then in a few days I will be away for two weeks (No Wifi - boo ). I have a lot of stuff planned to do during those two weeks to then be able to release the Alpha version of the mod very soon after! Edit:- I have also increased the amount of time a bomb takes to explode so that this incident can be played out a lot more realistically instead of just madly scrambling a bomb disposal team and just driving away after it.
  18. Yes by named in the editor I mean has it got the red name on it. I haven't worked with trailers before so I think it's just a case of checking all the traits etc are correct and maybe taking a look at the script for clues.
  19. I do believe they are now being scraped as they have all been replaced by the new Econics (Below). I am really surprised they were used for so long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercedes Econic 2015 Turntable Ladder WIP
  20. I wouldn't think so but definitely before Alpha --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ladder now works perfectly in-game
  21. There will be two turntables at the main Station; one of these and a 2015 Mercedes Econic that Kent has recently received (https://www.flickr.com/photos/benerealways/18501892655/in/photostream/). Can also be called from off-map though ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the TL is lit up by TACRfan then I will move onto getting the ladders working
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