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Everything posted by Pottyscotty

  1. They can basically act as normal Paramedics but have the power to arrest, redirect, place Scene tape etc - These versions (There will be a Riot Gear Police Medic as well who attends Riots/Protests) would be able to go into dangerous Situations, such as an Armed siege as depicted in the picture.
  2. Yes this was my only concern, I'll try to find a way around it if it comes up ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Medics.
  3. Hmm never thought of that but yes I guess I can make them able to swim! Yes and Yes.
  4. I'm not sure what you are asking? Are you asking if it is a Sea King and if there will be Lifegaurd Personnel? If yes then yes it is a Sea King and I answered about the Lifeguards.
  5. Yes I was already thinking of adding Lifeguards, they may have Quadbike. RNLI will be separate from the Lifeguards. ALB, ILB (Or a smaller lifeboat from the ALB) and a Royal Navy SAR Helicopter.
  6. These are the AFO's that travel around in the ARV's - The SFO's will be able to change into Balistic Gear and Plain Clothes Balistic Gear
  7. A huge thank you to TheNorthenAlex and Koenschannel for their videos on the mod, as well as any others who have also done so. I will now be continuing work on the mod after my little break and I hope to update you all soon! TheNorthenAlex: Koenschannel:
  8. Glad to see you managed to get your account working! Yes that is also fine but those edits can't be used for the clan.
  9. As long as you don't edit it that is fine Interesting, I'll look into it for a later release.
  10. This will definitely be useful, I have accidentally posted in the EM5 section many, many times.
  11. ALP's are not possible in EM4 so that Scania has already been added in as a Turntable ladder. Yes I will be doing the HL. I have absolutely no idea what could be causing the problems you are getting, sorry about that :/
  12. Yes at some point I will be making a custom supervisor.
  13. I have no idea what can be causing it then as it's not the mod (As others work fine I would guess this) or your PC. Are you running as Admin? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple of Radio sounds I have done tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4cAWx3Jfh8&feature=youtu.be
  14. I have almost halved what is down there so I do not think it is them causing an issue. Do you have problems running EM4 normally? Do you get bad frame-rate etc? Only reason I ask is because I have a very poor PC but am able to run the mod fine without crashes.
  15. I have been made aware elsewhere and here that the Save file isn't working, I am not sure of the problem so you would have to create your own. @patvmru is your game still crashing when going to the beach?
  16. Kent (UK) Mod v0.4.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following section is important so please read carefully: By downloading, Installing or Playing this mod you must agree to the following usage terms. -You may NOT re-upload this mod to any site (Edited or non-edited) without permission from Pottyscotty via Emergency-planet.com-Although you can post about your private edits (Be this pictures, videos or just in writing), these modifications must not be shared between anyone but YOURSELF (Non-Negotiable, Please do not contact).-You may NOT use any textures, models, scripts, audio or files from this mod for another modification UNLESS it is private (Once again, Private meaning for YOURSELF only) (Non-Negotiable, Please do not contact). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After installation PLEASE READ THE README! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: Turning Emergency Lighting on/off will effect the speed of the vehicle (Script by BMA)Water Carrier can now be used.Collision Investigation Vehicle is now on-map.HART Moved.Tech Moved.Helicopters Moved.Save File included.Updated Usage Terms.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kent (UK) Mod v0.4.5 (Alpha + Patch) RELEASE https://mega.co.nz/#!aIw0wJoL!G6Scec_p_XaoZHUs9ECFdPVmPbnJA3rp709W2LCn9tk
  17. Thank you very much ----------------------------------------------------------- *Mod Update + Save File Uploading*
  18. Thank you for the tips! As soon as I finish the rough plan I'll work on a tidy one and as you said, add it as the actual map and start work on it. I definitely love the concept of your map, look forward to seeing the end result!
  19. This is not a bug and therefore cannot be "fixed" - It's just something I haven't done yet. I will probably not do this as as soon as this patch it out I am going to start with the new map so there is no point in me doing it. I have been able to maneuver vehicles back into the Station so it isn't a huge problem. You would have to re-download everything because it's more an update - I have changed, removed and added things and a couple will conflict with others so I'd have to upload the whole mod. Back then I wasn't super sure how EM4 modding works but know I know extra events is a very difficult task and would probably need to reply on a mission script so no I don't think I will be added custom events. Of course with all the people on the beach and in the train station you are bound to get some criminals or people ill!
  20. It was! Never had a problem there before too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yENMVd7DGzs&feature=youtu.be Fixes to different bugs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quickly drew up this random map layout that popped into my head. Do you like it? Would you change it in any way? Be aware it's a VERY rough plan.
  21. Firefighters and HART will be gaining Chemical suits but I am unsure about ballistic clothing as of yet. I would also think this but what happens if something like this happens elsewhere? Or would normal HART/Paramedics have to attend? Kent Mod v0.4/Specs/fp_params_endless - Fiddle around with the <AverageFrequency value = "--" /> Values I know it still needs fixing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back from London, bit later then hoped (Got stuck at the Blackwall tunnel after a collision) so I shall start the patch tomorrow.
  22. Yeah I think I may have done it to a couple of the vehicles already just not all
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