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Everything posted by Pottyscotty

  1. Kent (UK) Mod v0.4 (Alpha) RELEASE A little over a year from when it first started, Kent Mod has now been released! I want to thank you all for your patiance, suggestions and kind words throughout this period of time. Remember, this is not the end! There is still much more work to do and I look forward to continuing with this modification. The following section is important so please read carefully: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: By downloading, Installing or Playing this mod you must agree to the following usage terms. A copy of these can be found in the Mod's "Readme" file. -You may NOT re-upload this mod to any site (Edited or non-edited) without permission from Pottyscotty via Emergency-planet.com -Although you can post about your private edits (Be this pictures, videos or just in writing), these modifications must not be shared between anyone but YOURSELF. -You may NOT use any textures, models, scripts, audio or files from this mod for another modification UNLESS it is private (Once again, Private meaning for YOURSELF only). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an early version of the mod and therefore there are bugs and some I do know about. Please read the Bugs, fixes and notes in the Mod's "Readme" file so you do not experiance unwanted glitches or crashes. Any questions about bugs that are answered in the "Readme" will be ingnored! Here is the link for the modification, enjoy it! https://mega.co.nz/#!DUpQFahY!Je70wzriHI67w7dnWzBVrpn-YQCFbzFDQdHiE35iMJs - 648MB
  2. For all those who have downloaded Windows 10, Do you like it? Does it work correctly? But of course most importantly, can you play Emergency 4?
  3. It will only be the ones which came with separate boots on the model, open-able boots will be added in the next update.
  4. Yup what Ace said. I am wondering if the problem is the fact that the rotors are an actual model and not a flat textured blade, maybe this played with the physics or maybe it is simply the animations playing up.
  5. Great vehicles aren't they Seen them four times and three times they were on blues! I have added Grille and side lights as well as update part of the skin and fixed the wheels. The helicopter blades are a bit glitched (I'll try to fix it at some point if I can) so continue spinning when on the ground (They spin at a normal speed when flying) - It's the same helicopter used in Welfordshire I think.
  6. New lighting for the helicopters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8BXgRF0XK0
  7. Definitely playable and I can't stress enough how super soon release is but after that there is a lot to add so this is definitely not Beta/1.0!
  8. I don't know much about the roof codes so with the BMW I copied it from a picture but with these I couldn't find any pictures of the roofs so I made it up, thanks for that I'll change it soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some more incident pictures - New script edit is being used which allows more than one paramedic to treat a patient (This doesn't speed up the process but is more for looks and realism). After a bit of editing, the ford ranger is also back!
  9. SECamb and KFRS (Apart from the IRU) don't use roof codes so no
  10. This could work actually, not sure how I would get around it though because you would still have to make an extra bit of equipment for the game.
  11. That's a shame, thanks for your help though. Would be nice to have access to the source!
  12. Is it possible to have two different medical bags, one for Paramedics and one for Firefighters? Just to clarify, by different I mean two different Models/Prototype. In the LAGetEMTBag script there is a line that says: if (p.GetEquipment()==EQUIP_EMERGENCY_CASE || p.IsCarryingPerson()||p.IsLinkedWithPerson()|| p.GetFirehoseID()!=0 || p.IsPulling())The fact that it is not a custom piece of equipment and has already been labeled as "EMERGENCY_CASE" leads me to believe it's hard coded and I won't be able to create a second one but I would like to know if this is true before I discard the idea.
  13. Yes I was going to do one of these most likely for the next update
  14. They are the LA Mod cones but I have made them more orange and added the reflective strips to them, was meant to make them taller at some point but not sure how it would look
  15. Hi all, haven't been able to get to my PC but I will re-start work right away. I didn't unfortunately but I will try to capture one at some point for you I haven't made any yet, they will be made for the next release. The ones I use at the moment are the LA Mod SWAT personnel.
  16. Afraid you might be mistaken about that one (Below) but definitely agree with the rest!
  17. Thanks, I did these before I sent it to TACR - Wasn't sure how it would come out but seems like it's ok I hope I have edited them since so it's more realistic (The brakelights covers the top part but taillights cover the bottom).
  18. Yes it will say Up to you, in real life they have been assigned to Taser Certified Officers and SFO/AFO's so for realism sake that is what I am doing with the mod. With a lot of American mods I have added tasers to pretty much all units. Already done ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pictures of all current units can be found on the 1st page in the spoiler!
  19. Traffic Officers will not have them and you will have "Taser Certified" Officers.
  20. I count 7 2x Jankels, 2x Flying Squad, 2x BMW ARV's. Yup, give me a few minutes and I'll get it up on the front page. Edit:- I am having problems with uploading images at the moment so it will have to wait until tomorrow.
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