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    Aviation, Programing, HTML

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  1. You can check out our website, Click Here Hopefully many people are looking for a casual community. At the Moment we do not have a teamspeak server or anything. We also allow games to be played with no mic.
  2. Does anyone have any suggestions? For the Website and the whole community in General? Let Me Know, Thanks,
  3. The Website is already being developed and will be released in the weeks to come.
  4. Hello, The Vehicle Preview Display in my game is not working. It just shows every single vehicle even mods as white squares. As seen in the attached PNG Image you can see the problem. I have tried re-installing it and no luck. Please Get back to me if you can help. Thanks, Peter
  5. @poole3003 Nobody knows how to mod on our team as we don't particularly Need It. This is just a casual clan so we use any mod that the players in each game want to.
  6. Hello, I am thinking about starting a small Casual Multiplayer Clan. The Following is the Plan: -Mod(s) Used- Our Clan does Not use only one Mod for our Emergency 4 Multiplayer Games.We will test Mods for developers in multiplayer and single player free play and campaign Uses.We take mod recommendations via our website (Coming Soon)-Joining/Application- Anyone can join our Community To Play in multiplayer Games you must own the GameWe will also accept persons without the game as administatrorsThis is not a Final Plan however we want to know what you think before we go ahead with this. This allows players to meet new people not in the professional clans where you must play every week or so. Players are not obligated to play a certain amount of games a month. Please let me know below what you think about this idea. Thanks
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