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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. Logfile errors are a must when working on issues like that. I've done extensive tweaking to my personal LA mod, and I'll gladly lend a hand for your problems.
  2. Okay, so I've completely replaced the original Heal command with the LAHeal command. Medics will heal people, including comatose people, and non-medics stabilize, all in one command. Having the medic bag equipped gives a bonus to heal rate, and is still required to heal comatose people. The only issues now are that you lose the defibrillator animation and sound, and medics hold the bag in their hands when healing instead of putting it down. Function is fine and the rest are simply cosmetic; it's going to take some additional animation control scripting, and removing items from people's hands and creating them on the ground, and then reversing the process when done. That I'm not sure of how to do, though. Also, working on a new script to automatically make personnel run/rerun the command on nearby injured people at an interval, using a list of priorities: People Not Evaluated/Classified People Who Are Comatose People Who Haven't Been Stabilized People Who Have Less Than 10% Health People Who Have Less Than 50% Health People Who Aren't Fully Healed.Full permission is given to use the script in mods, as long as credit is given to me and Hoppah (for the original LA mod script). 2/14 - New version added. Person will not be stabilized during healing unless health is 50+%. I also have a personal version which puts restrictions on transporting people. If below 50% health when treatment begins, a person must be transported in an ALS vehicle (which are assigned with a Dummy Command). This requires several other script edits (EnterCar and PutInCar), plus creating and assigning of the dummy commands to appropriate vehicles. TreatPerson.rar
  3. This thread needs a bit of the ole Can't wait to see some more stuff from the team. P.S. If you guys are implementing Hoppah's Water Supply mod, I can field questions you may have. I've got it down pat with my personal LA mod.
  4. Sounds like you've got the latest version. It includes the need for a person to run the pump on the vehicle. If the person has the "PcmdPumpSwitch" command (and the vehicle has the "VcmdPumpSwitch" command), when you hover over a vehicle with hoses attached, they cursor should change to a gear icon. After that, attached hoses should work. Rapid Deployment should automatically have one person do that immediately.
  5. Any thought on my idea about the pump op being the one to remove the line during Undeploy? How would I go about making that happen?
  6. Found the blog page here... http://blog.naver.com/mdjse1/80198461632 Can't find a download link, though.
  7. OK, so the script loads up. You said you read the readme, but I don't believe it got updated in the latest version. Make sure to compare all child objects and commands on the Demo Mod's vehicles to your vehicles to see if anything is missing.
  8. Got it to play and stop a repeating 3D sound. Step 1: Find this line (two places)... x = Audio::PlaySample3D(PfadAudio3D, go->GetPosition(), true);...and add... go->SetUserData(x);...after it. Step 2: Find... go.RemoveCommand("AlarmTriggered");go.RemoveCommand("FalseAlarm");...and add these lines after it... if (Audio3D == 0){ int ref = Target->GetUserData(); Audio::StopSample(ref);}That pretty much wraps up the script as far as I'm concerned. I'm not sure about the permissions on the BMA script, otherwise I'd post mine here for others to use. Free to use, it seems, so here's the whole package with English readme and script. FireAlarms.rar
  9. You also have to edit the building on the map and enable that child object. Just adding it to the prototype won't work.
  10. It could be hardcoded. I think the material lines affect the car explosion, but not the car itself.
  11. I'll look into that. I can probably just put it up on Dropbox or something and PM you the link. Edit: Alright, great work, hoppah! You smashed those bugs nicely. A quick suggestion regarding undeploy; could you make it so that the person running the pumps is the one that disconnects the supply line? It would save some time over one of the other connected people removing both their line and the supply line.
  12. LAFlashingLights Under the script "DummyEnableLights", vehicle prototypes are set with certain speeds for when they have their lights on, and under "DummyDisableLights" the speed for when vehicles don't have their lights on is set.
  13. Kind of, in a heavily modded version of the 4x4 YSB LA submod. It has issues, and I've been stuck on how to find out what's the root cause or how to fix it. For some reason, vehicles that do not start on the map aren't recognized as valid and don't get water tanks, plus I cannot get the wye or hose extenders to be picked up (they install and work just fine). Other than those, the mod does work, so it's not a complete bust.
  14. Anyone have an idea on how to get it to loop the alarm sound at the location of the box until reset? This line hasn't been working for me; it plays once and then stops. int x; x = Audio::PlaySample3D(PfadAudio3D, go->GetPosition(), true);Probably need a line to stop the sound when the alarm is reset, but I don't think one is already in the script.
  15. Sheesh, gloomy Guses. I'm sure the loss of seven vehicles (all but one civilian) and the need for a few lines in a readme file won't kill this mod. I'm assuming this was an oversight and the team will have no problems setting things right.
  16. Did you also copy the prototype files? If so, make sure the new ones actually point to the new model files.
  17. NO, "Read Only" would be a bad thing. Are you having trouble with all the vehicles or just a few?
  18. Are the files set to "Read-Only"? And are you running the editor as Administrator?
  19. For anyone else, you have to unlock the v30 file, and then open it in notepad and change the texture filename within.
  20. My tutorial is out of date now. The newest version has pump commands; if the pumps aren't activated, no hoses will work. Add a pump_controller child on the vehicle, just like the controller one. Then add the pcmd and vcmd to people and vehicles. Then you can use a person to control the pumps.
  21. You had a few lines to remove, I remember. Even doing that it hasn't worked for me. Any ideas on my last post?
  22. Oh man, that all looks damn fine.
  23. Manhattan Mod has theirs set at 6000, I believe. I've raised it to 9001, just because.
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