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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. Not at my PC right now, but the method would involve removing all of the commands on the vehicle, adding the new ones, and reversing the process after running the new commands. I started out with that method when I made a Radio script for people, but I ended up using a prototype replacement system using separate people with just the call commands and a command to "deactivate" the radio. That shortcut probably wouldn't work too easily here, and I'm unsure of how to adapt the method for this situation.
  2. Pardon my excavating, but how do I stop people on ladder trucks from being able to search? All I managed was a script error with my attempt. Also, I don't know if this was mentioned, but is it possible to have multiple outcomes if you send multiple people in to search? Whenever I did that, only one thing seemed to happen with only one person.
  3. Lightbar? Or "lighting"? A lighting mod just replaces prototype files. A new lightbar might need to replace model and texture files, and may need prototype editing or replacement for new lighting setup.
  4. I'd say yes. A little more complexity sounds good to me. Edit: A bug I forgot to report. If a person already has a firehose, they sometimes won't hook up to the vehicle during rapiddeployment. It's usually just one of them. Also, how can I make it so that rapiddeployment ignores certain person prototypes?
  5. The camera has a tendency to drift a lot when first loading a mod. Under one of the menus is "Center Camera", that will bring it back to the map.
  6. Different events, I believe. I don't know if anything more than adding it to the freeplayparameters is needed, or if objects are needed on the map.
  7. Hopefully the new script will go better. Everything looks fine with both scripts, so I just don't get it. Everything else sounds very nice; looking forward to the additions.
  8. Ah, no. It's the NYCGatedWye straight from your test mod. I only edited the pickup script I had already. Edit: Uh oh... realized I still had the LA wye script in. Let me test again to see if that messed it up.... Nope, still bugged. Oh, I forgot to add something related to the hydrant distance check. Does it look for the closest one? I've had it go for a hydrant that isn't the closest one.
  9. Hoppah, I just remembered a bug I ran into on the testing mod. When using multiple wyes off of one engine, if you pick up one, the others show/create their hidden person, but don't disappear themselves. I ended up with about twice as many FDNY people as I started out with during that incident. I don't know what can be done about that. I'll have to add that wye script and commands back into my mod since I always had issues with the LAWye script I was using. Looking forward to the hose extender option when you get to that. I've had times when I could really use longer hoses. Also, it could solve an issue with the rapid deployment hydrant distance check being made too large if they install the hose at it's max and grab another to go from there. Edit: Well, still having trouble picking up the wye after it's been installed. I copied over anything I found in your pickup script that seemed to deal with the wye, so I'm not sure what's causing the issue. pickup.rar
  10. Weird. I swear it fixed the bug for me. I'll check again. Edit: Yep, still happens. However, you can switch people out of the basket, and the new person will work correctly. When that person bugs, the first person will work again. Hoppah, would it be possible to get a RapidDeployment script for ladders, where a person gets out, attaches the line, and then gets in the basket?
  11. I swear he fixed that along with the cannon bug. Did you use the fix he attached awhile ago?
  12. Pretty much. Edit your vehicles and do any needed script modifying and it's ready to go.
  13. Hoppahs working on that, he just wants a tanker model to work with before he releases anything.
  14. The only vehicle-vehicle function that Hoppah is planning is the tanker. Anything beyond that might be too complicated to bother with.
  15. Hoppah has a working freeplay water supply mod. The Manhattan team have it implemented for the next patch, and I've applied it to my personal LA mod. It takes a bit of tweaking and scripting (more so for the new deck gun mechanics), but it's pretty simple (as long as you don't try to be too complicated and mess it up, like I did at first) and adds some new challenges.
  16. Here's the post where Freakinmusket showed it off.
  17. Ah, alright. It was an uneducated guess based on the wording in the script. So when I have a SCBA guy install the line and a non-SCBA guy uninstall it, that's what happens. Alright, bug makes sense. Sounds great!
  18. Well, I definitely borked something trying to customize the script last time, but I restored the default script, made a few slight changes (can't get things completely as I'd like them just yet), and I have my limited water working. Fixed my Tender cannon by changing the prototype back to TLF, but I believe I found the issue in the extinguish and cool scripts that was keeping the LPF type from working, so I'll see if I can switch it back... And it worked! Just find the line below in both scripts... if (obj.GetUserData() == UnitID && obj.CheckExtinguishDistance(o) && obj.GetVehicleType()==VT_FIREFIGHTERS_TLF)And change to this one... if (obj.GetUserData() == UnitID && obj.CheckExtinguishDistance(o) && (obj.GetVehicleType()==VT_FIREFIGHTERS_TLF || obj.GetVehicleType()==VT_FIREFIGHTERS_LPF))Now if you want, you can have more powerful deck guns on vehicles! The energy settings are above that line in extinguish if you want to change values. If you want the correct cannon drain on the water supply, find the section under this... if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_FIREFIGHTERS_GTF && v.HasCommand("VcmdWaterSwitch") && v.IsCurrentAnimation("activate"))And make it look something like this (changing (and adding const if needed) the prototype checks as needed) if (cannon.GetUserData() == v.GetID() && (cannon.IsCurrentAction("EActionExtinguish") || cannon.IsCurrentAction("EActionCool"))) { if (StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), VEH_FOAM) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), VEH_CRASH) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), VEH_CRASH2) == 0) numActiveLPFCannons++; else numActiveTLFCannons++; } Haven't run into either, but Bug 1 makes sense, as all the cannon vehicles it creates are named the same; there should be a way to keep them separate I assume. Haven't a clue about number 2, but I can confirm it. Have a bug of my own. Sometimes when removing the supply line, a person will switch prototypes! I've had SCBA and non-SCBA switching switching to the other.
  19. The diver can enter the water near there, so as long as you can get someone changed into one it should be possible.
  20. I just know that I had to add attach and remove hose commands and the remove equipment commands after using Hoppah's new scripts.
  21. Adding the RemoveEquipment command to your people should be all you need to do.
  22. Oh man, I foresee mines being part of a lot more of the events with this in the mod.
  23. I noticed and fixed the missing code for the compare, but the issue happened before I added that one. I'll see about redoing my formatting to see if I can spot errors easier. Yeah, I'll switch back to TLF, though I'm surprised the other type wouldn't work just as well. Point on the hose thing. It does really seems to short, so I'll mess around with the distance check. I like this method much more than what was used for the US mods. Much better. All those ideas sound great. Though if we get pumps to operate, I'll be running out of people to do it. That's also exactly what I was thinking for how the tanker would work. Guide wasn't bad really. There were some oddities, but it's understandable.
  24. Answered one question of mine. Looks like that's how it works already, though the second guy still gets another hose afterwards. I'd like to make him either not get the hose, or get an extinguisher instead. Hoppah, what kind of max range is safe for the hookup hydrant search? I suppose max reach of the hoses, but I don't know how that would pan out to the number in the script.
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