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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. I think it's one of those pushactions that would control it. Comment out one of the lines and see what effect it has. As for another problem of mine, my tender waterswitch doesn't want to work correctly. It activates and deactivates fine, but it won't extinguish or cool. I wonder if setting the cannon vehicle it creates to the LPF type instead of TLF is causing issues. I'd like the tender and my crash engines to have the more powerful deck gun so they have a difference between the regular engines. And Hoppah, since you were asking for a water supply truck for use with some vehicle to vehicle supply functionality in the future, Freakinmusket did make one for his LA County submod.
  2. Man, if we aren't opposites... My rapiddeploy works flawlessly with the new hookups, but I've got a FUBAR watersupply. My rapiddeployment script was attached a few posts back if you want to peek at it. But your idea for that last guy is kind of intriguing, though I think I'll keep mine as is.
  3. Ah, that makes sense. I'll take a look at the get equipment and change clothes commands and see if I can get those running using that method.
  4. Ah, missed that. Hopefully that will be it, or at least let me hit any other errors on the way. Edit: Nope, no change, still the same errors in the log and nothing working. All missing semi-colons were added, so it's something else that isn't actually bringing up an error. WaterSupplyFreeplay.rar
  5. This looks like a nifty script. Hope the kinks get worked out.
  6. Ah, that explains it, since that's the freeplay number. I have to go back through each mission to determine what types of vehicles are needed, but I have jurisdictions to use for each.
  7. Another thing about the brush truck. Since I've got a crew of two, how can it be worked so that they both get out, one hooks a hose while the other just connects a supply? Also, is there a way to limit the amount of people who get out with rapiddeployment when you have less crew than hose connections? I've got my tender with three seats (since it isn't an extended cab), and 4 hose connections, but I'd like to keep the 3rd guy inside for the water cannon command. So far, the water isn't working at all. Vehicles that get spawned on startup at least have the water level icon, but I sent more onto the map and they didn't get assigned that dummy. Noticed this is my logfile for the startup, too. Something's amiss. Scripts here: Command.rar fp_freeplay.rar Maybe my use of proto compares instead of vehicletype is messing up something? Edit: Just noticed something. I don't have the correct file for "GameObject mDummy = Game::CreateObject("mod:Prototypes/06 Objects/Misc/empty.e4p", "WaterTankDummy");", though I noticed your test mod doesn't either and it worked. Added proto and corrected path, but no change.
  8. Here's my CallAmbulance script as I have it now. My lines are commented out for what I'm attempting to do here. I'm not using NAME or anything, just the prototype constant. LACallAmbulance.rar
  9. Vehicle doesn't have command in editor, so that's fine. A "water_supply_main" object was placed on map. Four superstruct connectors named connector0-3, and child "water_supply", yep. Vehicle type set to GTF, yep. As for the equipment command, Hoppah had an idea... I guess I need to add the attach command (remove also?). I'll edit the model file and comment out the hose commands in the LA file, and see how it goes. Edit: Yes, cannon is working now. A quick question about the LA Brush Truck. If I set max connectors for those prototypes to 1 in the rapiddeployment script, will it work correctly? Edit2: Ok, added attachfirehose to my people, and hovering over the vehicle brings up the icon and a click will activate, but the person just moves to near the back of the truck and nothing happens. Rapiddeployment also fails to work. Do the connector prototypes need to have a specific filename, or do the superstructs just need to have the connector name? For some reason the names did save on the connectors and they were named pump0-3. They connect now, though I have to add removefirehose to them still, but that should solve that problem. Also, limitedwater doesn't seem to be working, at least with the cannon. The vehicle shows the waterlevel icon, so it gets the command added by the scripts, but the water never depletes and no message shows when I click on the command. That last seems to indicate it's not just a deal with it not recognizing the cannon.
  10. I'm in troubleshoot mode also. My vehicle is set up just like the NY engines,, and I have an invisible vehicle set up for the switch command to use. The water level looks to be activating on it correctly, as the 100% icon shows up, however pressing it does not bring up the message about water level, so something has to be wrong. The waterswitch command activates, person ends up on top of vehicle, vehicle gains the cool and extinguish commands, but will not spray water. nor will it deactivate. The rapiddeployment command activates, four people exit vehicle and grab hoses, one connects hose to hydrant and then to vehicle, but hoses cannot be attached to the vehicle, and there seems to be glitches with the people equipped with hoses (they don't have drop or attach/remove commands). Here are my scripts. Command.rar
  11. Okay, for setting up LA engines with hoses and cannon based on your two NYFD engines in the test. Set type to GTF. Have four connectors under the "superstructures" list (labeled "connector0-3"?). For child-objects list, have a cannon (must be labeled "cannon"?), and then the connection named "water_supply". Also need an object named "controller", is that where the person put on top of the vehicle goes? And then some semi-complicated script modifications afterwards.
  12. OK, I tried on my other, older system and it loaded just fine. I swore I didn't mess with anything before I played, but I'll give it another fresh go tomorrow.
  13. Demo looks great. Freeplay crashed on load, so I don't know if you hadn't finished it in the last upload. Also noticed that you had the "guy on cannon" set up for those engines, nice to see that it can work for existing engines. What did you come up with for connections to ladder trucks or the LAX Crash engine (though I'm assuming some prototype editing will be needed)? I thought of the humorous situation that will happen with the brush truck. One guy on the hose, then we'd have a guy waiting with a supply hose so when the tank is empty they'd have to switch to refill. Also, anyone that has ideas for good values that get as close to how many lines a pump can support without draining the tank, please post.
  14. How will we handle supplying ladder trucks? As far as I know, no mods out there have added hose connections to them. Great work, Hoppah.
  15. I saw some different models (lord knows I don't have enough vehicles in my LA mod yet), I think. But I am curious as to what all has changed.
  16. I like it. If I still had Winterberg installed I'd try to look at the method they found, though theirs is way too restrictive considering an American-style engine usually has a tank capable of holding a few hundred gallons at the least.
  17. I suppose just changing the numbers for the tow trucks in freeplaybase would work then.
  18. The tow truck problem is because the "MaxParkingSpace" value is too low for the number of vehicles you have available, I believe. That's why it won't let us buy more vehicles, if you didn't narrow it down already. It's a quick fix for anyone to go into the "fp_param*" files and raise it.
  19. Got it! Seems one person doesn't like to connect automatically, and paramedics always have a medic bag somehow if they were created from the script; not sure what's going on there.
  20. Had a fire, building was immediately completely involved and set the building across the street on fire, and proceeded to destroy every nearby parked car and any that tried to drive past. Also had a failed vehicle fire (no way to get there in time), clicked tow truck to pick up the wreck, vehicle disappeared, tow truck became non-command-able. Gridlock ensued, sent out flatbed to get truck, flatbed got lost because of traffic, game eventually CTD'd.
  21. If you're using the replace prototype method, you'll have to make sure the new person is the one defined in any further actions. Say if "p" is the original person, and "p1" is the new one created. "p1" must be the one doing the actions after it is made. Go ahead and post the script you have.
  22. I'm not sure how to keep a vehicle from being Blue Light Enabled when called onto the map (without using scripts) as it seems to be the default state. One way to make it so they have lights flashing when towing would be to make the bluelights "standard" on the "with cargo" prototype, so they are always on. Not sure if there is a way to activate the lights automatically when the pickup command is used.
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