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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Any one had any luck installing EM4 Deluxe on win 8.1 x64? I tried installing it normally and making the installer Win XP compatible(plus Admin rights). No matter what I always seem end up with this message: Logfile: http://pastebin.com/C7QPNCeW Maybe some one can send me the icons from: UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ I have extracted the cab files from the 3 EM4 discs using cabextract in linux. Even then I do not see the missing icons and currsors so this has me curious as well. I also see some extensions for graphics are missing. Not sure what to make of that since I have the latest drivers for my Raedon HD 7700 GPU.
  2. lol this was prior to that, but yeah I saw the story on Firefighter magazine on FB and this pic was posted by some one from the NYFD in the comments.
  3. Resolved: Bad prototype file.
  4. Good critique. I knew something didn't look right. Goog, if I may provide some constructive criticism here, the model is very well done! However, the front end should be a little bit shorter and have a bit of an angle to it. Here's a good walk around http://vciambulances.com/vehicle-sales/ambulances/aev/type-ii/2k-ford-e-350
  5. Xplorer4x4


    Shouldn't have parked there..
  6. Here is the thing, from the sounds of it. You are simply stabilizing a patient. Not healing them. Personally I would rather heal and transport ASAP.
  7. Why do you want 2.0 rather then 2.1?
  8. PMs are for private matters. If it's not private then why PM? You will get a faster response by simply posting the question.
  9. You call it snooping, I call it being a concerned citizen. I also call it entertainment to some extent depending on the call. For example if I heard this( https://www.emergency-planet.com/photo.php?v=633673356691631 ) go out on the radio I would die laughing. Another example, my roommate has a 3 year old, and if I had been living with her at the time, I would want to know my ex-neighbor was busted for child pron. If that sick sob had ever pulled anything with her kid, shit would have hit the fan to say the least.
  10. It's called a mistake. I rarley get on here any more "dude" so sorry the thread had a new posts indicator next to it.
  11. What is SCPD? Would be nice to have some details in the OP about what is included in the submod.
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I figured it varied from department to department but I am told by a reliable source the [df] stands for class D Felony.
  13. Ok so a buddy of mine and his girlfriend were in a bad Scooter vs MVA accident Tuesday night. A local group posts the incident reports online so I blanked out personal info to be sure to avoid any privacy concerns from the EMP staff. I understand omvwi-inj(the chick that hit them was operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, on pills and alcohol), and AR means arrest. The F in the Case # column represents a felony charge. So does the F (F) in the Description mean 2 felonies? 1 for each victim? What does [df] mean?
  14. Well he wasn’t on house arrest because I know he has left since Friday. Plus, what I assume is his mom and dad, were here for a short time tonight, and to my knowledge he has not been home since. His wife was also here for a short time to, and its my understanding she has left him. She certainly seems like she refuses to be here when he is here. She told him if he ver got busted for this crap again she would leave him. Plus one of the Marshals vehicles was parked haphazard while the rest were parked normal. Well wrong side of the street but other wise normal.
  15. And the saga continues, while it was not a rude awakening, I heard some conversation going on outside, and since the sicko has no friends that I have seen, I glance out front and the US Marshals were here to pick up the neighbour. Any idea why he would be out on bail the same day(Friday) and be picked up by the Marshals on Wednesday?
  16. I guess I should have been more clear. Like I said things are a bit foggy, but I believe the raid was several days latter. Maybe they just got the address back from the ISP and got a warrant written up, then immediately executed the warrant. Whatever the delay was, if they had waited days already, and had the officers houses under surveillance, why not survey the suspects address? They had a specific person in mind for whatever reason. Had they surveyed the house maybe they could have realized the suspect did not live there.
  17. Yeah, I thought it was odd seeing all those cars parked on my street since there is usually only a spattering of cars here and there. Had I not known FBI was here, I would have probably thought the neighbour on the corner where they parked was having a party the night before and people crashed over night. I tend to have a bit of road rage and makes me some times think one of these days I am gona end up yelling at the wrong idiot lol. Not here. Last year a threat was posted against specific officers on topix.com. My memory is a bit rusty but I recall they traced the posting IP back to a house on the South Side which is generally considered the Ghetto here. SWAT conducted a full out raid in the late afternoon. They broke out windows to toss flash bangs, ripped the storm door off the hinges, the whole nine yards. Turns out a woman and her daughter(19 I think) lived there. They did not secure their wifi network, and so some one used the network, possibly from a smartphone, to post the threats from that IP/location. Turns out the woman and her mother were innocent, just ignorant. A few days latter in the afternoon they made another raid. I forgot if this was a beat the door down full force raid or a subtle knock on the door raid like what we had happened here. I think this turned out to be another failed raid. The chief and swat team got hella backlash for this. Ha, I was in 8th grade. We TPed my buddys house as he was out of town for a hockey tournament. Walking home we saw a cop turn the corner about 3 blocks back. We took off running of course! Ran through the first backyard we found. Yeah..we came with in about a foot of a chained up German Shepard. I almost shit a brick! Was he on a leash or not? Guess what? Chester, as I will call him now, made it out on bond that day. I wasn't sure until I saw him today.
  18. Nope, not breaking it down just the Sheriff was about to beat the door down with his bare hand lol. My guess is they choose 6:30 AM because they knew they were dealing with a trained soldier who has had combat experience.
  19. Coming from a tough critic, this looks promising. For once some one starts one of these topics and has something promising to show off. Keep up the good work on this!
  20. Friday, June 28 2013 @ 6:30AM. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM...short pause, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM(this time harder), very short pause, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Not realizing what time it is, only knowing I want to sleep until the alarm goes off, I go to look out the window fixing to bite some idiot's head off. What do I see, Sheriff cruiser(CV). So I cock my head to the left, and what do I see, a Sheriff deputy. I go to take a leak and my girlfriend looks outside. She says those 3 little letters known as F..B..I...I look outside and see 2 agents. One sporting a classic Navy Blue tee with Gold lettering. The other wearing the classic tee with a (kevlar?) tac vest. I think to myself, "wait there is only one cruiser outside, where the f did they come from?" and so I look to the right. I see a total of 6 unmarked vehicles like a Toyota Camary, Nissan Xterra, Chrysler 200M, Ford Tarus(Interceptor?), Ford Explorer(Interceptor?), and one other I could not make out. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/Cf86M3k.jpg The wife was allowed to release the child to her mother(?)/child's grandmother. Then the search really started getting in to full swing. Josh, the husband/father was taken in to custody and transported by the Sheriff shortly after this. The FBI was here until about 10AM coming and going from the apartment to the undercover vehicles. The wife left shortly after the FBI did. Personally, I have my likes and dislikes of LEOs. As people I don't automatically dislike them. As LEOs, I don't automatically dislike them, but I dislike them when they are dick heads in general or dick heads about stupid laws and such. That said, I have the utmost respect the agents and sheriff involved for handling the situation calmly and getting the child out of the way. They shielding him from seeing his father go to jail, and that was a stand up thing to do. Especially given what the neighbouring SWAT team did in the past year in terms of a raid. So why was the FBI here? Well apparently Josh, who is a member of our armed forces(not sure what branch, National guard or National guard reserves most likely), was involved with child pornography. I am not sure exactly what his role was, but that doesn't matter much imo. I do hope for his kids sake, that he was not involving his own kid. So have you ever been woken up by a raid?
  21. Long story, posting a topic on it shortly.
  22. Here's a sleeper for ya'll.. Minus the silver BMW Convertible, say hello to the FBI.
  23. Ok actually saw this rig's twin pumper in action last night..turns out it is green, blue, orange and red. My questions still stands as this is way out of the normal for any of the local departments.
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