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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. I think what he was referring to was more like copyright, or in this case trademark I believe, infringement in the sense that for such a project you might find that you need to obtain permission to use the FDNY logos and so forth in the game. Same for NYPD, and any other agency that would be in game.
  2. lol so little seems to change in my extended vacations these days! I can still spot a failed mod just based off the OP.
  3. Thanks for the info. Got another one.So the State of Indiana has lighting code laws as I am sure other states do, but I don't know if all states do: Anyway as far as I know it goes like this:Police = Red and BlueFire = Red and WhiteVolly Fire POV = BlueVolly EMS = GreenHowever the other day I noticed a county volly fire truck(2005 E-One Typhoon Rescue Pumper) with a red and blue light on the side of the cab. I then realized both the Engine 62 and Rescue 64 have them. they were built as fraternal twins built to spec for the department. I included the links to the lighting laws above in case I misunderstood or misread something but I don't get why they are allowed to run red and blue lights?Here is a pic of the truck(the red/blue light is directly above the handle by the front door):
  4. Hey Dyson, I will PM you back soon, but for now can I get a reup of Version 1.0.0? Is the HD Version of v2.0 still a WIP since v3 is now a WIP?
  5. With all the FF personal on here, I thought you guys might be able to help me out. I am trying to find a link with ALL Indaiana Fire Codes. I know for a fact my landlord has violated soem of the codes, and I fear there are several other major code violations. If you guys can provide a link to those codes, and also the Indiana Building Codes, that would be great. The landlord is great to work with, and needs to be made aware of the poor managment of the property before this comes back to bite them in the ass!
  6. I dont think the strobes were amber, just clear. Power to run lights or not, he acted like he was going to run a red light if it werent about to change. While he wasnt driving eratic he did seem in a hurry and did have a traffic vest on. The other night we had a bad pile up that shut down all 6 lanes off the hwy. Saw a brand new impala with the same set up, and in this case DOT brought out the big plow trucks to set up the construction zone type merge arrow light trailers. Speaking of that acident, any idea why a heavy recue crane would pick up a car and suspend it about 5 feet off the ground during recosntruction? Also does nfsa regulate movr up assignments and amount of man power required on alarm calls?
  7. Firefox's built in protection module reports the problem to. I don't waste my time with security software(yay linux), so it is with out a doubt firefox.
  8. <p>These aren't new vehichles, just altered fire station lay out. Poor choice of topic title.</p>
  9. Pirating? What's that? Never heard of it. Oh shiii...here comes the FBI..bye!
  10. Ok so previously I have seen a older model purple dodge Intrepid or Stratus with strobe corner lights and/or headlights in construction zones and it has a seal of the state of indiana on the back window(the stationary part that doesnt roll down). I suspected it to be DOT(department of transportation). When I saw it before it was always in Vanderburgh County. I recently moved to Warick County which is the smaller neighboring county. I live right off a major highway. I came down the hill out of the neighborhood to the highway and see a car coming along with strobe corners and at a distance assume it to be a cop. As it passes I see it is the purple car I have suspected to be DOT. He does not appear to be speeding as I pull out in traffic and eventually pass him. We reach a red light at a small three way stop and he is the second car in line. He starts to creep in to the right turn lane as if he is going to run the light. Instead he wait for the light to go green and then continues in traffic as if he is in no major rush. He eventually does turn off the highway to another highway while I had to go straight. The guy driving had a traffic vest on. My question is, is this likely DOT? If so, what power do they have in regards to running lights and how come they are able to use strobes while in traffic as if they are emergency personnel?
  11. I hear ya. I tend to use NoCD cracks even for games I have legit purchased for the simple fact that I don't want to find the disc and put it in my rig every time I want to play a game. The one exception is SimCity4 because there is no NoCD crack for the "night light patch" to have building lights turn on at night. In this case though, the copy protection is so old that I can mount a ISO rip of the disk in daemon tools and play. Not as convenient as a NoCD crack but it is easier then getting the disk and putting it in every time...but this is a bit off track and probably bordering warez talk so I will shut up about cracks and such.
  12. You beat me to it lol. I was gona say..I see nothing changes..people still trying to use sketch up for EM4. Well that and people with no real idea what there doing trying to make mods. Ah well, good luck to ya James but I don;t see this getting anywhere. Then ditch sketch up and learn to do it right, and do it right from the start.
  13. My guess is we have about a year at the very least before EM5 coems out so as some one else said, no point in killing off mods yet. Please quit being ignorant. 1. Do your research. Long story short, pirateing games does not hurt the bottom line if the game is done right. 2. I will with out a doubt torrent the game first. Sorry to DS and 16Tons if they're reading this, but I need to test the game before I buy, more so after the let down EM2012 was. Oh and just because a torrent is created, doesn;t mean anything if a crack is not included so a torrent alone does no good. Look at when EM2012 was devloped. Dual core cpus were just breaking, or about to break in to the market, so the games was only written for a single core cpu. On my old rig, Core i7 920, load times for even my heavily modded LA Mod was no more then a few minuetes(1 to 2 min). While EM4 couldn;t trully take advtange of my 4 cores and 2 thread per core, a single core was enough to get great load times. Pot meet kettle. Cosnidering you are on my block list, I will simply repeat, pot meet kettle.
  14. Yeah...... right...keep thinking that. I would highly doubt it. If, big if, they catch the suspect, I suspect they could throw it under some sort of bs terrosit litegation given the sumarized statments I managed to find from a quick google. cPanel=rip off. Webmin is not quite as user friendly but it is FOSS. Plus cPanel usually does not come with dedicaited servers or VPSes. Well said. Very well said Dakota. Meh wrong thread. My bad. So I will just add this, this is what happens when you neglect updates to your source code. This is why every web site needs a technical adminidtrator/owner that can devote enough time to keep things up to date.
  15. Android all the way. NFK made alot of good points but frankly, Android leads the way in technology. For example, there is no iPhone with 4G/LTE capability at this time. Android also comes in many shapes and sizes. Want a slider phone with a physical keyboard? They are not that popular but they are out there. Want a bigger screen? No problem. App wise, you get most the popular iOS apps and if you don't there is almost always a comparable, if not better app available on the Market/Play Store. Apps are generally cheaper to I believe. The biggest advantage of all is custom ROMs. Android is an open source platform allowing developers, take some one like Hoppah who has made so many break throughs in the EM4 platform, to take vanilla untouched/unmoddified android and start building a variant of the OS allowing things like overclocking and underclocking. When I say underclocking, take for example what I do on my phone. I got root access and then used SetCPU to control the CPU so it can not use more then 300Mhz when the screen is off. This means when it is sitting in your pocket, doing nothing but the ocasionaly check for email, tweets, facebook posts, etc, the CPU can not scale up to full speed like it can on an iPhone enabling me better battery life. You also have "launcher apps" which allow you to customize the way your phones home screen looks and feels. Say you like the look on Win 7 phones but prefer the open source nature of android. Not a problem. Want to customize your home icons any way possible? Not a problem on android. You can also theme the icons to all look the same. You can even change your lock screen with just an app or set a pin code or pattern lock for security.Want to change the color of the icons and text in the status bar(the 3G/4G icon, date/time, battery percent, etc) or change the icons all together. Furthermore you do not need to be tied down to a pos software like iTunes. Want music on your phone? Plug in the data cable(micro usb cable so replacements are cheap and universal between all android phones and even other devices use micro usb), select USB connectivity and you have what acts like a big flash drive. You said you were looking at an iPhone...why? Because it's "cool?" If you want a locked down device, then have fun. Otherwise go android.
  16. Third alarm fire in the county hre tonight. The commanding officer made it very clear not to put water on the natural gas fires. Why? Power was cut about 30 min maybe a bit less, before gas, yet they are run by the same company. Arent cutting the gas, cutting the power, and preliminary searches usually performed very early on in the incident?
  17. This is your problem, you have to use some crappy pc based app to help manage your phone. With android, your phone acts like a giant flash drive. Copy and paste. Your done.
  18. He was given the send off a hero deserves. Almost every Fire Department in a 30-45 minute radius had an apparatus on hand to join a procession that took the young man on one last ride around the town. Once at the funeral home, Central Dispatch asked that all radio traffic be withheld in a moment of silence to honor Fire Fighter Jeremy Tighe.
  19. Honor Flag - Arriving in Evansville 4:15pm today for fallen firefighter Jeremy Tighe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qddTUrKJw0w&feature=colike
  20. The McCutchanville Fire Department sign is draped with black ribbon in memory of Jeremy Tighe. Please share this picture, thank you! - Richard Karns — in Evansville, Indiana.
  21. The 4shared links are not working for me.Just keeps saying "loading 4shared." Try http://www.filedropper.com/
  22. In a tragic turn of events, an 18 year old volly firefighter has died while on duty tonight just hours before he would turn 19 years old.May he rest in peace while his family and firefighter brothers and sisters mourn him. The department is closed until further notice.. http://www.courierpr...north-st-josep/
  23. Hoppah(or Mikey or both) locked the model to where it is not importable to zmoddler. Hoppah posted the guide to unlock this and other models for importing in to Zmod. The tut is around here some where but dont have a clue where. In an old announcment thread. I think it may have been Hoppah anouncing his retirement. It requiers Excell and editng one line of the numbers.
  24. In the video, in the parking lot, theres a black GMC cab/chassis with a pretty standard RV/Camper on the back. Any one know what that was?
  25. Better start to learn then. Eh hasnt the NY Mod taken about three years as is? Doubt we will ever see it, and if we do, as you stated, the game may be dead by then, but then again it has survived this long. As for payment, dude thats a rip off. I have seen websites selling high quality, high poly models for less then $10, and you want $10 an hour? I might pay you $10 for 3 models, I might even pay $10 for 2 models but $10 an hour?
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