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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. OMG DOUBLE POST!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAX!! AF)BG+)*(HGF0h9-4ghjw3=49th ADg byhgrg Wanna see a picture of my ingrown toenail? (Before the pedophile podiatrist cut it out (the ingrown part))
  2. Yeah, managed to get back everything except my Photo. Same message. Also, lost the most recent PMs (I was afraid of that) and all of the other ones say they're from a deleted member and are all deleted (the messages have the red X that says that), but I can still view them. EDIT: WTF my post count went down 1200 posts... I haven't posted that much since March. And other people like Xplorer have the same amount. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~., . . . . . . . .. . . . . .,.-”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“-., . . . . .. . . . . . ..,/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”:, . . . . . . . .. .,?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\, . . . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,} . . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`^`.} . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:”. . . ./ . . . . . . .?. . . __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :`. . . ./ . . . . . . . /__.(. . .“~-,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`. . . .. ./ . . . . . . /(_. . ”~,_. . . ..“~,_. . . . . . . . . .,:`. . . . _/ . . . .. .{.._$;_. . .”=,_. . . .“-,_. . . ,.-~-,}, .~”; /. .. .} . . .. . .((. . .*~_. . . .”=-._. . .“;,,./`. . /” . . . ./. .. ../ . . . .. . .\`~,. . ..“~.,. . . . . . . . . ..`. . .}. . . . . . ../ . . . . . .(. ..`=-,,. . . .`. . . . . . . . . . . ..(. . . ;_,,-” . . . . . ../.`~,. . ..`-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..\. . /\ . . . . . . \`~.*-,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..|,./.....\,__ ,,_. . . . . }.>-._\. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|. . . . . . ..`=~-, . .. `=~-,_\_. . . `\,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ . . . . . . . . . .`=~-,,.\,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `:,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . `\. . . . . . ..__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=-,. . . . . . . . . .,%`>- Lol Hot Fuzz is awesome. And no it's not lol. England gave us Simon Pegg and Aphex Twin. And two wars. And the Scottish gave us black Scottish cyclopses. I need to do that to a road sign and say "I can haz accident?"
  4. HOT DAMN!! That tanker truck crash is what 16T based the tanker truck crash off of in EM3, it's almost exactly like it. Like how they based mission 19 off of the Day After Tomorrow BTW what is phone phreaking? I looked and I couldn't really understand any of it, the way they explained it.
  5. I will give someone several lollipops to hack into VAVLe's servers and get rid of my VAC Ban. Why do you have a VAC Ban, you ask? Because some sh*tty douchebag hacker hacked my account because of VALVe's piss-poor account security, and used cheats (which explains why I have 325/236 achievements for TF2 while I've only "played" it once or twice myself, despite it saying I've played it for like 4 hours lol). VALVe also really needs to stop being retarded and let VAC Bans be lifted so they stop losing customers. And a far better customer support. Even Atari's has got to be better. If you complain about VAC Bans on their forums, then what do they do? They erase ALL traces of you: your account, your posts, topics, everything. If to Support, they just ignore you. Now I can't play any online at all basically and need to get a new account if I want to do anything, and since you can't transfer ANY games over accounts so basically I've wasted several hundred dollars. Not even my Orange Box would work on another account. I will seriously reward someone for finding a way to remove my ban or be able to bypass it. This is total crap. I'm about ready to get some people together and file a Class Action Lawsuit. Anyway, yeah, I always hated that extinguishers couldn't put out fires. That always pissed me off. Especially on that capsized ship, ooh that mission is confusing. Could just edit the data in the folder, maybe? BSPs deal more with maps...
  6. Lol he wants to do it himself I never knew that it was made with Hammer, etc.
  7. You know me? Lol I actually do have that game I don't think there is anything that can open a .bsp except for something related to or from VALVe. Lemme see what I got in my stash.
  8. Hm so I got the updater and installed the files first before running the updater, but no matter what I do, it doesn't connect to the server or mirrors, as it so blatantly states it.
  9. It does look good for your first mod. Chuck Norris approves Although have you actually added any units to the game yet? Editor screens are kind of cheating (in regards to the actual 'mission' screens).
  10. Well it should have lol. Try exporting it again and replacing the file.
  11. Again, only because of their honor system.
  12. Well it just did lol. Fine then. A terrorist's bomb was on board and was the only thing that floated. As soon as emergency workers got there in boats and helicopters, it was bumped into by a boat and exploded.
  13. You forgot to click "Scale Geometry". In the Modify Menu by Scale is a box, click it and make sure it's checked.
  14. The car blows up, setting off a chain reaction of exploding cars. The ferry explodes and incinerates everyone on board and any marine wildlife nearby. Any leaking oil simply burns away. What little is left of the ship sinks to the bottom and is crushed to infinity by the immense pressure. End of mission.
  15. I'll pay someone 5 trillion dollars to go steal that octupussy and send it to a Japanese fish market. Or just give it to me, so I can drop it from the Empire State Building on international TV. Spain totally did NOT deserve to win: Germany was and is the better team and had more support. Spain only won because if they didn't, they would have been dishonored. F*cking Spaniards and their honor. More annoying than Asians and theirs. Oezil was so totally tackled in the first half and they should have gotten a penalty for that. FIFA really needs to make it against the rules to f*ck around in the last half and waste time, and should make the refs force all substitutes to sprint on and off the field.
  16. I ban you because you support the Army.
  17. Lol missiles won't work anyway. I've heard the government say it, and most other people: that private space companies are the future. We kinda need to change that.
  18. Lol FAKE. It lies. WTF stupid Garrysmod.org won't let me log in. I was logged in and their retarded update made me log out. Idiots.
  19. Dammit I just learned that Robert Culp, the actor that voiced Dr. Breen in HL2, died. Farewell to the best villain ever!
  20. Shouldn't this topic be in the Other Games section? Oh, NFK!
  21. Solutions: Get rid of all US oil companies, all banks and replace them with credit unions, and then replace and reformat the entire government. It's the only way to deal with this and the Recession. Also working on the ideas stated above to give people jobs, boost the economy, and save the environment. We also need to give NASA a boost. We need to seriously build Space Habitats and get our Moon/Mars colonization missions underway; we're on a timeline to have multiple large cities on the Moon by 2050. These would also work as the Universe's biggest insurance policy, so in case the Earth gets destroyed, WE don't.
  22. The "blue rectangles" are called Virtual Objects and can be created/selected by going to Scene - Virtual Objects. Then find the ones used for the parking spaces by the police station, add more and name them appropriately, then edit the Go to Police Station script so they can be used as parking spaces.
  23. I'm pretty sure they already do that in the mod.
  24. I think the graphics are better but I like Rome: Total War better. Can't wait till they come out with Modern Warfare: Total War. Wanna blow someone up with a squad of suicide bombers
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