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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. That's not that hard to do; there is a built in particle editor. They just need someone who actually has the balls to screw around with that (like the hardest part of modding right there).
  2. Well they're usually the only person actually moving their lazy ass and running. Or if they have a gun, they should be the only non-police person with a gun (I guess it depends on the part of LA you're in lol). For cars it's the only one running over people and sticking a 5 foot long rifle out the window and shooting at the 30 cars queued up behind the light they're stuck at (yes, they especially get mad at the traffic in LA).
  3. Lol in my last issue of Popular Science, there was a guy who came up with about the most brilliant idea in history: replacing all road surfaces with solar panels. DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH ENERGY WE COULD MAKE!? Jesus, all he needs to do is make a panel strong enough to be a surface of a road and it'll be ready; if we didn't have a retarded government more concerned about wasting all of its money for a pointless military this could have been done years ago. I really hate humanity. And why don't we make Automatic cars? I mean just put a strip down the center of the lanes of a road that the computers, etc. in the car could follow, have an autothrottle and an automatic GPS driving system, and there wouldn't have to be ANY human input save for the destination. Hell, no more drunk drivers, almost no accidents, road rage, etc. And speeds could be even faster, since machines almost never screw up. My god, we fail SOO much. Sensors in every car could be used to track it (aka police and then they could kill the car if it's used in a crime, etc.) and other cars would 'see' it and know how to avoid it, etc. and it could be used for emergencies and to find out what would be in a hazardous load, etc... NO MORE TRAFFIC JAMS!! If the cars were electric and the roads were solar panels, they could be like a train a literally just draw power FROM the road. Holy hell, holy hell, holy hell. PLEASE GOD GIVE EVERY COUNTRY A GOOD GOVERNMENT THAT WOULD ACTUALLY DO THIS!!!!
  4. Open the Scene tab on the top and press Map Properties. On the lower-left part of the UI that opens, there should be a button that says Reset Camera Origin (along those lines). Press it, and it should take you back into the 'editing area'.
  5. Lol it seems as if Germany will be World Champion again. W00t!
  6. Wrong Nick lol. Nick, Francis (my favorite), and Bill are the only good characters. Everyone else sucks, ESPECIALLY in L4D2; the AI is HORRIBLE. I mean seriously VALVe. I do seem to spend more time making maps for L4D then I play it lol. L4D is better than L4D2 in my opinion, although 2 is more fun, it's just not 'serious' enough for me but I do like the engine upgrades for 2, especially the weather system and the AI Director 2.0.
  7. Not the 7th yet lol. Would hold silence at my school if it wasn't Summer but yes, it was quite sad. RIP
  8. Why don't you call Exxon and tell them that lol. Although this one is bigger.
  9. O_O WTF. I didn't say anything...? I don't get it... Why me? BTW ya'll I won't be here this weekend so I won't be on. Just an FYI.
  11. *I sense a sing-along coming* But no. A song. The emotion I felt:
  12. @Xplorer: they got the blueprint/technical drawings from Seagrave's website - all new deliveries come with them and you can view them. FDNY's trucks are no exception. Example (not FDNY, btw) New trucks look really nice. Kinda went OCD on the details but it's still epic.
  13. Well there are already some airport maps for Gmod like Snabbans Airfield, but they're not big or realistic enough for my taste. My map takes up the MAXIMUM possible area in Hammer, so it has a HUGE skybox. I want mine more realistic but still like a Garry's Mod map so it's a combo of a gm and an rp map.
  14. I know but just because you're a fanboy of the the NVIDIA cards doesn't mean they're right for everyone.
  15. ^? EM4 runs perfectly on my 5870.
  16. Well for some things I can use the default textures, like most of the control tower and for most of the buildings. But ok, if you can do what I need done, I can really start getting this map together.
  17. At the moment, ATI cards are still better than NVIDIA ones, so I'd go with the 5970. If you want to get a billion pixels per second go with the HD 5870 Eyefinity 6.
  18. It's for an airport map I'm making for Gmod. Basically I need quite a few textures for it since HL2 doesn't feature anything even close to an airport in it. Mainly need things like tarmac/taxiway/runway surfaces, markings for the runways, etc., lights, those black rubber floors in airports with the round studs, etc. Most of the textures only need to be relatively small and should be pretty easy to make, like the numbers for the runway heading. Only tricky part is writing the scripts for the textures and making the map itself lol.
  19. I need a skinner for a First-person game, so if you can make relatively high quality and good looking skins, PM me with some examples of work and I'll send you details of what I need done. An example of about how detailed the textures should be (I don't think any of the ones I need need to be AS detailed):
  20. He already does almost every day...
  21. I really don't get what's so hard to believe about Billy working at NASA. I mean, he IS a technical genius after all, you gotta admit that.
  22. Well I have to admit, they really need to get a LOT better refs. The ones this year are complete morons and total assholes, especially those Spanish ones, who seem to like their honor more than they know soccer.
  23. Well technically I'll do this in High School: Now that I'm 15 I can *legally* get a job in Missouri. Dunno where though lol. Maybe still Steak n' Shank? Lol Also want to be a Pyrotechnician when I'm "older".
  24. I ban you because your birthday isn't in 13 minutes lol.
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