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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. Curse you you stole my thing
  2. Damn lol. GoW does have an amazing experience on Single, Coop, and Multiplayer though, and that's what I like; when I can play it however and it still kicks ass. Multiplayer and Horde are really fun. Halo is a beast on Multiplayer. That's gotta be one of my favorite experiences is to play Infection or something on Halo because it's always intense. The only thing I hate about it is the XP system. Also like the fact there aren't as many fags on it as say on MW. Complaint: I don't turn 15 for another 13 hours and 55 minutes Another complaint: Google Ad is about Dec 21, 2012.
  3. I don't fully blame BP, not at all. I hate that people do, since there's a lot of things that contributed to the spill. But I have to ask: who the hell decided NOT to put frickin' shutoff valves every 100 meters on the pipe? And why haven't we moved to cleaner goddamn fuels that don't rely on petroleum, etc.? It's so primitive. And plastic never degrades until it's at LEAST 1,000 years old so it's polluting to environment like hell.
  4. And has he actually changed anything major yet? Is the country or planet any better than it was? No. This is a proven fact; Americans vote for the president who looks better, not necessarily the one who actually can lead better. Now I'm not saying that McCain is any better to be leader, because neither of them really are. Just because he promised change and help doesn't mean he actually has to do him. People like to be President just so they can basically rule the world and do so for at least 4 years unless somebody decides to impeach them. It's times like these when I wish Evil Genius was real (with better AI, of course lol).
  5. That's just because it's an Xbox exclusive lol. Complaint: My arms hurt like hell today. Must be from Conducting practice and swimming for an hour and a half. Aua.
  6. Hot damn that was some goal we scored. Algeria is pissed LOL Lols @ Hunter
  7. You sure about that? No, it wouldn't have been done already. Humanity is a stupid, arrogant, and ignorant species by nature. They do NOT like change, even when necessity is staring them in the face. Everything everyone in politics doesn't have a clue as to what they're doing. I've been developing somewhat of a simulator lately to test out my ideas of political/social/economic boundaries, and so far, they have been working out together far better than anything done now. Computers don't lie in these matters; if I were to become President, which I really wouldn't because I HATE politics and all of that crap, I would seriously do what's best and right for humanity and not give a damn what anybody says just because of some petty reason like their pay. "If you don't like my policies, you can just come on down here and smooch my big 'ol, white, butt." Nobody contradict me on this because I will destroy you; I am in a VERY foul mood right now because of Hammer.
  8. Lol Nick writing a book is kind of not helping the environment (trees = paper). Why do we even still have paper/metal money? It's worthless essentially and wasting resources. We need to have digital credits like in Star Wars, where they're just plastic chips like credit cards that contain whatever amount of money. And right now we need to raise the value of the dollar to 1960s amounts. We should print less and reformat everything. Make those bureaucrats get off their lazy bums and do something, for once. Also, I believe Democracy as the U.S. uses is an untruth, and therefore does not work, which has been proven to be true by the way we handle ourselves. The U.S. has the constitutional right to basically overthrow our government and replace it with something that works better if our current government should fail us. And I think it has. FDR wasn't the best one we ever had, but he's within the Top 5, and you're right, he's the last good one we've had (except for Nixon, Kennedy, and Truman lol).
  9. There's an EM4 Scripting Wiki that I can't find the link to that has examples of all of that. I know there's some other people that do have the link.
  10. What? This is only the 65th or so day of the spill. We should all know about that failure by now. Frankly, I don't see the problem since the world is overpopulated as it is. Only problem I see is incompetent, lazy, f*cktards who have no political, real world, or frankly, any other kind of experience (except, seemingly, with golf) that run our government and largest businesses. The Republican and Democratic parties both must be destroyed; they do NOT know how to run a country or even deal with something as relatively easy to fix as an oil spill. Seriously, if they would actually commit the resources they said they would or commit what they need to, we would have had the spill cleaned up by now. Why the hell are we letting idiots run us and basically the entire world? Is our country that stupid that they actually vote for mainline political parties to lead? (don't answer that) We need Independents, or at least someone who knows how to lead the country and the world out of the sh*thole we've dug for ourselves. Even if I was the President, we wouldn't have ANY of the problems we face now, and the world would be so much better than it is. FFS people, every country really just needs to STFU and put the world's needs in front of their own political needs. *End of rant
  11. It's tomorrow lol. You still what so much so together? Non-complaint: VALVe announced Portal 2 at E3!! Looks like they had to do a total revamp of the L4D Source Engine to make it, so it's gonna be awesome. Complaint: VALVe pushed the release back from late 2010 to 2011 for the reason that "making games is hard". Oh well, from what it looks like already I can't wait Complaint: It's been 4 years since HL2:Ep2 was released and VALVe still keeps pushing back the development of Episode 3 with other games and sequels. I've seen a few "concept" screens and if those are real, then it will be the most realistic game I've EVER seen.
  12. Complaint: It should be either, not too. Yes? i r gramer nazeh
  13. Go into Selected Mode, right click any polygons you wish you delete, and once they are all selected, hit the Delete button on the keyboard. It helps if you read the tuts lol.
  14. Holy sh*t, holy sh*t, holy sh*t, Non-Complaint: Gears of War 3 is coming out!!! Complaint: I can pre-order but it doesn't come out until April 4th, next year lol
  15. Complaint: My goddamn parents are forcing me to go to Wicked. I don't mind theater but only when it's something really good like Phantom of the Opera or Spamalot lol.
  16. With Command Scripts. Those must be made in Notepad.
  17. For importing, you have to make sure the files are Unlocked, otherwise it won't work. For exporting, you MUST make sure you export the model with the SAME name as the one in the Scene Nodes Browser. For example, if the name of the model in the Scene Nodes Browser is pumper_01, then the name of the exported file must also be pumper_01.
  18. I ban you for being post number 1032.
  19. Hate to tell you, but posts in the Off-Topic section don't count towards your post count (or you counted wrong, you're still at 399) Lols: Found a new favorite site: Uncyclopedia. Did you know that: "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence?
  20. Boeing's don't really look cheap, and they have a FAR better safety record than Airbus. If Airbus can actually design their own plane instead of stealing designs like the MD-12 and make them not crash then maybe I'll like them more. Also I think the A380, A300 Beluga transporter, and the A350 are some of the ugliest planes I've ever seen lol; even the 747 Dreamlifter looks better than those A300s Airbus has. Boeing's unofficial motto used to be: "Every Airbus delivered on the wings of a Boeing" since it was true back then
  21. Lol why does everyone like the 757 so much? I wish they still had MD-11s, those are some nice planes. Landing is my favorite part, too. Good to know the spoilers go up even though the pilots don't touch the controls (except to arm them). And will Airbus stop stealing other plane designs? Seriously, it just proves even more the French can't design their own crap.
  22. My point exactly ^. And who are all the idiots saying that Seattle cop was being 'brutal'? The woman was committing a crime, and started assaulting the officer. She got what she deserved. Cop deserves a raise. I still dºn't see how yºu can't make a º. º_º Complaint: Was supposed to go get a new phone today, but NOOO, parents just had to do other crap. Idiots
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