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SubMod: Tony's Lights, v1.8.6 and overview with all prototypes OUT NOW!

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From what I can see of you radiation Tony, its that you either have the lights in the wrong order, or you have the intensity set too high. Seing how you have 12 lights on each half of the lightbar, it shouldnt bee too much of a problem to work out a way to make a pattern that looks really rotating.

You should also make the radiation bigger, so that they connect, without overlapping (my two middle blue ones overlap slightly atm, but im gonna fix that sooner or later). Also, when changing the radiation size, you want to keep your eyes on the map and not the light-editor window.

Another problem is that red radiations dont show up properly on untextured maps in the editor. So you probably wanna texture it. Do that by pressing F2, clicking floor, and load floor. Then choose any of the floors in the "Maps" folder I'd recommend the lamod6.eft. It looks kinda shitty without any work. But we're changing lightning patterns, not making maps :P Anyway, just find a random piece of road and put the car there for a better overview of the radiations.

Making the radiation look a bit rotating takes a while, but just put the radiations up next to eachother, and try to figure out the best way to put them to make it look like the light are passing and not blinking randomly.

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From what I can see of you radiation Tony, its that you either have the lights in the wrong order, or you have the intensity set too high. Seing how you have 12 lights on each half of the lightbar, it shouldnt bee too much of a problem to work out a way to make a pattern that looks really rotating.

You should also make the radiation bigger, so that they connect, without overlapping (my two middle blue ones overlap slightly atm, but im gonna fix that sooner or later). Also, when changing the radiation size, you want to keep your eyes on the map and not the light-editor window.

Another problem is that red radiations dont show up properly on untextured maps in the editor. So you probably wanna texture it. Do that by pressing F2, clicking floor, and load floor. Then choose any of the floors in the "Maps" folder I'd recommend the lamod6.eft. It looks kinda shitty without any work. But we're changing lightning patterns, not making maps :P Anyway, just find a random piece of road and put the car there for a better overview of the radiations.

Making the radiation look a bit rotating takes a while, but just put the radiations up next to eachother, and try to figure out the best way to put them to make it look like the light are passing and not blinking randomly.

I have a question .. if i release my new prototype tomorow can you do you * SPECIAL LIGHT * on my cars please?!

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Noticed they are more brighter and they are faster, has alot of different patterns.

Flash brightness, speed and pattern can be set up differently on leds. Whereas on strobes you can only change the flash speed, and unlike leds, they cant be on constantly as they are likely to overheat, also leds can flash more often and brighter than strobes without overheating. Though, strobes still have the advantage in max brightness, but it takes ALOT more power to power a very bright strobe, than a very bright led.

My point is, you cant tell wether tony have added leds or strobes, since you can have leds mimic strobes. With that said. The only way to tell a led from a strobe, is to look closely at the light, and look if theres a bunch of small round lightsources or one big rectangular one.

The only way to really add leds in EM4 is to add 3-18 lights for each light you want to be a led. Also, if you want any funny patterns, you'll have to add a bunch more leds.

One of the big limitations in the light engine in EM4, is that its flash oriented and not light oriented. While this work pretty well for strobes, and rotating lights, you cant have any variations in patterns, like leds can have, well at least without adding a bunch of more lights. But then we're at one of the other problems with the light engine, if theres too many lights, it bugs, and the lights doesnt flash in the pattern you've set them up to.

So no matter how you put it. You will never be able to add leds in EM4 in its true meaning.

Hmm. You know what, I think im gonna make a great LED lightbar on the Charger, just to show you how many lights it would take..

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Tony, can you remove the reverse light flashers in the Police vehicles? From Mike's post, they are not used at all by the LAPD.

The flashing tail lights are also not truly accurate. If you did want to keep them though, I would suggest more of a hide-away strobe effect that the current long blink.

After you are done with the USAR truck, is there any chance you could modify the Ladder light bar? Aren't the lights supposed to rotate inside of the lenses? I'd actually love to see a new LED light bar, (well, 2 light bars technically), modelled onto the Ladder truck.

Other than that, things look outstanding as usual.

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Heres a clip with a decent alternating lightbar, comparing the amount of lights to two other lightbar setup.


The middle one is the one ive used about an hour on, the other two i've clashed together earlier. The left one is the one i currently use.

The middle one kick ass but it's alot of light! how can you do all those flashing like in differente time because it look like the light flash on different ways like in real life :1046276086_Hail:

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How its done is why it takes so many lights. All the lights has a flash interval of 0.30 and an intesity of 0.99. They all have an offset differing between 0.10 and 0.15. So basicly, instead of repeating a flash, its repeating a pattern.

I think I'm pretty much at the limitations of the engine with that lightbar, when I had it at 0.20, the lights with a differing offset of 0.10, and I cant set the intensity any higher so..

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How its done is why it takes so many lights. All the lights has a flash interval of 0.30 and an intesity of 0.99. They all have an offset differing between 0.10 and 0.15. So basicly, instead of repeating a flash, its repeating a pattern.

I think I'm pretty much at the limitations of the engine with that lightbar, when I had it at 0.20, the lights with a differing offset of 0.10, and I cant set the intensity any higher so..

Can you release them was the main question... CAN YOU PLEASE :) THEY ARE AMAZING!!!

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I've kept thinking about how to make an alternating lightbar with as few lights as possible, and I've come up with this: http://rapidshare.com/files/101125117/chargerlights.wmv

Thats done with 15 lights, and is changing between 2 patterns. Full bar, and alternating 3/3. The way its done makes it possible to make any full bar/alternating combo with a reasonable amount of lights. However it cannot change between 2 alternating patterns.

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I've been working on the CHP Patrol Car, and I think it turned out awsome. Its not complete yet, and I think it has too many lights (52). I think I'm gonna test out a new rotating concept that also reduces the lights, since you dont really notice the lights rotating because of all the other light.


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I did a quick experiment tonight and I think I found the right setting for LEDish lighting... First of all, using polygon lights only and no coronas everything looks like LEDs at night time with the polygon lights being highest brightness. For example red RGB value 255, 0 , 0 and blue value 0, 0, 255.

HOWEVER during the day time you will not notice the polygon lights... Unless you zoom using camerahack right into the LED lightbar. So, I have thought of another solution. By using small corona size values, like 20 for corona_bluelight (I think) and 25 for corona_redlight (I think) [why these 2 values are different is because the redlight corona is slightly smaller than the bluelight, so the value needs to be slightly larger. This does loose some of the LEDish look to the light. But, as far as I know this is the only way you can get the lightbar lights to show up during daytime. If someone can play around with what I have discovered, then maybe we can imitate LED lighting on the vehicles in the game.

I think for rotating lights, you just need a rotating radiation to simulate the light rotating, for strobes... I just use a value for my lighting from the winterberg mod.

The advantage to only using the polygon light as well would have been that the lights are only visible when looked at and they don't show through the model unlike using coronas. However, I find that during the daytime... The polygon lights are very difficult if not impossible to see without coronas added to them. Unless, again you are using camerahack.

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