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Posts posted by itchboy

  1. ok Guys got 2 model changes and one model edit i will be showing you Engineers Vehicle(itchboy's F350 utility), L1(model mash up by Dyson), and the ambo models(itchboys dodge ambo) the ambo and the engineers vehicle are the changed models and L1 has new LED's and a new Ladder the skin is just tempary

    Excited to see the skins on my units!

  2. I have virtually no scripting experience in em4 outside of minor edits. That in mind, what about this?

    If GetNumActiveFireChilds (I'm assuming returns an integer as how many objects are burning) >0, then activate your script that finds them. That way you're only reading a number every loop unless there's an active burn.

    Good idea. That would definitely reduce the CPU strain, but I still have to figure out how to link GetNumActiveFireChilds() to each burning object and then link them to the people within range of the burning object so that the people will cough and take damage.

    Still waiting on Hoppah or bma to give light to the situation.

  3. *POOF* *Suddenly appears* :ph34r:

    He has done ambos before, some engines would be very nice (pierce, Emergency one). He could do some newer Police cruisers (Ford, Cheverlete, Dodge).

    What newer cruisers? Didn't I already do the latest Ford Taurus, Explorer, Expedition and Chevrolet Caprice?
    And yes, I would consider making fire engines, if I only knew how to. US fire engines seem so complicated, they might be outside of my skill range.

  4. I'm no expert on scripting at all, but perhaps instead of checking every object it can check if there are any particle effects active (eg smoke and/or flames)?

    I tried this at first, but the game does not have a function to look for active particles. It only allows me to select any of the following in the for loop:


    I also tried this fucntion as an if condition: GetNumActiveFireChilds()

    But it causes a script error because the function is intended to be uses in conjunction with an integer value.

  5. After doing all those cars and trucks, I decided I should finally let this see the light of day.

    Its a script that makes people not wearing oxygen tanks cough when an object is burning.

    int DummyGroup = 29;object DummyFireCheck : CommandScript{	DummyFireCheck()	{	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		GameObjectList gol1 = Game::GetGameObjects(TYPE_OBJECT);		for(int a = 0; a < gol1.GetNumObjects(); a++)		{			GameObject obj = gol1.GetObject(a);			obj.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "DummyBurningCheck", &obj, 0, false);		}	}};object DummyBurningCheck : CommandScript{	DummyBurningCheck()	{		SetGroupID(DummyGroup);	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		GameObject b(Caller);		if(b.IsBurning())		{			GameObjectList PersonInRange = b.GetObjectsInRange(200.f, ACTOR_PERSON);			for(int k = 0; k < PersonInRange.GetNumObjects(); k++)			{				bool IsSpecialFireFighter = false;				Person p(PersonInRange.GetObject(k));				if(p.GetPersonType() == PT_FIREFIGHTER_MASK)				{					IsSpecialFireFighter = true;				}				if(!IsSpecialFireFighter && !p.IsInjured())				{					p.Hurt(INJUREREASON_ENERGY, 10.f);					int random = Math::rand();					if (random % 4 == 0)					{						if (!p.IsPulling() && (p.IsIdle() || p.IsWaiting()))						{							p.PushActionInterruptAnim(ACTION_INSERT, "cough");							if (p.GetGender() == GENDER_MALE)								Audio::PlaySample3D("mod:Audio/FX/voices/man/0/contamination01.wav", p.GetPosition());							else if (p.GetGender() == GENDER_FEMALE)								Audio::PlaySample3D("mod:Audio/FX/voices/woman/0/contamination01.wav", p.GetPosition());							else if (p.GetGender() == GENDER_CHILD)								Audio::PlaySample3D("mod:Audio/FX/voices/child/0/contamination01.wav", p.GetPosition());						}					}				}				if (p.IsInjured())					p.SetBloodPuddle(false);			}		}		b.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 4.f);		b.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "DummyBurningCheck", &b, 0, false);	}};

    Now, my issue with this is that everytime the script is executed (it is intended to function as a loop), it causes massive lag. This is because EVERY object in the map has to be checked if it burns, and then the people need to react accordingly. I have tried adding a condition that only checks objects with FireObjects, but it makes little difference. The second major issue is that it only works on objects, not on houses, openhouses or vehicles.

    Can any of the scripting masters help? Thanks.

  6. might i ask what you mean by update I'm unable to see any thing different other than no lines on the hood sorry for my inconvenance not too well with noticing difference

    Sent from my LGL35G using Tapatalk 2

    Try and compare the F350 from the current pack and compare it with the one I posted. Note that the bumper is shaped much better to the real version. I also added polygons to the wheel arches so that it is actually filled and not hollow.

    Udpate: Its done.


    All vehicles done so far. Now for testing.


  7. There will also be a vehicle for animal control ? 


    I think any pickup truck could be made into a animal control unit with the right skin, the LEV from the LA mod would work great actually. The trouble with animal control is not the model its the scripts that would be required to make it work.

    I dont plan on an animal control truck. Would a utility truck suffice?


  8. When you said Manchester airport, I thought it was something to do with the Manchester, NH mod that just for released lol, good luck with it and if your looking for an airport I think one of the LA mod missions has a good base in which to use for an airport.

    Are you referring to the airport hostage mission in EM3 LA Mod? Or mission 10 in the EM4 LA Mod. There are also airport maps available in the german forums.

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