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Status Updates posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Anyone play hockey or field hockey?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JediHutch61


      I play and officiate Ice Hockey, play roller hockey, and watch the Columbus Blue Jackets.

    3. njboy13


      lol, I've never played field hockey.

      Anyway, it will vary from school to school, but most schools will have normal Ice Hockey.

    4. njboy13


      and I'm New Jersey Devils fan myself. Not doing so great this season so far though.

  2. Winterberg mod... while you're all fine and dandy it takes 10 minutes and 38 seconds for you to load, you crash once an hour, your commands and scripts are very confusing and add to a very slow game play, your configurator wrecks havok with my display settings, many of your personel skins are quite crap, and not to mention you have just made emergecny 3 stop working on my computer.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grim_Wizard


      Aye, who wants to know the release date of NY mod? How about... NEVER. XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

    3. Unit 42

      Unit 42


    4. Newfoundking


      Yes, it is, sorry to say... Actually no I'm not XD

  3. The first person to reply to this gets 1 skin done.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grim_Wizard


      Hmmmmm... what colour?

    3. njboy13


      I'll decide for him.

      Electric Blue. Because it rhymes with Voodoo. and I've never seen an electric blue leather coat.

    4. Newfoundking


      He has one, he wants it the same colour as the stomach contents of said cow.. Also, if the cow dies in the process, you need to start over.. Live cows produce the most lively skin.

  4. looking for german firefighing gear, (Pants and coat.) not being sucsessful, best place to look?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeHe


      I will send you some pics.Do you colect those things?

    3. Grim_Wizard


      Yeah : ) I have ARFF, many sets of american gear, but no european gear, mainly because it costs an arm and a leg.

    4. FFW TUT

      FFW TUT

      Have some of my old ones, used but well.. better than nothing ;)

  5. Just watched "New Kids Turbo" that's some pretty funny stuff.

  6. They should have a holiday for Stanny boy, call it Stan's... awesome day. And they should have a holiday for EMP mods, that has free beer for everyone 21+

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nick the greek

      nick the greek

      it's 18+ in my country lol

    3. Grim_Wizard


      I don't trust you how about that? ;-)

    4. Stan


      Beer for 16+ here :)

  7. glee = sux

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grim_Wizard


      I can't stand it, my sister and I gave it a try when it first came out. I think in the first 10 minutes we ditched it and watched south park. I don't kile it mainly because I can't stand they're repackaged music. Too much like kid bop.

    3. Reece.c


      Some of the music is okay but other tracks they redid should be burned.....

    4. RYAN433PK


      I'm with you Gerard.

      Reece, No just no

  8. Watchin X-Files

    1. fbiguy


      i love that show!

    2. nick the greek

      nick the greek

      used to be afraid of the intro music

    3. Grim_Wizard


      I used to watch it with my brother. It used to be really scary, but then it wasn't that bad, loved the cops crossover.

  9. Some nub: Can you make my entire mod for me including massive scripts, 5000 units, super special skins, 20 new charachter models, 231423142314123 new animations, realisim, working pumps, a water supply, and and and tazers for me?

    1. Grim_Wizard


      Me: Why would I do all the work of a mod for you, and spend 4000 years of my life doing it?

    2. matte31
    3. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Wow, I need to know where that is!

  10. Hey Dutch people! You're pretty cool keep on being Dutch.

  11. Hey looking for some help, PM me if you're good at modeling!

    1. aleksanderwoods


      you won't get people to mod for you.

    2. Grim_Wizard


      Dude, I have my own mod team, however I only need one model, and I don't have a modeler, while I respect your opinion in this matter... I don't. ;-)

  12. I just thought about it and is Emergency 3 + 4 one of the few games you can kill kids?

    1. TacticalRooster22


      WOW! You're right. You can just shoot them with the sniper rifle.

    2. Newfoundking


      It's rather fun.. I kinda wish GTA IV had children.. It'd be a lot more fun to crush a pack of kindergardeners on a rope than just some silly adult boozer

  13. I saw the most awesomest thing a few moments ago, CHevy Astro van, with spinners, mega woofers, and hydraulics. :P

    1. kevin4535843


      we used to have one (minus the spinners, mega woofers, and hydraulics of course)

    2. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      That might have been me. What state was the plate from?


  14. Hoppah can you pretty please PM me? I see your box is closed.

    1. Voodoo_Operator


      If his box is closed, it means he can't send messages either.

    2. Grim_Wizard


      ;) don't worry about it

  15. Dear Richmond, Henrico, and Williamsburg... thank you very much for doing prescribed burns this morning, the interior of my car now smells like smoke. TYVM and much love. (sarcasam)

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Really? Wasn't big enough since the post wasn't called on it haha. Hanover had it yesterday and Louisa county did too while I was running with EMS. Smelled it a mile away! Oh yeha, your welcome. We try to provide you with the best smell of burning sap and wwod :).

    2. Grim_Wizard


      : S

      I think it was the USFS fire crews and VDOT out doing it. 3-4 inches of dead leaves :s

  16. Got new magazines for my hand gun today : ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      I'm so proud!!! :O

    2. aitor


      What gun do you have? :)

  17. So I've gotten back into modding... :D

    1. Grim_Wizard


      Currently working on my private mod, but you know... gimmie a shout people.

    2. search_destroy


      Would you like to join our team as the modder? If so, PM me or Xbox 360.

  18. Because life just sucks. lol. BTW Mikey, I seem to remember you saying you were like never comming back lol maybe not.

    1. randomperson139


      I remember something about him leaving as well... but obviously not :P

  19. Bout to head in, godspeed everyone.

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      I hope this is not an euphemism for intercourse.


  20. It's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring, bumped his head when he went to bed and didn't wake up in the morning

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      He needs a medic to pronounce him dead then lol

  21. Yo stan I need a MEGA HAMBURGER (500g)

  22. Wow, it amazes me that when I'm active and posting stuff, I get a bunch of PMs asking for help... But when I'm gone no one cares much. Wow... that's... funny.

    1. chrisblaalid


      maybe you should hire an assistant?

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