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Everything posted by FireShooter10

  1. Hey guys, So recently, a new American LaFrance model was released to the public by rafael (great job), and I'm trying to get it into my LA Mod. I've added all the wheels, doors, files, prototypes, etc, but whenever I go to spawn it in game, the game crashes as it is deployed, I can give specific details if needed, I'm just not sure what's causing this.
  2. So if we do preorder from Amazon.de the game will have the option to change languages built into it?
  3. I have encountered a very annoying problem. Since the firefighters are all paramedics, they will sometimes try to heal someone while possessing a hose. This causes them to glitch out completely and forces me to restart freeplay. I haven't yet found a solution except restarting. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell.
  4. Ah, I see it now, it appears he removed his post. Along with the link..
  5. Is there a public link available for the mod with Coolhoser's map edits? Can't seem to find one after looking around for a bit.
  6. Meaning there will be no on-map vehicle parking?
  7. I'm having a strange issue when trying to log into the site, I'm a long time member, therefore my account is a few years old. I type in my username and password, and I'm told: "Unique user id not recognised (possible corrupted cookie). Please click here to destroy cookie." After clicking "here", the page refreshes and I get the same error when I try again. Not sure what to do here.
  8. I'm sure this has been asked before, but what is the process for reducing the amount of AI vehicles that spawn on a map? I'm looking to reduce the amount of vehicles in the Manhattan Mod, just because I think it'd be much easier to play with a lesser amount of traffic, no FPS or lag issues, just a personal preference.
  9. Not sure if its just me, but I cant open any of the garage doors on the stations. I've completely deleted all previous versions and installed the hotfix.
  10. Hm, does this mean you're also creating a new fire station?
  11. Great job so far Ghost, can't wait for that gameplay video!
  12. You cant click on the link, you have to manually copy and paste the ENTIRE thing. Not all of the link is highlighted as a link, so you need to copy and paste ALL of it. https://mega.co.nz/#!mNxQ1RxS!-11INnLmNqAkwbNCS32P9oz9sM5uV8JIPPWRsKJ3Pss < Everything underlined is part of the link.
  13. Is there going to be mod support? Not seeing anything about that in there.
  14. Is there a corona mod needed? I'm seeing quite a bit of missing coronas on the ambulances.
  15. Yeah, they appear randomly now. You'll hear someone scream "Help me! He stole my blalalal!" Can be cars, wallets/purse, anything of that kind. It will be indicated by a blinking red and blue icon on the map, kinda like a police officer when you get wanted level.
  16. There is FD. Los Santos County Fire Deparment has atleast 2 stations that I've seen. People have been livestreaming it for the past few days, how I got it, I have no idea. One I was watching tonight the guy went through looking for fire stations and I gotta say, they look really nice. The firetrucks are still MTL's, same as in GTA IV but the new lighting system is absolutely amazing.
  17. Now that Manhattan Mod has been released does it mean that this mod will be worked on more often/have more common updates?
  18. Its just the fact that everything included, commands, scripts, etc are all in french and very few of us speak french. Its a great mod, units, scripts and all but for people like myself, who don't speak any french, its going to take awhile to get used to understanding the features as its not in our native language.
  19. As Dyson said, thats not going to be for a long time. As he said "its like making a new version". So sadly its going to be a little bit.
  20. In Massachusetts you are allowed to run reds only and a siren if you obtain a permit for each.
  21. I'm not sure if this has already been asked/answered or not but will the new Ladder 1 be included in the mod? I'm not sure if you even planned on including the unit at all in v3 but if you are, are you planning on updating it with the new lighting setup, etc?
  22. Hoping to hear new information soon! Can't wait to see how this turns out.
  23. Hey Raf, any chance of getting a nice 15-20 minute gameplay video? I'm interested to see you guys play it now that I've gotten a glimpse at what to expect.
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