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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. I'm jealous, you should really, you know "share" those files with me hoppah... And not to mention you're video card..(mine crapped out)
  2. I personally get the patrol car to go and make the arrest, then if he gets hurt and goes down, I just shoot to death the one that took him out, or If I feel like it, beat them to death( like Coroner Death) then I clean the area and tell CNN he had a weapon and took down an officer, so it had to be contained, and of course I confiscate all tapes, and arrest anyone that was watching for... disorderly conduct, or protesting, or loitering, or because they looked at me funny
  3. Mike, I believe I bet you and it is South Carolina highway patrol, more to come, just had to post trhis so Mike wouldnt get it...Columbia for the cty?and obviously the south Carolina highway patrol is part of South Carolina
  4. I officially ban mike from this topic, he is too good, come on, you need to like shut off some parts of your brain or something
  5. Damn you Mike, I was just going to post that I found it just then, I am really disliking you atm but just incase, montgomery Alabama? USA
  6. Me too, I would love to see the diver, but instead of just ground rappling, maybe every single peice of terrain, because they can drop the divers in the ocean, and PICK them up, which would KICK ASS!
  7. oh okay, well then I am thinking somewhere around the koreas, or what Maybe Chinese
  8. I could be completely wrong on this, but it is one of the picture files you see for the vehicle, not the actual one, and those make no difference, you can set the to what ever you please
  9. I would like to see a tanker, that could have many hoses hooked up to it, and no especially with the wye gate, you can have maybe16 connections, or maybe just 8, because that would help alot in the event of a large fire, like the gas explosion across from the station 1, that's a real pain, you never have enough hose conections Not sure if this was SF of LA, but I seen something like an open tanker(one where you can see the tank) and it could carry A LOT of water.... and ahd many hose connections. Give me a minute while I try to find pictures, and no it isn't in my history, I had to wipe everything because of virus -.- DO NOT DOWNLOAD XP GUARD or Anti Virus XP 2008, they are Rogue, and kill your computer... And neither did I, a backdoor via my brother did -.-
  10. okay, now my money for school is going to obe used to upgrade to get E4 working, because I REALLY want that game, unbelievably bad Hoppah, You ARE my official internet hero
  11. it'd be nice too see a SF mod soon, good work, and keep it up
  12. I sometimes had the problem of the wrong door, but that was usually after a large station emptying fire, where everyone was enroute and then there is a jam, leaving one, unable to get in... could be my fault tho, but even after the jam was over, I would have to open the front doors and he would back in
  13. looks like it will be worthy to download when its finished, i can do odd jobs if needed
  14. would be cool if it was freeplayable tho, you got to admit, My request is maybe for the SEV or something along those lines from E3? what do you think, if no, thats okay
  15. Right now Hoppah, I could get someting alot better (but I just awoke) so here is a nice little thank-you Thank-you for the best mod I have found so far, for any game... EVER. I wouldn't even touch emergency 4 I don't think if it wasn't for the LA mod. You have made the game a lot better than anything else I could have imagined, and if Sixteen Tons had sense, you'd be hired on for Emergency 5 as the head of game design (or something to put you incharge for the new game ) And Thank-you for putting up with us, we can get very annoying and quite a piss off, if you know what I mean and I frankly wouldn't have the patience to do this, especially with some of the posts I've seen here. I want to thank-you for all your hard work, and once again, BEST MOD EVER, and it just keeps getting better. P.S. I couldn't find a saluting Smiley, so just imagine it.... and don't forget GOOD JOB!
  16. We all are looking foward to it, I am even buying new motherboards etc for this release... but you CANNOT ask the dates, even an ETA... THAT IS AGAINST TOS, which you already agreed to... tsk tsk... I would love to know an ETA as well, but no promises can be made, and you cannot ask. If you want to know, you have to wait just like everyone else, however you seemed to be most polite about this... unlike most people
  17. If you zip it a few times that works, I made the enitre E4 installed game down to 100Mb by zipping it about 5 times
  18. okay, if thossi is wrong, well I must say move on to a new picture, you win no one can guess it...,
  19. BLS only has the EMTs but ALS has paramedics, if you read you see paramedics can do more..
  20. not here, I've seen supervisors get brnad new dodge chargers, and 08 impalas, with the good light packages
  21. Well, We have 6 K-9 units, each gets a SUV and the dog trainer keeps the dog and the truck until he retires or one dies.... Also only a few supervisors have take homes... they tend not to need the government paid vehicles, big $$ up here And most traffic units and detectives have take homes, because the government pays for gas and such... It's kinda sad to think that this is my tax dollars -.-
  22. yes you can remove vehicles, but before you do, you must know that multiplayer is not an option anymore
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