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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. No reply from him so... I'll post EXCUSE AMBULANCE GO FOR SWAT swat
  2. Just letting all those who mod Em4 know. I am a scripter and a modeler(to some extent) and I can help with your own projects, or whether you want something changed in your current game, just a small tweak. I can be contacted through X-FIRE... My user name is Newfoundking Or You can contact me through this topic or through P.M.'s (please use PM to contact me when you want me to work on a mod team) I am willing also to help with your problems that you can't figure out when it comes to modding, I've been working away at this for a while, and if I can't help, I'm sure someone else out there can give her a shot. I hope I can help anyone experiencing difficulties in the near future. -Newfoundking
  3. Place in the World : Canada Where in China : St. John's and surronding area(we connect to like 4 smaller places that feed off us:P) Time of place : Today World The style would be kind of modren, but buildings might have an older twist, seeing how we still have the layout in some places we had in 1700. Also it would be quite the change of scenery that I think would make quite then fun game. In some places you have a modern city, in others you have an old town, where the big trucks still have trouble getting around, so you have to use the smaller trucks to help when a 911 call comes in. Ps. I am a scripter and somewhat of a modeler and I don't mind helping out, or maybe providing assistance to those who need it with their mods... and if you would like to make this idea reality...I can help^^
  4. @Smith yes correct @one after him: I was half asleep and didn't notice that @Ami: Thats a magnum not charger and my dept(St. John's NL, Canada) we have like everything except CVs
  5. *Notice* I am a scripter and I can help with anything, just PM and I can see what I can do
  6. yes thats the right one, what I did was I lowered everything else, and I read through everything else. If I get time I will work that out just for you... It'll be my good deed . I will put it up when I get it done
  7. hate to ask, but can you post the work you did up here? it would make my life.... or at least give me a copy. This looks awesome and I'd love to have it for my game
  8. I think that would be a lot of work to have done, a lot of animations... Also you can change the downtime yourself in the FP_Params... The reason I do not use the LAX crash tender is because it is too slow. It SJI (our airport) we have a truck roughly that size, but about 10 times faster, and it gets everywhere quite fast. Also gulps down fuel, which is a buck 50 a litre ... About 5 or 6 dollars a gallon... so we try not to use it too much.
  9. Samabith.... You cannot just post pictures, you have to get one right and be declared winner of that round to get to post... therefore yours does not count. I ask of you to read the rules and not just post whenever you want! now since its my turn, not his/hers... yes its country is in the name, can you give me a location inside the country tho?
  10. it is Russia for sure.... note the Cyrilics... and the site. Also I want to say moscow?
  11. its acctually not a response veh, it arrives after calls are made to special events(robberies etc.)
  12. mines a little old but Newfoundking... hahah hard to guess
  13. Pyrp isnt posting anything, and as the starter, I think I will
  14. nothing major, but elaboration, use SWAT rescue 1 as a paddy wagon now. Change skins, and amount of people it can hold to maybe 10? And yes I know this was discussed, but ELABORATION!
  15. before leaving this dead... forgive the pun... it could be either or, but I think what he was getting at was CO2 because it is rarer and such... anywho
  16. Monoxide is deadly yes, but if there is CO2 everywhere, then that'll mean less air so people will start to pass out due to lack of air intake
  17. no if anyone knows this language: ... woops Mikes photos, I thought you put down a diffeerent coutnry than you did. Opens to him only, if you can get the country right from your list, you win!
  18. Well, I just seen a post about the disconnect all hoses, and then return to truck and fire station. I think what he meant was when you click return to station all ff's disconnect get insdie truck before it leaves scene, then goes the station
  19. or the airport police as there is no airport on the map
  20. it is a country that is in the middle east and it is a military base's fire truck, how ever I do believe they are just contracting it, and do not own. However, I may be wrong EDIT: IF it's too hard, I can change vehicles to something easier maybe?
  21. where, can you give me something more than a country? BTW it's not Iraq, I just found out it's a country that ends with stan and America is in(not Afghanistan). Fun to say
  22. If possible, I hate to ask, but if you could put all the prototypes up
  23. I was debating whether to choose Mass, or Tennessee, because I couldn't quite pick out the word, well here is mine: This is not my picture BTW, and it is American made, what country is it in though? Taped on the side, are the order specifications etc. Brand new truck when hey got it, and jsut because of the colour, custom made PS no blacking out lic plates or photoshopping to the car we are guessing, that is AGAINST my rules
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