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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. Here the local p[olice(RNC) let some officers take their patrol cars home. We have just shy of about 150-200 vehicles on the force, and if you serve for I think 3 years or something and apply for it, they let you take the car home... RNC serves as provincial police to about 500000
  2. Correct me if I am wrong but I read somewhere,(cant remember where) that 1.7 will have 3 new missions, or is it just 2? I know that there will be 2 for sure, and I thought I heard about a hidden third one. Also, could someone from the LA Mod team PM the objectives(starting ones) for the new missions, I am doing something for it, and that would make it alot easier. That is a secret though, maybe I'll tell the mod team tho
  3. for S&R no, Not very realistic, that the poliuce carry search and rescue dogs, but maybe the LASD S&R Hummer... And like police K-9, I think this was discussed and said that it won't be happening, because of game limitations, or to much work. All I can say is read back, and don't repeat questions
  4. Not sure if this should be in bugs or not, but there is the issue of the preview files for the vehicles with the new light bars. Such as the Crown vic with the argent, it is still shown as with the halagen lights. Now this isn't something that should be rushed to, but it is something worth noting. And where it is such a small thing to notice, you may have over looked this
  5. you fill the car with whatever you like, then you click rapid deploy, the first 4 in the vehicle, get hoses, once I had a whole team of paramedics put out a fire... of course, two got to close and burnt to a crisp :lol:
  6. Not to be rude, or anything, but he has no rank, he doesn't even work for the LAFD, now the LACoFd on the other ahnd.. maybe, IDK
  7. thank you Stan. I was going to say basically the same thing, but I feared trouble. See you can say whatever you like and get away with it Well All I can say to that is +1
  8. I know, and it is a special one not made by matchbox, but laid out like one, but with city markings, now please drop it I didn't look at the picture good enough to notice.
  9. correct, and new rule, I didnt realize this until after posting, but no dinkys, real vehicles only please
  10. Well as my title says, CTD. Who would've thought? I have been away for a week and when I came back my EM4 stopped working, this is a ARB_multitexture support problem, but I have been unable to find a driver for my card. Now the computer is a Vista home basic, P4, like 4.5 or something and ATI Radeo X200 model. In a compaq shell, and it is a new computer (less than 7 months old.) Well I have searched Ati's site and such, googled the hell out of everything and still cannot find a ARB mulittexture driver, I have figured out that that is what it needs. Anyone know where I can get one. Just for safety's sake, I had a Certified Computer Support Specialist check out the log to tell me whats wrong, becfuas eI wasn't getting much help here. So with that said, just to satisfy everyone, here is the logifle, but you cannot tell me anything about it that I havent been told and if you do, heres a cookie!
  11. actually to answer FF11 no, it is a specialy made diecast model of a city's fire department, and not a matchbox made car, some other weird copany somewhere in Canada or the States, this is a tricky one I know, and no smith Avril Queboc doesn't even exsist I don't think and Davidotk, and thoissi, just stop, we moved on because it was verified right drop it now.
  12. okay, no more posting picture unless you have been confirmed right by the picture holder, now my turn One hint... French word tho.... it is Avril, which means April in english, just some more hjelp
  13. Well, Home basic worked fine the way I was running it before, then all of the sudden it stopped working, WTF?
  14. -.- is it Oklahoma state trooper? or some branch of that? edited for double post in single post, WTF?
  15. either oklahomah State or... something else, ill edit later
  16. I have the exact same problem Even my Log fiel reads the same
  17. NOT MINE! well not the Vatican one, I got you good and you know it! I'ma guess that it is saudi arabia due to the fact that the number is 993 and the only traffic police to have 993 as a emergency number is them
  18. My Em4 used to work on the computer with Vista, UNTIL it was formatted, now as far as I know, nothing on the system has changed, because we stayed clear of all the updates etc. Just the basic home basic for vista. now I am running the game from a seperate computer thru network drives. This isn't a problem with any other game (audacity, flight sim X, GTA:SA, etc.) So I cannot figure out the problem at all, can any one help... and it is a 4.5 ghz P4 ATI Raedeon Xpress 200 video card in a compaq persario SR2163WM with of course windows home basic Vista click the EXE, click allow program to reun(because it is installed on another computer) black screen(before loading) flash back to other windows, black screen shut down of game ?ERROR: The Vision engine requires support for the ARB_multitexture extension! Please make sure you have the latest video drivers installed for your 3D card. The final last 5 lines show this before it crashes (excert from log) WHOLE LOG: ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________In i t Filesystem... Registered FS device "local" Registered FS device "base" Registered FS device "lang" Init UpdateChain... Init Timer... Init Screen... Init Scriptscheduler... !Graphics system: Microsoft Corporation GDI Generic GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture Init GFX... Init Vision... |Vision DLL path: \\HOBO\911 - First Responders\vision71.dll |Vision™, Version PC-4, 7, 28, 0 |Loading entity plugins of directory <\\HOBO\911 - First Responders\Data> ... |List of loaded plug-ins: |Plug-in named 'CubeMapHandle_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisionConsoleEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBase_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisMouseCamera_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisObject3D_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisActionHelperEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VarManager_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VBaseCameraEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VCamEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'GameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'Emitter_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseGameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'TargetEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Registering plug-ins done ! |Initializing Vision Graphics Engine |Detecting CPU type and features |CPU:Pentium IV FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow! |Vision Core: Allocated 28 kB of memory for Polygon Chunks |Vision Core: Allocated 9 kB of memory for Entities |Settings renderer configuration Initializing post processor 'PerceptionCore' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'MotionBlur' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'Nightvision' * Skipping config file |Initialising video driver: 0 |Setting screen mode to x:1280 / y:1024 / bpp:32 / refresh:0 |Screen Mode is fullscreen, return value: -401 |Stencil buffer: 8 bit / ZBuffer: 32 bit |Initializing OpenGL rendering subsystem |Setting initial Renderer States |Vendor: Microsoft Corporation |Renderer: GDI Generic |Driver Version: 1.1.0 |Extension GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic not available |Extension GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias not available |Extension GL_ARB_multitexture not available |Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 not available |Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_subtract not available |Extension GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp not available |Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_add not available |Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_combine not available |Extension GL_EXT_texture_cube_map not available |Extension GL_ARB_texture_compression not available |Extension GL_EXT_point_parameters not available |Extension GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint not available |Extension GL_EXT_vertex_weighting not available |Extension GL_EXT_separate_specular_color not available |Extension GL_EXT_stencil_wrap not available |Extension GL_EXT_vertex_shader not available |Extension GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays not available |Extension GL_ATI_fragment_shader not available |Extension GL_ATI_pn_triangles not available |Extension GL_ATI_map_object_buffer not available |Extension GL_NV_texgen_reflection not available |Extension GL_NV_fence not available |Extension GL_NV_blend_square not available |Extension GL_NV_register_combiners not available |Extension GL_NV_register_combiners2 not available |Extension GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 not available |Extension GL_NV_texture_shader not available |Extension GL_NV_vertex_program not available |Extension GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 not available |Extension GL_NV_occlusion_query not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_paletted_texture |Extension GL_ATI_separate_stencil not available |Extension GL_EXT_texture_rectangle not available |Extension GL_ARB_depth_texture not available |Extension GL_ARB_shadow not available |Extension GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap not available |Extension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object not available ?ERROR: The Vision engine requires support for the ARB_multitexture extension! Please make sure you have the latest video drivers installed for your 3D card. |Extension GL_ARB_shader_objects not available |Vertex Buffer Object extension not found - disabling fast geometry memory! !WARNING: global listener object is still registered! Unregister listener before destroying object! Do I have to update my video card?
  19. congratulations my friend, you spelled Vatican wrong but you still win. This is actually the Vatican fire department. Random fact. It is recognized as the worlds smallest country, however isn't place on any map because of it's size(less the a sq mile!)
  20. TURKEY!!!! yay i got it city or country is good
  21. here is the link http://lh6.ggpht.com/_DdGt45sAiLA/RuZp5c_2...E/andorra+2.jpg
  22. you are retarded it is tunisia sorry about the next one, but it is going to be impossible, i have to get him back
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