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Everything posted by MCERT1

  1. Just about right... I'm looking for the bigger organization that that department is from.. Since I don't know which station it's from
  2. It is Austrailian...Now we need the Department And it does have to do with brushfires. * on a side note, I have to go play in pep band for a football game, so I wont be around again till later * Well, I didn't get back from the E.R. until late last night....(the short and sweet version is that a fell about twelve feet down the bleachers and hit my head (which I still don't remember), then rolled another couple rows) So when I woke up every 3 hours I checked for an answer, and still none (except for mike)... So do you need a hint?
  3. Not Canada, It's from a different continent/country
  4. Here's another one, and not so easy as the last. Give me the Country and the Department *This isn't an American vehicle*
  5. Kennedy Space Center is correct I figured if people had seen it before, they might recognize special scba systems in the second photo. So, you're up.
  6. This should be fairly easy... Just Give me the Department
  7. It's from Brandweer Noordwijk. Sorry I didn't post earlier but I didn't have the time to cruise any of the good websites I knew until a few hours ago. Off Topic: I hate final exams/papers
  8. U.S. Capitol Police Swat vehicle
  9. @ NewFoundking, yep you can add them just take the steps you take to add a new vehicle. When you look at the text files, you'll need to edit them for the vehicles you want to carry new personnel as well as create their own unique ones, and also create some info texts for them.
  10. I'll accept that. It is BC 101 from the City of Worthington Ohio, home of hazmat 101.
  11. I think in general it's just because horses are a traditional and still very effective means of crowd control. As a hobby I'm a Civil War reenactor, and I'll tell you a line of mounted men coming at you at any speed is pretty terrifying. Plus the horses are specially trained, they won't panic and can deal with tight places, which means you can create a solid and immovable wall. So , I think it really is more just the fact that people still have that subconscious reaction to get out of the way of the horse...So it makes a good tool of intimidation, also horses are less likely to cause injury than a water cannon as they simply move a person aside not knock them off of their feet. The horses also have a lot of tradition behind them in most departments. The Pennsylvania State Police when formed were an exclusively mounted police force. Their numbers were small so they focused heavily and commanding a presence. Their uniforms and horse were all black, and I believe there was also a height requirement for the horse and officer. They earned the nickname of "The Black Hussars" from Hungarian immigrants. There also accounts of one or two officers breaking up large riots of 40-100 people. I think the largest amount officers used at any early mine strike or riot was no more than 20 officers on horse back, and they managed to disperse and control crowds into the 1,000's. In terms of the mics, since you are potentially being used in riot situations you'd want it to be where it couldn't be ripped off.
  12. Nope not from CA. * Hint* It's from East of The Mississippi
  13. Nope, Neither Chicago or Dallas....It's also not from either state. And I'll Repost is as per Ami's request
  14. Mobile Life Support Services and New York State Police Lifeguard 18 I knew the paint scheme then looked for NYSP helicopters I assumed it was a medevac copter from what I found on line and then looked at Orange County. Then I went back and found this page http://home.comcast.net/~benandchrisie/medhelos.htm
  15. Maybe the City of Surrey? or Brampton Fire and Rescue from Ontario? *off topic @ NewFoundking : Is there a reason why units at some fire departments are yellow while others are red, or is it just due to their age?
  16. WHY?...WHY MUST I HAVE SO MUCH COURSEWORK? But in all seriousness, you are amazing Hoppah... and the second that I get done with my assignments I'll be playing for 48 hours straight.
  17. That's not the right patch for Washington... and that style of architecture is seen in most government buildings and the capital isn't that tall from any perspective.
  18. That's wierd, that wasn't the photo I linked but you did get it so...you win. Just wait till I post the right one...
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