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Everything posted by matte31

  1. Looks good But will GIPN or GIGN be in this mod? Would be cool hehe..
  2. I guess those works http://pages.herdecke-modifikation.de/wegberg-beta/index.php
  3. Ah okok! I thought that the home guard made those jobs but i may be wrong Anyway thanks for the answer!
  4. Why are german police cars different colors?? Im to lazy to google it lol..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kris


      no that are the locals.

    3. matte31


      On wikipedia it says that the blue are federal? ;)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Police_(Germany)

    4. Mr_Kaizer


      The individual states decide the color of their cars. Some have switched to blue, some have not.

  5. He used a ruger 14 mini as primary and some kind of Glock as secondary.
  6. Is the forum always going to be like this?? I liked the way it was before :D :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. aitor


      The other was also fast, I haven't notice of the fast speed.

    3. Stan


      There is a huge noticable speed change from my side. As well for the public part as the ACP part. Anyways: Wat is so bad about this?

    4. matte31


      Well nothing is really bad about it. I guess it is because I have not got used to it yet.

  7. Nice to see that you're back in business EmC-Unit This is going to be good like your other mods!
  8. On the first picture the police woman points a gun at the suspect
  9. Why does the coroner cars have crosses on the roof?
  10. Have an english translation below your spanish please!
  11. Yeeah Purpose,city,country,company. EDIT: since no one have guessed they can take the next turn. I dont have time to check if someone have answered or not..
  12. agency = Policia Autonomica Vasca. community = Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa y Álava ( provinces ) country = basque source = http://policedepartament.wordpress.com/2007/08/10/hello-world/
  13. Can anyone find some icelandic fire/ambulance/police sirens for me? :P

    1. RedHawk504


      You can create them yourselfs, i made a tutorial how you can but it still needs to be accepted by the staff of emp...

    2. matte31


      could you link/pm me for it :P ?

    3. matte31
  14. Moscow, Russia. http://www.gearfuse.com/this-fire-truck-can-really-haul-ass/
  15. Hey, i downloaded and reskinned this vehicle http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=337 , now the whole model is white in the editor, what is wrong? :P

  16. Anyone can take my turn, working on my mod right now
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