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Everything posted by itchboy

  1. Screenshots? I'd like to see how my mod blends into others.
  2. Yes. Will continue adding things here. Just not for the time being. Going to take a break with Zmod. Script mods next. Thank you.
  3. Download link now up! http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/571-american-civil-car-replacement-pack/ Thanks to Newfoundking for approving files! Now how do I edit the topic title to Released?
  4. Good that it worked for you. Enjoy your first taste of mods from this site and beyond. May they give you great game experiences and memories.
  5. Yes I was....It was the only thing I could think of when I was making the Range Rover. Maybe I should take the time to include motorcycles into this mod.
  6. Yes. Prototypes replace existing civil cars. Models arranged according to car company.
  7. Version 1.3.2


    This is a set of American themed vehicles that will replace the vanilla civillian cars, vans and trucks in Emergency 4. These vehicles are recommended to be used in conjunction with North American style mods for best appearance. June 1 2014 Now updated to version 1.1 June 13 2014 Version 1.2 Physics Fix Van addon available for download June 16, 2014 Version 1.2.1 Fixed my stupidity - fixed the cars I missed in the last update Fixed the balloons in the freeplay map. Thanks to gunswat for reporting it! July 20, 2014 Version 1.3 Truck addon available for download Improved Ford F350 models and skins Dodge Ram 3500 now replaces civil truck 07 Fixed collisions on a few wrecked cars August 10 2014 Version 1.3.1 Added in Chevrolet Suburban and Tahoe Improved physics on a few vehicles Improved Ford E350 model
  8. I think the winner car is a silverado with a cover on the back. thats why it looks like an suv
  9. For most of my screenshots, I use either vanilla campaign or freeplay map
  10. Last one done. Scratch made. Now to test and upload.
  11. That would be a really good idea to have separate forums for completed and WIP mods. That way, we could sort whats done and what isn't. Personally, the tagging system on the mods forum should be improved. Color coding perhaps. WIP is yellow, Released is green and Stopped is red.
  12. Now if I only had that many minions to finish the last car..
  13. Second to last Scratch made. Couldnt find suitable model to convert. Regarding the license plates idea of Dyson, I have already put a license plate model and texture to every single car. It would be too inconvinient to have to remove them and then put them back later on the car as a child. Besides this, it would take time. As of now, the "base" mod is nearing completion and I want to get it out as soon as possible.
  14. What would be the allowed duration? 2 days? A week?
  15. Its allowed to post consecutive posts as long as its a day apart right? Two down. Both from DSF
  16. Shameless self - plug Caprice or Explorer....both if possible. Variety is good. Perhaps borrow random spawn script from NYC Mod?
  17. From what it I can see, the polygons have lost their mapping. Check the materials of those polygons in Zmod. They may have been reset to default material. Besides this, check the mapping too for it may have been lost.
  18. Faith restored in an electro magnetic pulse? I don't get it.. EDIT: Oh..this site's initials...
  19. One car less. Originally a CVPI from Driver SF
  20. I still have to replace the last 7 civil cars, then I will release them. After this, I plan on releasing addon packs such as the wrecked versions of some of the cars.
  21. I see you've made the tow truck using the F350 I gave you. It looks good. The animation looks great too.
  22. Honda Civic from FM4 converted to sedan 7 more cars to go...
  23. Version 1.3


    Dodge Car Pack. Its finally out. Enjoy! Models have interiors, doors and have been pre-configured for ease of installation. Contains the following vehicles: Dodge Charger 2013 Dodge Durango SSV Dodge Ram SSV Dodge Ram 5500
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