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Posts posted by itchboy

  1. And here I thought it just wasn't intended to be on the Battalion model, which I copied as an EMS placeholder until you release that one (and the reason for my comment).

    Oh okay then. I see. I like the way you worded it.

    I've uploaded the new Coroner's van. You can finally have something new to play with. That and the release of those lightbars which are awaiting mod approval.

  2. Bump for a small update.


    Battalion 6 got its new Suburban in, along with EMS 6's new rig (though the shop had the usual lightbar and a roof rack on backorder, but Head Mechanic itchboy will have it sorted out sometime soon).

    LAPD Bomb Squad also switched back to a Tahoe.



    Oh shit. The roof rack wasn't included in the file I provided.....will fix it ASAP. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. Bama would you be able to answer a couple of questions for me, just a simple yes/no answer will do lol?

    1) have you implemented the multiply siren buttons like other mods have?

    2) will vehicles have the speed controls like the Manhattan/Brooklyn mods have?

    Because I never liked them features (no offence to the people who made them) but they clogged up the UI and where a pain in the arse to have to change everytime.

    I can answer these questions:

    • Multiple sirens have been considered but I have not implemented them yet.


    • Speed commands are automatic. Vehicles spawned on map will only travel at normal speeds until their sirens are enabled. Vehicles will only move at high speed when their sirens are on. Player can force vehicles to go at high speed by pressing left or right control key with the MoveTo command.


    • Vehicles travelling to station or off map in freeplay will travel at normal speeds automatically. This actually helps with parking somewhat (although I cannot prove this)


    • GoHome command will not be changed though because this affects ambulances going off map. I might figure a workaround for it.


    • Off map vehicles coming onto the map will be going fast by defualt. I would like to enforce a speed limiter on some vehicles though such as tow trucks, cranes and in fact, all TEC and non emergency vehicles actually.


    • Now since the speeds are automatic, they dont clutter up the UI. Everyone wins.

    What I say here isn't final or guaranteed. At the end of the day, it is up to bama to decide.

  4. Whilst I agree and so do they themselves agree that the modding community added to the game in leaps and bounds, if It wasn't for "Ralph Stock and team" you or I or anyone at all would have a game to be able to do this in the first place - once again getting that feeling your just flipping 16t off, they're giving you this opportunity, the LA mod wouldn't even be a thing without Emergency 4/3/2/1.


    Will Emergency 5 live up to the expectations a few mods show in EM4 today? no, probably not, that is not because Emergency 5 is a bad game, that's because the mods go into depths that the team at 16t wouldn't be able to do without focusing their sale base too much. They've said we'll be able to mod Emergency 5 more and easier then any other Emergency game before; with the improved editor, an SDK, and with the new graphics engine and accompanying shadows and lighting effects giving an extremely improved visual immersion experience.


    If it wasn't for 16t all of this wouldn't be possible at all, and people saying "graphics isn't everything" whilst I agree, it is still important to improve on previous games, having a better graphics engine allows for a more visually pleasing experience, in my opinion people started creating units way too high quality for Emergency 4, like putting a car from GTA V into San Andreas, it just graphically looks horrifically out of place and way too good graphically for the game it was put on. 


    At least with Emergency 5 we WILL have amazing looking vehicles, personnel, equipment that all visually fit snug with the base game, as if they were made for the base game itself. 


    I guess It's just annoying that 16t gets a lot of flack for things that the modding community already do, and have more time and less pressure to do. They're giving us a game that so far by information stated, videos witnessed, images seen is stunning, and I know people and going to love one way or another.


    Also, yes, working on the assumption that something isn't going to be great means that you can never be disappointed, I guess I personally just don't look at life that way, whether I get scolded or rewarded is I guess a part of looking at life the way I do... 

    You got a point, but you have to remember that nobody here explicitly stated that EM5 would be a steaming pile of shit.

    We all have our hopes for the game. Some of us are just trying to play it safe with EM5.

  5. Love it, man! Keep up the good work! :)

    Thank you.

    Just a quick reskin job. No lights yet.

    Can anyone help me identify the lightbar on the LAFD EMS Suburban?

    And something else even more WIP. Still needs an interior and some doors.

    I also need the lightbar for this one as well. This will be the new Ram 5500 model coming out in the Civil Car Pack.

    Lightbars found by RCMPDude1337 and freakinfuzzball. Screenshots at posts #154 and #157

  6. This looks very awesome. Very curious to see what the FT Software guys can do for LA. It would be cool if they could employ ERS Berlin style gameplay into LA Mod.

    Also, I notice the Fedex truck appears to be the GTA IV Boxville and the delivery van is the GTAIV Steed. Nice conversions.

  7. I have  to agree with Itchboy, but also because it looks alot promising, but not erveyone has that computer, you will need a brand new superstrong game pc. Not everyone has that. (Almost nobody)

    Yeah thats something I forgot to take note of. Thats one of the points of the EM5 debate. All of that aweseomenes doesn't just cost the game, but for a lot of us, a whole new PC, myself included.

  8. Are you referring to the posts in the RCMP topic?

    In that case, we are just going on the belief of assuming the minimum and going from there. If it proves itself to be good beyond all of the publisher/developer statements, then we can say that it is good. But PR is PR and any developer (any business actually) would obviously only say positive things about a product they are about to release in order to build interest and make people buy their product.

    I personally wont pass judgement on the game until I personally get to play with it. A lot seems promising though.

    And the model thing isnt really an issue. Nobody here would bother recreating EM4 in EM5. Why not just stay in EM4 then?
    If you mean you don't want any EM4 models being ported over to EM5, then don't expect any new models to come out immediately after release.

  9. To move the child vertically, hold ALT key when moving. To rotate, click the right mouse button. Scroll wheel is zoom and to make the child "snap" to the vehicle, tick the "Snap to Objects" box. This should help you get it centered. It wont be exact, but from above it would look sufficient.

    If you are using any of cops' lightbars, they have already been centered so it is only a matter of you adjusting its height and position on the roof of desired vehicle.

    As a guide, you may draw a line on the exact center of the vehicle. You can do this by modifying the texture provided with the vehicle.

    If you want 100% precision with that, you would have to attach the lightbar in Zmodeler2. This is a 3D model editing program that allows you to make/modify EM4 models. There are tutorials on how to do this.

  10. Will it be upside down?

    It wont be. I purposely modified its axis and rotation so that it appears straight when fired, but pointing in the right direction when the unit runs/walks.

    This was achieved via script that checks whenever moveto command is executed and replaces the taser model on the person.

    Probably going to need permission from the original authors due to the number of changes in the taser script.

  11. Howdy, people!


    I got some kind of a problem.


    When ever, i play freeplay-mode, with any kind of modifications. It'l be like, everytime i get a cross a building and got a vehicle placed on the road, it turns green through the building, so i actually kinda still can see the vehicle through the building, which is kinda annoying.


    Well, then there is the worst problem.


    Everytime i turn on the sirens, it won't play it in a 3D area zone.


    Example, i can't hear the siren, if i look at the back of the vehicle. But its easily to hear when i look in the front of it, and time to time, i can't hear it on the sides either.


    This has never been a problem before.


    Hope there is some kind of a clever-head to help me out of this. ;-)


    Best Regards.

    For the green vehicle, go to your em4.cfg and go to this line:

    <var name="e4_doocclusion" value="1" />

    Change 1 to 0

    For the sounds, I am unsure of the solution or the cause. Must be an issue with your hardware.

  12. I got this from a fellow member of NYCERU, he gave me full permissions for the video and the post. This is an as of yet Unnamed mod and have involved a few people in the dev of it. The Volunteer script is great and I do believe it is from a mod that was very anticipated but was put on hold.... and there is also a very cool feature that you didn't get to see yet but you will. Thanks for the feedback, you can expect some more videos soon. He said that he will reply in a few.

    Thank you. Its great that many new and improved mods are coming out as of lately. Giving EM4 one last breath of life before EM5 comes.

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