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Everything posted by itchboy

  1. That shouldn't happen. I am running @ 240 and it gets boring quite often. I don't know why its still like that.
  2. Go to this file: fp_params_endless.xml. Open it. Go to the line MinDurationBetweenEvents value = Change that value from whatever it is to 180-240
  3. I could script this in, but not for the patch probably. This is gonna be a long term thing. As for the sounds, as I said, give me a sound that real volunteer fire departments use. This tone will be scripted into the automatic call command on the battalion chief. The individual call volunteer command will have no sound attached to it because there isn't a way to create a timer in a command script. The limitation in the volunteer script is that the automatic dispatch is dependent on the number of passengers. The script does not ATM support variable numbers of passengers to trigger the dispatch script unfortunately.
  4. That's why the control panel calls one at a time so that the player can choose how many one wants. OR people could try using the battalion chief call script that calls the exact amount necessary for each vehicle.
  5. Hoppah didn't make the engine to engine connection possible. I have been looking into this feature, but have come to a dead end due to my lack of scripting knowledge. Only Hoppah himself could rewrite the code to allow engine to engine connections. It isn't just a matter of editing the attachfirehose script to allow player to connect to another engine (from one) but one needs to edit the WaterSupplyFreeplay script. And that is quite hard due to all the algorithms and calculations done by it. Even though its simply multiplication and a lot of integral division to get the value of the water in the tank, one would also need to work out all the necessary conditions required to allow engine to engine connections. It isn't easy. It can be done though.
  6. I think its possible with the Audio::PlaySound() function. Bma's volunteer script does have a sound. Bama's instructions when I wrote the volunteer script were to not have a sound played. I can write it in though. Just give me a sound to use.
  7. Interesting changeup.....in an alternate universe where the MPFD didn't exist. Hopefully you got it scripted with all the other game functions besides station spawning and parking detection.
  8. You actually can. All you need to do is define various water levels in the script, then set conditions for them below so that certain specific vehicles use these defined water levels.
  9. Sweet Jesus. It looks beautiful. I am so glad I could help make this picture possible. And no one's noticed the 2010 Ford Explorer model yet.. I would recommend adding some equipment to the Suburban like a rambar and some antennas to make it look like something the US Government would use.
  10. Yeah, most are. But I'll try to modify the vanilla buildings if I can. And thank bama for the buildings, not me. He paid for them.
  11. Note that only the new Montana buildings will have these kinds of fires. The vanilla EM4 buildings won't.
  12. I support your initiative to fix bugs while we work on the patch. I recommend people to here before the patch is released.
  13. A question to you guys. How would you like building fires to be? Original EM4 with visible flames all throughout with heavy smoke and flames appearing later OR Smoke coming out of every opening of the building, and the flames only appear later.
  14. Those are callable in the patch. The dispatcher can call 3 police helicopters, one EMS helicopter and 2 US Army helicopters.
  15. You're welcome. Just trying to help a fellow modder. Have a happy new year.
  16. The autosave function saves the map. Ever notice that every few minutes the editor will freeze for a bit? That is the editor saving a file called autosave.e4m into the maps folder. Any prototype or edit can be saved regardless of autosave being ticked or not. I did most of the lights in my police upgrade mod without autosave enabled.
  17. Most mods crash the second time for me. Only the LA Mod and the NYC Mod (by MikeyPI) don't. Probably because their filesize is under 300mb.
  18. This is why I think this is the best EM4 modding website here. Sending you a PM now.
  19. That only saves the map. Not the lights or any edits to the prototype. You must press OK at the main prototype editor window, and not just the light editor window. You can't press escape key or you will lose everything. I experienced this when I was lighting a unit for my police upgrade mod.
  20. Dyson actually asked me to model one of these...but I am still helping in Monida Pass. When I am free, I will be sure to fly to New York so I can help the mod team with this.
  21. Somewhere in CheckPossible and CheckTarget Or you could wait for the patch of this mod.
  22. Hmm....we have similar experiences. Other mods also give me lag when selecting certain units. Is it because they are based off LA Mod (which also gives me lag)? Just a little feature that EM4 mods need more of: Reflective stripes that actually reflect ingame. You wont lose your units at night anymore.
  23. This happens in LA Mod for me too. I wonder if it has something to do with the freeplay cleanup function in EM4 (not the mods)
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