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Everything posted by THVFD

  1. Idk if this has been said but in multiplayer it crashes when we get the first callout sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 mini
  2. two updates in one day got these done before my BOF got done downloading this is the mutail aid engine 1 it is a mack that has gone through a refurb to make it all LED
  3. Yes absolutely amazing glad it was released Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  4. i would love to do that but i dont like using decals and i dont have the woods editable map texture to do so
  5. Everyone excited for the brooklyn mod bc i am but while waiting i decided to script out Station 2 i found a great station model by RD_Saarland i edited it to remove the roof and added ceilings to the walls and the side room(no its not accesable bc no door in the bay area) and now we the rest of the stations are going to be this model other than station 1
  6. Looking good Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  7. Vary nice model cops I love it but for the skin yea what fred said Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  8. Are you using la mod if so if you havent changed any scripts you need the cannonSent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  9. run teamspeak3 as admininstraitor and that should fix your problem
  10. i do have a crew cab kenworth chasis engine and i can also whip up a kenworth tanker
  11. Hi there me again ive got the fire engines set to have the hoses hook up to the engine with the hose connections with pump1-4 and the engine is set up and specified on the attachfirehose script but when i'm in game it wont let me hook up to the fire engine or it will let me hook up but when i send a ff to hook up the connections disappear and i've asked mikeypi about this several times and i've tried everything he said but that didnt work so its time to come to the people of the forum and there is no limited water supply video below of the current engine that i have set up if anyone can help me with this problem it would be grately appracated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isE7048aEPM
  12. quick update merritt long did a model update on the tanker and i love and so does he video of lights below sorry about the music its what i listin to while modding i do not own any credits of it it was on an internet radio
  13. on the first page your first post there is an edit button in the top right coner i do belive
  14. You load the map texture in a program like photoshop, gimp, or paint.net Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  15. There is gonna be several different stations [emoji4] Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  16. best news so far guys i've started to mess around with the scripts heres the first in game picture with working stations
  17. For the first one the victim is under the plane you have to pick up the plane with a tow and for the other two idkSent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  18. I make and run the mod on an intel and no lag and idk how to do the otjer thingSent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  19. Anytime Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  20. Yea you need the hose connections and cannon use one of the la engines as a refrence and that should help Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  21. I belive that is your problem that was mine with engine 1 for river falls Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  22. have you named the cannon as cannon and have you named the hose connections 1-4
  23. Amazing ive fell in love with the chicago fire modSent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
  24. Model shall be in river falls just gonna have a different lightbarSent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
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