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Everything posted by THVFD

  1. might i ask what the texture is i've not seen it
  2. the lights you have to play with the R G B down at the bottem of the edit lights and you have to change the corona and to unlock the .dds files you have to load LA mod in the editor and then go back to the modifications tab in the top and go to unpack file and unpack the files
  3. i'm wanting to change the map floor so that it is not the woods map
  4. so my best bet would be to leave it as downloaded and import it into the editor as the map floor
  5. i downloaded the orignal file from the downloads section and all i did was changed the dimentions of it then imported it into the editor
  6. answer to number one yes i've got the paths spawn points virtual objects and a few other things and two its 8192x8192
  7. bc i took one of the campain map floors and changed the size to maximum and then imported it into the editor as a .tga i've been going by this tutorial http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/356-emergency-4-map-textures/
  8. i imported the file as a .tga
  9. i am trying to set the hacker causes total blackout map floor in freeplay i get it in add the streets and everything but when i go to look at it in freeplay it causes me to crash to desktop
  10. THVFD

    Help with quint

    as of right now it wont be working i put it in as a ladder and sorry about the wrong posting area still new here and its the quint from helljumpers model pack and all i can tell you is i've put all the children together and when ever i go into a misson to spawn it my game crashes as i click on the unit icon
  11. THVFD

    Help with quint

    i am trying to put a quint in my private mod and every time i go to spawn it on map my game crashes dose anyone know what would be causing the game to crash
  12. hey cam it's TH from squad 55 do you by any chance have a nice brush truck i can use
  13. all i can say is cant wait for it looks awesome
  14. i love the mod cant wait for it it reminds me of my department
  15. Stillwater FD Engine 1 1993 E-One Stillwater FD Rescue 1 2014 Stuphen Rescue Engine
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