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Everything posted by EM4life

  1. Thank you Xplorer... And also, is the only uploaded part, part 1? Occram, maybe you could attach the link to the first post? It looks really bad when it says the mod's out and I can't even find the link ...
  2. The title says "Download now!" But, where's the link? My bad if it's hidden or something...
  3. I was wondering, because I was watching some of your old vids (specificly the engine response), will the rotating lights stay that way or will they be like the PRL lights? I personally like the small red lights inside the bulb itself that look like a rotator and then a larger flash red light is added. Here's what I'm asking about... BTW: This video wasn't made by the NY mod team, but it's still really awsome!
  4. This is the wrong spot to post this...you'd probably want to post in the support section, not in the EM5 section... I'm sure a modderator will come along and move this thread...
  5. Well there's not a whole lot else to talk about... ...we could talk about pie... ...but that's off topic...
  6. If those guys go out on 30 calls a night, then they must make big bucks...
  7. That is exactly what this mod needs, I want to actually choose what I use in-game, from air horns and a rumbler, to yelps and wails. That would be great. (Personaly, I can wait a few updates after the orinall release if this isn't already in the mod, I can't wait any more than I have to already! )
  8. I can help you with this one, They said they will have different maps (Queens, Manhatton, Bronx, ect.), So let's say you're playing in The Bronx and you want to call a unit from Queens or Manhatton or where ever, well, depending on the length of the trip, they will take longer or shorter to arrive. They could, however, add additional units to the map your playing in perticular.
  9. Well, EM2012 comes out in October so...
  10. If you want to edit lights go into the editor and select an object and click "edit", then go to lights, and there you go. Edit the lights the way you want. As for skins, you're probably going to need a tutorial for that. I unfortunatly couldn't find one but just search for skin tutorials or in the fourms. (btw: Xplorer probably has some good links)
  11. One word answer: Editor. And also, you might try to not quadripple and double post when there's an edit button. Just try to use it...
  12. It seems to be the exact same script as the one Xplorer made above you...though it may have the right changes, so I will try it out. *2 minutes later*...Wow, you got it! It spawns a paramedic and a paramedic stretcher, thanks for the help.
  13. Anyone else care to help?
  14. A bit back I was saying that my LA Mod loads in 20 seconds but I forgot to show my specs: I have an ASUS running Windows7 Home Premium 64-bit. Processor: Intel Core i5, Quad Core, 650 @ 3.20GHz Graphics: nVidia GeForce 200 GT Series RAM: 8 GB
  15. Ok, sorry if it's obvious but, what?
  16. I think a great pic like this needs a bump!
  17. You guys thought I was actually banned? Wow...anyways, btt, will the BC be parked out in front like in a driveway or something? That's where they seem to be alot.
  18. Wait a minute, I'm reading it and I'm not bann... *Banned* *Reason for ban; you looked at my sig. -Francis*
  19. Whoa, a while? What computer are you using? Mine takes about 20 seconds to load.
  20. Asking for release dates violates the ToS, and Francis is gonna have your head for asking...
  21. It was either 20-30 or so pages or on the old topic...probably not 2-4 pages...
  22. Found a new one! (I think) On the garage door of Mike's Pawn Show, there is a white graffitti tag on it, it reads "Hoppah".
  23. Oh ya, forgot about that one... EDIT: Xplorer, if you get a chance, could I get an update on my LA FS Scripts?
  24. I would like to know all of the easter eggs on the map, I've searched and want to know all of them. These are the ones I currently know... 1. The BC is named Mike 2. The tags of many fourm members in the LA river: a.Hoppah b.Mike c.Voodoo d.EM-P site e.ect... 3. The guy (MikeyPi) at the liquor store, sets his car on fire... 4. The guy working the crappy car... There are probably more so I thought I'd ask for the rest...
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