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Everything posted by EM4life

  1. Maybe that'd make a good optional setting but I'd hate to have to CPR on every victim if there was a massive explosion with like 15 injured... And, yes, it is 30:2.
  2. I see...you are the one waiting on this file correct?
  3. Well...it looks very easy to get this train rolling again...wonder what's holding it up...
  4. Guys...it's not done yet...that's why I asked "Did anyone finish it up yet?". It was in the progress of being made/released.
  5. I'd never pay for something like rapidshare or mega upload. I can wait 45 seconds. What do I need the AUS for anyways? The reason I need it... EDIT: DL'd the stand alone version but the version above it sends me to a pic of a PD car...
  6. Has this thing died again? Did anyone finish it up yet?
  7. You just deleted all your work? Why? All I really wanted was a LAPD CVPI with a MX7000 lightbar...Does anyone else have these files?
  8. Hey Danny, if you've still got the files, I'd like a copy, as I never was able to DL this mod. If not, that's alright...
  9. Tim or Tut, will we be seeing anymore lights for vehicles or is the rest a suprise?
  10. Awsome lights. I'm pleased that you used poly's for all of the lights. Let me know if you need any help with any lights for any vehicle. That's just about all I'm good at, lol...
  11. Which ladders are you talking about? The ladder trucks will have workable ladders if are the ones you mean.
  12. Oh, well when you add it into the middle of a quote I'm never going to see it...thanx for telling me...
  13. I don't really read the anouncements. I'm sorry but I could care less about them... I understand, but when you add things like "sheesh" and "sit back and let him do his thing" you sound like you're always right and I'm always wrong. You're a good person and you tell it like it is but you make it seem like you always have to be a step ahead. Personally, I'm done with this. I'm in no mood to explain myself over the internet. I'm applying this very simple motivational saying to this post;
  14. I know Xplorer...we all saw...
  15. I'm saying that he should do anything. Personally, I have no real problems with it, but it's my personal oppinion to say something when something doesn't seem right...He can do what ever he wants, he could put a link, link to the original post or, heck, even not upload his mod. I really don't care. The thing is, is that his mod is good and deserves to be uploaded. Well, that's my bad. I didn't know that the link was "removed" when the fourms where upgraded. If someone said something, things may have been different. And Xplorer, everything I say on the fourms is an oppinion so don't take it so serously. Unless it's an actual fact, there's no need to bicker over it. Don't get all worked up over nothing. This is the Internet, it doesn't matter.
  16. I know, but when he does it would be better to just update the first post... He did with Version 1...
  17. Thank you for adding a DL link to the first post. Instead of posting; "Hey guys, just finished part 2, DL now! "LINK"" Put the link on the first post and post; "Hey guys, just finished part 2, check the first post!"
  18. Oh, lol, I meant to say; LA mod 2.0 and patch 2. But you get the picture, that problem's done with anyways...
  19. Ok, I changed them to "em vehicle 03" and it works, I just can't bring up a menu for the tiller. It's ok...it's just meant to be a ladder anyways... Thank you for your help.
  20. Oh, ok...so there's not much of a way for you to send me a good version then huh...? BTW: I changed both the tiller and it's installed counter part to "emergency vehicle 03" or something... hope it helps...
  21. I understand there are many patches that fix the tiller and it's explosion issue but I apparently make an exception. I recently noticed my tiller exploding when it get's near a fire... not like 5 feet close, I mean like two lanes of traffic close. Now don't tell me to, "Go download the patch, it fixes the ploblem, case closed" because I'm running 2.0.3 so I've got the latest patch. I just want a script from someone who's tiller doesn't explode, or someone to point out the line to edit in which script to fix the problem. Thank you for you time...
  22. Kewl, can you tell me what the new light will be like?
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